Published at 24th of June 2024 06:35:39 AM

Chapter 27

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The crossbow shot from the darkness penetrated a guard's throat without hindrance.

The sharp point came out from the back of the guard's neck, flashing a cold light, and blood splashed on the wall.

The guard's eyes widened, and he didn't seem to think that death would come so suddenly.

"Ho ho ho ho --"

He wanted to say something, but the trachea was filled with blood and could only make an inexplicable sound. He reached out to pull out the crossbow and arrow inserted in his neck, but he lost all his strength before he touched it.


The body fell to the ground with its knees soft.

Wesselis was standing not far from the bodyguard. Because of the angle of view, his position could not be seen directly from that corner.

However, in fact, he was very close to the killed bodyguard. He even talked about something just now. The bodyguard still had a smile on his face.

But in an instant, the hot blood splashed on the silver haired boy's clean face.

All this happened so quickly and unexpectedly that wesselis and the other bodyguard didn't react. They just stood where they were and seemed stunned.

However, the only bodyguard still reacted faster than wesselis.

He seemed to see a pair of eyes with cruel light from the darkness.

"Enemy attack!"

Then the bodyguard suddenly pulled out his long sword from his waist, took it in one hand, just reacted, raised his hand and wiped the blood on his face.

"Your Highness, run away!"

The young bodyguard stood in front of wesselis and cut off the queen for the small king, and the silver haired boy with a bloody face didn't hesitate or refuse.

Turn around and run.


In the dark, the taut bowstring burst out again.

Another crossbow shot out of the darkness, and this time its target was wesselis, who finally appeared in his vision.

However, it is a pity that wesselis runs very fast. This crossbow is skewed. It is much more difficult to move the target than to fix the target.

The crossbow stuck to the boy's hair tip, took away a strand of silver gold hair, and then nailed it to the wall.


The debris and dust splashed, and the tail wing of the crossbow was still trembling slightly, which showed how powerful the arrow was.

"How close!"

Wesselis first felt a slight chill in his ear, followed by a hot pain.

At the moment, however, wesselis had no time to take into account the pain on his face, the accelerated beating of his heart and incomparable fear in his heart.

He just wanted to run for his life.

"Damn it!"

"Screwed up!"

And in the darkness not far away.

The members of the mercenary regiment who raided with a crossbow saw that the second arrow failed and let the tangaryan boy escape. His face was slightly gloomy.

However, what was worse was that the shouting of the bodyguard seemed to disturb the guards of the whole stone drum tower.

They are the first to be exposed here, which may even affect the plan of the leader on the other side and several other brothers to intercept queen Leila.


The man named Langdon, who was carrying a battle axe, also looked a little gloomy, and the red and black paint looked rather ferocious.

Then he suddenly got up from the darkness and strode in the direction of wesselis.

The seven people in the whole delegation are good players in the regiment. After all, this delegation is very important, and the people with it must be few and fine.

Otherwise, if it is discovered by the fleet of Longshi Island, even if they pull all the people of their mercenary regiment over the sea, they will have to jump into the sea to feed the fish.

After entering the castle of Longshi Island, the seven soldiers divided into two ways. Three people came to kill wesselis on the one hand, and the leader on the other side led the remaining three people to attack queen Leila with more sufficient defense strength.

They thought it was more than enough to send three people to kill one child, mainly to deal with the escort of Prince tangaryan.

Langdon strode after wesselis, but the loyal dragonstone guard wouldn't let them pass so easily.


The bodyguard, with a shield in one hand and a long sword in the other, blocked their way in the corridor.

Although the voice was loud and resounding, a slight trembling could be heard.

"Who are you?"

However, he still didn't turn around and ran away. He was trying to buy time for wesselis to escape.

Longshi island was once a fief of reggae targaryan, so these guards were subordinates who had followed Prince reggae and were loyal to the targaryan family.

Wesselis did not know how his near perfect brother had such a great affinity that everyone who had seen him praised him.

But in his memory, his eldest brother was really versatile and handsome.

He remembered that his brother once took the boy to the royal forest for an outing, but he was attacked by an adult wild boar. Prince leiga took wesselis in his arms and put down the wild boar skillfully and gracefully with only one hand and a sword.

But instead of catching up and killing it, rega let the wounded boar escape.

In short, the dead Prince has become synonymous with perfection.

Now the loyal bodyguard of Longshi Island did not escape, but bravely welcomed it and delayed the escape time for wesselis.


The bodyguard, who had undergone strict training and had good skills, and the mercenary who licked blood at the edge of the knife on weekdays met face to face, and the three besieged him, one in the narrow corridor.

Dang Dang——

The guard's long sword blocked the attack of the other two people. In the dark, gold and iron collided and burst into sparks.

But then a battle axe came down, and in a hurry, tangaryan's soldiers could only raise the round shield of their left hand to resist.

Next second.


The wood chips were flying. The big man of the mercenary, holding a battle axe, cut the round shield held by the guard's left hand with great force, and almost split the shield in half with one axe.

The bodyguard of Longshi Island didn't expect that the other party's strength was so great, and his face suddenly changed.

And his body didn't stand still. He stumbled slightly and nearly fell to the ground.

However, mercenaries who usually live a life of licking blood at the edge of a knife will not be merciful.

The big man turned his axe again and directly took the guard's head without even making a miserable cry.


The guard's head was cut off and rolled to the ground, and the blood sprayed out like money.

The headless body fell powerlessly on the wall and collapsed.

At the moment, wesselis had fled to the revolving stairs on the third floor of the stone drum tower.

Gasping for breath, I just turned around and saw this scene.

The brave guard delayed him enough time with his life, but he was killed by the ferocious enemy in three moves and two moves.

Wesselis watched as the enemy strode after him again, only feeling a slight numbness in his scalp.

"Damn it..."

The silver haired boy bit his teeth slightly, and then SA Yazi turned and ran away again.

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