Published at 24th of June 2024 06:28:15 AM

Chapter 262

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Today, pantos's defenders are mostly divided into several components.

Some were former pantos garrison soldiers who had heard that all the governors had been burned and surrendered on their knees.

The other part is the mercenaries who once blew the regiment.

The mercenaries of the wind blowing regiment have good personal combat effectiveness, but their discipline is still very poor.

Even after Jon's practice, time is not enough to get rid of his bad habits.

Most of the soldiers of the former garrison were like this. They were all soldiers and could take a card. They couldn't give full play to their strong combat effectiveness in real war.

In addition, because the war was approaching, pantos temporarily hired many mercenaries and wandering knights.

The combined combat effectiveness of these people is really "elite", bringing together Wolong chicks from all sides.

If you really take these people out of the city wall and rush out to hunt down the doslaks... I'm afraid it's really meat buns beating dogs. There will be no return.

"Your Majesty, we just need to stick to the wall to stop the doslaks."

"There's no need to go out and take the risk."

Jon Clinton hastened to dissuade wesselis from this bold idea.

Although the dragon has a strong deterrent, the main body of the war is still the army and soldiers. The dragon is only a heavyweight weight that affects the outcome of the war.

On this point, they also roared in unison from Jon.

Obviously, the andar people on the andas plain have a fanatical belief in the seven gods.

This belief is also the driving force for their tenacious resistance to the attack of the doslaks.


This is the land of andar in doslak.

Ride on the tallest war horse in the distance.

Zhekokao, king of doslak, took out the yarac machete at his waist, pointed the tip of the machete to the soul castle in the distance, and roared angrily.

"Kill them all!"

"Tear down their stone houses! Take their wealth! Rape their women!"

Behind the soul castle is the rich and peaceful andas plain.

The holy seven gods once came to this land to crown the andar king.


The endless doslaks sounded the horn of siege, drove away the captured refugees and drove them under the castle.

"Commander in chief, what should we do?"

And on the head of the black castle.

The soldiers of the first Corps saw this, felt some scalp numb, and then turned to look at their commander.

These refugees will impact the horse pits, trenches and wooden horses they have arranged in advance.

Bessie's eyes under the mask narrowed slightly and took a deep breath.

"Tell them to stop and hide under the wall."

"What if they don't listen?"

The soldier asked.

Bessie looked at the soldier and didn't speak.

Then he refused the guard's help and walked up the tower.


Then time passed in a hurry.


The siege of the first day is over.

The doslaks left bodies everywhere and slowly retreated like a tide.

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