Published at 24th of June 2024 06:28:10 AM

Chapter 266

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"The horn of winter... Also known as' jorman's horn ', is a legendary magic item."

"There are several legends about his provenance, but the most believable thing is that it was left by Brandon, the builder. According to the chronicle of the night watchman..."

Then the white haired bachelor Yimeng explained with a trembling mouth.

It details the records of the horn of winter. Qiaoman, the king of beyond the Great Wall, once found and sounded this legendary magic item a thousand years ago.

But after his death, the magic item also disappeared.

Until now, a thousand years later, Mans Reid, the new king outside the Great Wall, claims that he has also found the horn of winter.

There are many ancient books stored in black castle to prove the existence of the horn of winter, so it is certain that it should exist.

It's just... It's doubtful whether mans Reid really found the horn of winter.

The tone of Mr. IMON's words fell, and some in the conference hall of black castle, including King Robert, the Duke of Winterfell, Stannis and so on, looked at each other.


Since the horn of winter really exists.

So... What if the king of the Great Wall is not lying?

He really found the horn of winter


The negotiation process between the savages and the coalition forces has become a little difficult.

And andalos on the other side of the sea.


Banners fluttered.

In red and black colors, soldiers wearing tangaryan's three dragon heraldry armor lined up in a column on the avenue, winding and stretching out a long distance, which was divided into rectangular arrays.

They are camped in the barren mountain camp in the ancient road leading to novos mountains east of andalos. The war horses of the tangorian family are actively running on the Bank of the upper Lorne river. The horseshoes raise the soil, and the man's black curly hair floats with the wind. His deep eyes narrowed slightly, squinting into the distance, and then strangled the war horses.

"Whoa --"

Oberon rode his horse on the hillside. The horse's hooves were measured in place for a few times, and then turned to the rear. The long army was moving forward slowly.

Then, following him, another knight in black armor and holding a double-edged axe came to Oberon.

"Prince Oberon."

The sun overhead is dazzling. Although it is winter, the sun on andas plain is still very full.

Oberon narrowed his eyes slightly, put up a canopy to cover the sun, and then turned his head to look at the black knight.

"Count Evan pass."

Oberon's eyes were deep, his eyes were calm and indifferent, with a sense of examination. He held the reins with one hand, raised his chin slightly and said.

"As I said, I should still be called the head of the army in the Legion, not my title."

Oberon has deeply implemented the military restructuring of wesselis. He is an active supporter of this policy. Oberon believes that the restructuring of wesselis is really good, which can effectively improve the combat effectiveness and enthusiasm of the army.

Because wesselis's military reform is not about heroes based on birth, he took the initiative to tear open a little, but he didn't pull it down completely.

In today's tangaryan army, as long as they make war achievements, any civilians, even soldiers from slave origin who serve in place of their masters, have the opportunity to get land or become knights.

Moreover, the rank of officials in the army is not based on rank.

As Prince Donne, Oberon has reached the peak of nobility. Everyone thought he would oppose this reform, but he was an active supporter of this reform.

Because with Oberon's smart mind, he understood the benefits of reform for the country.

If history has always been a rolling wheel, go down from one point, then turn around and return to the origin, and start again and again.

The emergence of wesselis made Oberon see the hope of breaking this wheel of history.

Therefore, a smart man like him will follow wesselis wholeheartedly and want to help him achieve this great goal.

"Sorry, my Lord."

When Earl Evan in black armor heard Oberon's words, there was a blush on his cheek under his helmet, and he quickly apologized.

Evan PAS was one of the first loina nobles to serve weseries. Because of the effect of buying bones with thousands of gold and Evan's bravery in battle, he received a rich town as a reward.

Because of the noble reform of the new dynasty, it is not very important to become an earl. The real difference between Evan pass and the other earls of the new dynasty is his military power.

Count Evan pass was the deputy commander of the second Legion and held great power.

However, wesselis originally hoped to install a confidant to check and balance Oberon's power. The dispute between the principal and the vice has always existed since ancient times.

However, wesselis did not expect that Evan PAS was not Oberon's opponent at all. He was subdued in two or three times.

Now the deputy commander of count pass is completely famous and powerless. He can't check and balance Oberon's power. Instead, he has become a tool man of the other party.

"Has logistics been arranged?"

Oberon had just ordered Evan pass to keep an eye on the rear wagons.

After all, the traveling baggage of the army is the most important thing. If the baggage is attacked, I'm afraid thousands of people will be in danger.

"It's arranged, commander."

Count Evan nodded quickly and agreed.

While the heads of the two legions on the ground were communicating, a dark shadow shrouded over their heads.


Then he spread his wings and flew away in the direction of the army.


Oberon looked up at the sky.

The huge shadow falling from the sky is of course a dragon, but the size of the dragon is far from that of bellerian, almost three times the size.

Bellerian now has a length of 178 meters, nearly 20 meters, while the dragon is only 67 meters in size.

He is like a little brother who hasn't grown up in front of bellerian, but he is still a rapidly growing behemoth for humans or war horses, almost changing day by day.


Reneth rode on the back of the green dragon regor and galloped in the blue sky.

Long brown hair fluttered in the wind, and there was no fear on a beautiful cheek, but showed excitement.

Rego has become a lot more clever since he was educated by bellerian.

In order to enable his niece to ride the Dragon smoothly and safely, Oberon appointed craftsmen to create a fitting with a high safety factor that can fix Renee.

Then reneth boarded the dragon for the first time. She wanted to follow her uncle on an expedition to untie the siege of the soul castle.

The geographical location of yinghunbao is extremely important. If it is lost, the andas plain behind it will be the open area of Yima plain.

Wesselis gave the city to her before leaving andalos, and reneth would never let it get hurt.

But just then.

Reneth, riding on regor's back, narrowed her beautiful eyes slightly. She seemed to suddenly see a black spot from a distance.


"What's that?"

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