Published at 24th of June 2024 06:28:06 AM

Chapter 269

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"Hold the formation!"

"Don't panic!"

In the face of the threatening doslaks, the soldiers at the front line are the elite of the Legion. However, at this time, even they feel nervous, their breathing becomes rapid, and they hold the weapons in their hands.

Among the countless soldiers, the army head, like the stars and the moon, still commanded calmly.

"Calm down!"

"The seven gods will bless us."

"Soldiers give us courage and strength."

His words made many frightened soldiers become more stable. Although faith is invisible, it also has great power in war, which can make soldiers facing desperate break out their last courage.

"Archer ready!"

Then Bessie raised her hand, and the palm of her steel glove reflected the metal light in the early morning sun.



The general, the captain of the Legion, rode his horse behind him and shouted loudly.

Tangaryan's Legion has one team for every 200 people, and one thousand people for every five teams. There are more grass-roots commanders below. The command system is perfect and the command of the commander is transmitted very quickly.

In front is a strong array of spears and shields, while in the rear is a dense array of archers.

They had no way back against the wall, but there was also no crisis. There was no need to worry that the doslaks would sneak around and attack the rear.

Therefore, tangaryan's army still occupied a favorable terrain, and the castle was located slightly higher in the battlefield.


All the archers heard the order, all opened their bows and arrows, opened their bowstrings, made a toothy sound, and aimed obliquely at the sky ahead.

Then a few seconds passed.


Ten thousand horses galloped, and the leading troops of the doslaks had entered the range of the tangaryan army's bow and arrow attack, and then gave an order.

"Let go!"

"Shoot an arrow!"

"Shoot an arrow!"

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom——

The bowstring made a sound, and a dark rain of arrows flew straight into the sky, and then fell from the highest position.

It was like a rainstorm falling, but the raindrops were all sharp metal arrows that hit the face of the doslaks.

Poop poop poop——

The sound of dense metal piercing flesh and blood soon fell down, and set off a flower of blood among the doslaks.

Countless doslaks who were riding on horseback shaking machetes fell down with arrows, and their bodies fell to the ground. Then they were driven by the people in the rear to trample their horses into meat mud, and their flesh and blood flew in an instant.


However, it is despairing that the doslaks do not change their face in the face of such casualties.

On the contrary, because of the stimulation of blood, their ferocity was stimulated, and they rushed over bravely and fearlessly.

"Keep the formation!"


"Keep the formation!"

Mill held the reins tightly in his hand and commanded loudly.

The attack of the bow and arrow did not stop the Dothraki from moving forward, and then there was a test for his soldiers.

As a general of the Legion, he had more than 1000 soldiers in his hands, but he didn't pick it up because his friend was the head of the army. Mill also participated in the war on the land under his feet.

At that time, he was still a captain. He led his brothers in arranging fortifications and made great contributions. In addition, in subsequent wars, he made several contributions in logistics supply scheduling and battle ready command, and finally became a general.


However, the pace of the doslak charge did not stop. After two rounds of volley, it had reached the front of the tangaryan army in the blink of an eye.

All the soldiers subconsciously held the spear in their hands, and the soldiers hiding behind the shield also tightened their muscles, trying to resist the coming impact.


Next second.

The doslak's war horse directly collided with the spear array of the tangaryan army. In an instant, the indestructible spear array shook and withstood great pressure.

On the other side of the doslak people, there were also people on their backs, the war horses gave a painful neighing, and the knocked down soldiers also gave a scream.


Countless soldiers with spears hid behind the shield, clutching their weapons and stabbed them out. They almost didn't need to see with their eyes. They just inserted and pulled them out, and then inserted and pulled them out.

Blood splashed in along the gap of the shield, and everyone's eyes were red.


"Kill all these bastards!"

However, not all parts of the military array have withstood the impact of this first wave.

The heavy body of the war horse charged with a strong impact directly hit the spear array, and some weak places were rushed open in an instant.

With the flaw, the power of the spear array dropped by more than one level, and in an instant, countless doslakers rushed into several places with flaws.


The shield array was broken, the soldiers were staggering, and the machetes of the doslaks reaped their lives mercilessly.


As a general, mill bit his teeth slightly when he saw this scene, and then pulled out a long sword from his waist.

"Hold on!"

"Keep the formation!"

Then he clapped his horse and rushed up, trying to stabilize the formation himself.

But not far away.

Sitting on a pure white war horse without a stray hair, the commander of the Legion, Bessie Joyce, pulled the reins, and his eyes under the mask were calmly looking at the chaotic battlefield in front of him.

The loophole is not just one.

Fearless of death, the doslaks have used their lives to break through blood roads in the military array, and the invincible front of tangaryan has begun to show some signs of collapse.

However, it is not his fault that not many troops can withstand the attack of the dothraks in the wild.

Although the army he led has firm faith, it is not an army that does not hesitate to commit suicide.

If he were given a few more years, perhaps he might bring out such a firm belief army.

But it's useless to say that.

Bessie looked up at the sky. It was cloudless in the morning. Only a few birds flew overhead.

"It's not time yet."

Then he withdrew his eyes and continued to look at the battlefield not far away, while the pro guard beside him was slightly nervous.

"Commander in chief!"

"It's too dangerous here. Please retreat back to the castle!"

Although the situation on the front line is now anxious and has not been defeated for the first time, it shows that the soldiers of the Legion are elite enough.

However, the Legion is weak, and the doslacks are still pouring in. After all, the number of the other side is more dominant.

But Bessie ignored the guard's words, but pondered again and played a card.

"Let the cavalry go up and flank the battlefield."

Now the doslaks have rushed in to attack the array head-on. Because of the trenches and walls on both sides, they can't go around to attack both sides of the array or have a back attack.

If so, I'm afraid these tangaryan troops will collapse faster and can only form a circular array to deal with it.

This is the inherent advantage of cavalry for infantry.

Now the tangaryan army is leaning against the city wall, which almost reproduces the conditions in the battle of three thousand warriors in kohor.

But the only difference is that the tangaryan army is not indestructible and dirt free.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!