Published at 24th of June 2024 06:28:01 AM

Chapter 272

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Rego landed.

"Kalisi on longkao!"

The doslacks who laid down their arms and knelt down to surrender shouted to reneth again.

However, reneth was confused. She didn't understand what they were talking about.

"What are they... Talking about?"

Reneth looked confused. She couldn't understand doslak.

"Your Highness."

"Be careful."

Then a guard took the long princess who jumped off the dragon's back.

Reneth is tall compared with girls of the same age. She is wearing bright armor. Her long brown hair hangs behind her back. She slightly raises her hand to tidy up her hair and puts them behind her ears.

Embracing the helmet just taken off and stepping on the soft land, the little leather boots look a little heroic and valiant.

Although reneth commanded Rego to set fire wantonly in the air, she came to the ground and saw the charred corpses everywhere. A breeze blew and suddenly turned into fly ash. The girl's face was still slightly uncomfortable.

And at this time.


Overhead came the sound of heavy breathing and the sound of wings flapping.

Wesselis also landed on the ground on bellerian.


Bellerian's heavy body fell to the earth, making a huge sound, and the ground trembled slightly.

The doslak people who knelt on the ground and had surrendered saw that the huge dragon just galloping in the sky fell in front of them, which was much larger than in the sky, and their eyes immediately showed a look of panic.

Murmured the obscure doslak language, repeating words similar to gods.

Wesselis also climbed down from the dragon's back. He saw Rego's equipment, which made him a little relieved.

The most primitive way of riding a dragon like him still has some dangers.

But fortunately, he has extraordinary ability. He will not be easily bumped by the rolling of the dragon. Even if he falls, he can turn into a black fog and climb up again.

And looking at some guilty reneth standing in place.

Wesselis's face was slightly stiff. Although he was rarely angry, his face was serious, but he was not angry, and then jumped down from the dragon's back.

Rego lay on one side and looked at his big brother. He also had some acquiescence.

Bellerian's huge head almost covered half of his body. If he wanted to... He could kill Rego in one bite.

But the good thing is that bellerian is just a strict brother.

But he is not a brother as crazy as demon mountain. He won't press his brother into the brazier.

Now, magic mountain is still imprisoned in pantos' prison and has not been executed, because Oberon strongly demanded that he be tried in person since he learned that magic mountain had fallen into the hands of weseris.

He won't let the devil die too happily. Oberon wants demon mountain to explain all his sins and the messengers behind him, and take it as evidence in front of the gods. Finally, let him live rather than die.

Therefore, Gregor krigon was able to live in prison for more than half a year.

Wesselis, also dressed in armor, took off his helmet, spread his silver hair and handed it to the soldiers.

"Your Majesty."

Then he came to reneth and looked at each other with bright eyes.

Reneth was even more guilty, and even some didn't dare to look up at him.

"Good morning, wesselis."

Then after a long time, reneth finally summoned up the courage to speak. Her voice was very nice, but now it was as thin as a mosquito humming.

A tentative greeting, pretending nothing had happened.

Wesselis looked at her without saying a word, and then sighed.

The last time I heard the old maid say that reneth presided over a city alone, it has changed a lot.

Become independent and have their own ideas, and the once stubborn character has converged a lot, a little like a big miss.

However, according to wesselis, reneth's character still hasn't changed. She is still the little girl who didn't let him quarrel with him when she was out of town.

And wesselis's sigh may have stimulated reneth.

The girl shook her fist slightly, and then finally raised her head. There were some reddish openings in her eyes.

"Wesselis, I heard about the war here... I just want to do my part."

Reneth's voice was full of grievances.

And wesselis was slightly stunned when he heard reneth's words.

He thought of what the old maid had said to him.

"Your Royal Highness has always wanted to help you."

Is that so?

Wesselis looked down at the wronged girls in front of him, with a pair of lavender eyes shining brilliantly.

Then he finally bent down and held her in his arms.


The two men's armor made a sound, and the cold metal touched each other. Wesselis's action was very sudden, which surprised the girl.



Wesselis gently hugged reneth, took a deep breath and said.

"I wronged you."

Reneth wanted to help him, from the beginning.

She hasn't changed, but she hasn't changed like a big lady.

But become more mature, fade green and become strong at the most playful age.

And not far away.

Bessler, wearing a metal mask and shrouded in armor, looked at the scene with a reins and nodded slightly.

Then he took back his eyes and continued to command the soldiers to clean up the mess.

A few still resisting doslaks are being killed one by one by the surrounded tangaryan soldiers.

The vast majority of doslaks who knew they had no hope of escape did not fight to death. After Cao's death, they seemed to lose the courage to fight for their lives and knelt on the ground one after another waiting to receive and surrender prisoners.

"These doslaks seem to be expressing their surrender."

"Your Majesty."

At this time, an officer standing next to wesselis said.

They don't understand doslak, and there is no doslak interpreter here, but they can probably understand it by looking at the movements.

At the moment, wesselis had released his hug, and reneth followed him.

He looked at the doslakers who knelt on the ground and kowtowed to the dragon, himself and Renee. He listened to their gibberish and said something he didn't understand, and his eyebrows frowned slightly.

"Is there a translation of doslak?"

"Or do they know higher valerian or common language?"

Wesselis himself speaks two languages, one is tangorian's mother tongue, higher valerian, and the other is the lingua franca of Westeros.

"I'll find it for you, your majesty."

The officer standing next to wesselis immediately nodded and agreed, and then ran away to find an interpreter for wesselis.

Not long after that, a soldier who knew doslak was brought to wesselis.

"Your Majesty."

The soldier could speak doslak because he had followed the caravan through Wes doslak's business.

"These doslaks are expressing their submission to you, calling you 'riding longkao' and 'real longkao'."

Then the soldier who knew doslak took another sneaky look at reneth.

The girl in front of me is not very old. She is a young girl.

Moreover, reneth's appearance is extremely outstanding and inherits the advantages of her parents. She has both tangaryan's handsome and Donne's exotic customs, which makes the boys in the military camp can't help peeking.

But they all know who reneth is.

Although she doesn't have targaryan's iconic silver hair, the girl came riding a dragon and wore a dragon head medal on her chest, which is enough to show her identity as the "dragon family".

"They... They also call the Royal Highness The Princess Carrie".

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!