Published at 24th of June 2024 06:27:51 AM

Chapter 277

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I have to say Jon's overall view is good.

Seeing the retreat of the doslaks, it was easy to guess that something had happened in another battlefield.

Otherwise, these doslacks who came all the way here with great fanfare would not be willing to run away in such a gloomy way.

of course.

This does not rule out that the doslacks are seducing them and setting a trap in advance.

If the defenders in pantos dare to chase out, they will be killed, and then seize the city.

If you just look at the way the doslaks retreat outside without delay, it's really a bit of a fake play.

Although Jon Clinton is not very old, he is also an old commander with rich experience. Of course, he will not take the initiative to be fooled like this.

And what soldiers do others and doslaks bring in the field? Those without dirt are excellent soldiers and strong generals.

And what army was left to him in pantos? A group of mercenaries and an unbearable garrison.

Even if Jon Clinton had the courage to chase him out, I'm afraid the soldiers wouldn't have the courage to follow him out of town.

So the city of pantos decided to stand still.

And outside the city.

Among the sparsely retreating doslaks, the gray haired mosokaole sat on the war horse with the reins and looked at the tall city of pantos, quiet and without the slightest attempt to catch up.

He sighed slightly.

He is not willing to fail.

However, this was their only chance to seize the city, but the guards in the city were not fooled, and mosokao had no way.

He couldn't press Jon's head so that he had to catch up and enter his trap. The war itself was a process of intrigue. If he didn't deceive others, he had to fake it.

After all, riding longkao and his kalisi, there are 20000 troops on the way, and cut off their retreat when they came. Now the doslacks can only break through in the direction of mill.

Turn around and fight back?

But the idea only came to mosokao's mind for a second.

Then he thought of the behemoths flying over his head that day, the pillars of fire falling from the sky bombarded the earth, and countless people howled in the fire

"Forget it."

Mosokao quickly shook his gray head and drove the terrible idea out of his mind.

"Go away."

Then old Cao sighed, turned the horse's head and legs, and clamped the horse's stomach.

Step, step

The war horse went away into the distance.

The doslaks come and go quickly. After all, they are a nation on horseback.

And the camp they set up is also very simple. If they can take away what they can take down, they can simply throw the rest that can't be taken down here. Just rob others at that time.

Then, in the evening.

The doslacks disappeared outside pantos.

"It seems that the doslaks have really retreated."

The prince in rags, who had been hiding in the repaired Prince's palace these days, finally came out.

Some time ago, the prince in rags was very low-key and did not step out of the gate. As the prince of pantos, he seemed to have no idea that the dothraks had besieged the city outside.

It's not even as good as the nominal prince. The nominal prince will climb to the city when the city is in trouble and boost his morale.

However, the prince in rags has no effect on morale. After all, now everyone knows his current situation.

Not to mention whether it was elevated or not, but in fact, there was no real power in his hand, not to mention that he, the prince, took it.

Those mercenaries also committed many crimes on the bloody night. Not only the governor's family, but also many citizen families were attacked.

Ordinary civilians can't tell the difference between other mercenaries and the wind blowing group, so they all buckle the excrement basin on the head of the mercenary leader

And now.

The prince in rags also received the news of the retreat of the doslaks. He didn't know why he suddenly ran out.

He even went to the head of the city to watch, looking at the back of the doslak people who had gone away, and his look was a little complicated.

"Prince... Doesn't seem so happy?"

Standing aside, Jon Clinton wore armor, pressed the hilt of his sword with one hand, and had an undisguised look of doubt on his face.

The gray haired old man heard the words of the actual power man of pantos, his face suddenly changed slightly, and quickly shook his head.


"I'm glad that the doslaks have retreated, but it's a pity that the old man didn't fight back these thieves who invaded the territory."


Jon Clinton, on hearing the prince in rags' explanation, frowned slightly, but said nothing more.

In fact, as long as the prince in rags doesn't kill himself, wesselis won't take the initiative to cut him.

Jon had worked with his majesty for some time, and he knew something about his temper.

Reward and punishment should be clear, reward for meritorious deeds and punish for mistakes.

Since he had promised Prince rags to make him Prince of pantos, wesselis would not easily break his promise.

I'm sure I won't sacrifice the prince in rags to God because of a defeat or some natural and man-made disaster, flood, earthquake and poor grain harvest.

Soon time passed in a hurry.

Two more days have passed.

The doslaks retreated and the reinforcements finally arrived.

Pantos still closed the gate these days and didn't open it easily. He was afraid that the doslacks didn't go far and suddenly killed a rifle.

And in two days.


The bleak horn broke the silence in the city.

"What happened?"

"Did the doslacks call back?"

In the city of pantos, there were many refugees whose homes had been destroyed by the doslaks. They were driven to the city of pantos.

Then Jon went out with the cavalry himself, repulsed the doslaks and covered the refugees into the city.

"Bless the gods!"

The horn outside the city awakened the fear in the hearts of these poor refugees. They took relief food and hid in the corner at the root of the city wall.

The soldiers at the head of the city saw a very different picture from the refugees' imagination.

There were loud cheers at the head of pantos, and the soldiers hugged each other and laughed excitedly.

"We won!"

"We defeated the doslaks!"

Because they saw a flying figure in the distance.

Their king had three dragons.

This is something that no other city-state in the world can have, and the soldiers of pantos are even proud of it.

In fact, the tourists and businessmen who came and went to pantos for the first time also had the purpose of taking a look at the legendary magic dragon.

However, the magic dragon is hard for them to see.

After all, bellerian seldom stays too much in pantos. It is too restrained here. The forest and sea outside the city are its paradise.

However, the gate guards of pantos can clap their chests and boast with these inquiring passengers, with pride on their faces, as if wesselis were some relative of their own family.

In the distance, a giant Dragon flew in mid air and roared.

The tangaryan army, which can't see the end on the horizon, has gradually appeared in people's vision.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!