Published at 24th of June 2024 06:27:32 AM

Chapter 286

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Now the situation in westero is really a mess.

Savages have hundreds of tribes with different cultures and even races. They don't get together, but run around.

Because they know very well that they can't beat the regular army of the coalition with the wooden stick in their hand. The other party's sword is more sharp and has armor.

Armor is a big killer, even more important than high-quality weapons. A soldier in armor can easily deal with five or six farmers holding wooden sticks.

Therefore, from the beginning, Mans Reid, the king of the Great Wall, had no hope that he could really set up an array and defeat the coalition forces of the seven countries.

Their only chance is to capture Robert alive when the great wall collapses. They can't even kill each other.

Because a dead king is just a fat man, the nobles of King's landing can compromise with each other at any time and push a new king to replace him.

A living king is an important hostage who can coerce them to retreat and extort land and food.

But unfortunately... King Robert drank happily that night and went whoring.

In fact, Mans Reid did not expect that the king should be so Cao Dan, which led to the failure of the plan.

However, since he could not catch the living king, Mans Reid had already had an alternative, so even if he changed his direction.

The king of the great wall directly ordered that after crossing the Great Wall, the savage kingdom was divided into parts, and hundreds of tribes fought on their own.

No resistance, no war, just head south.

Run as far as you can, and the more you go south, the better.

Because the people behind the great wall do not know the horror of strange ghosts, and the wild people have fought with strange ghosts several times in the past few months.

Every fight is a very heavy loss. They are very aware of the horror and terror of strange ghosts.

Although they still have human faces, they are two different beings from human beings.

They don't breathe, they don't eat. Not afraid of the cold, even mans Reid once saw a group of dead people come out from under the sea.

It's true to come out and step on the bottom of the sea without even swimming, because these people don't have to breathe.

However, this is only a shallow sea. No one knows whether the deep-sea water pressure can have an effect on these dead people, but it still makes mans Reid feel frightened.

And these dead people will kill all the creatures they see. It is difficult for birds and animals to escape.

Even as strange ghosts gradually move south from the eternal winter, the cold of death gradually invades, and even the cold resistant trees outside the Great Wall will be frozen to death.

These strange ghosts and their servants are like death, where there is no vitality to exist.

Therefore, these savages could not raise any resistance in the face of strange ghosts. They just wanted to escape all the way south after leaving the Great Wall.

Of course, it would be better if we could attack a port halfway, seize ships and flee to the other side of the narrow sea.

This is mans Reid's second plan.

Now the current situation in the north is that hundreds of thousands of savages crossed the great wall and began to destroy everywhere, attack villages and plunder food like locusts.

They even grabbed a lot of weapons and equipment, and the armed forces of the wild people became stronger and stronger.

The few regular troops are suffocated and can't make it out with strength, because the other party doesn't put up the formation to fight with you.

Occasionally, careless regular troops were ambushed by savages. By the time other friendly forces arrived, these soldiers had died miserably.

His armor and clothes were stripped clean, leaving only naked bodies lying in the wind and snow.

The savages got another wave of equipment, increased their strength, and then walked away.

The news had spread throughout the seven countries before it reached wesselis.

The nobles of the seven countries who had not paid attention to it before understood that things were difficult.

Unexpectedly, however, they did not immediately send more troops to support King Robert's suppression of the savages.

Instead, they seized the time to send troops to block the main intersections entering the territory.

Prevent these fleeing savages from entering their own territory and causing damage to property.

But later I felt that it was impossible to lose face and honor. The king was still fighting on the front line, and they shrank in the rear.

And Jon Erin, the former prime minister who stayed at King's landing, issued many recruitment orders one after another.

The Knights and soldiers of the seven countries were required to obey the king's call, expedition to the north, clean up the incoming savages and fight against the possible strange ghosts.

So Langley baratheon of the little Duke storm took the lead in supporting his brother, but he did not go out in person, but entrusted another count to lead baratheon's hometown army to the north.

Then came the second response from the West.

The wily Prince tywin Lannister is also a famous commander of the seven countries, but he also stayed in Kaiyan city to preside over the overall situation and sent other earls in the west to lead the king.

Then came the king's new in laws.

Although savages and ghosts may not be able to threaten the river bend in the south.

And the Tyrell family of Gaoting is not good at war, but at this juncture, other nobles have to express their attitude one after another.

It's just a few distractions.

Naturally, there is no need to say more about the valley. They don't need to say anything.

Although Jon Erin has not been in the valley for many years, his control over the valley is declining, but the prestige of the Erin family is still there, and the knights in the valley are on their way to the north.

This time, the families of the seven countries have also moved seriously and sent a large number of troops. They have a total of 60000 people in one place. Even Donne did not continue to paddle this time, but sent thousands of people.

Because although Donne and targaryan are allied, and the threat of strange ghosts is far away, after all, they are on the same land, and things are afraid in case.

This army of more than 60000 people, including 5500 knights, officially broke the record that Westeros formed the largest army in history when AEGON conquered Westeros about 300 years ago.

At that time, Loren Lannister, king of Kaiyan, and menn gardener IX, king of the river, joined nearly 55000 troops in Jinshu city in order to resist Egan tangaryan.

Now, with some reservations, the seven countries have joined forces of 60000 people to form a human alliance to resist the invasion of strange ghosts and head straight for Winterfell.

It took a long time for the formation of the human coalition to advance.

Because it is separated by the sea, the transmission of information is seriously delayed. It is the end of September when the information falls into the hands of wesselis.

There is no golden autumn in September in pantos, but a colder and colder wind.

The changing seasons over the years made wesselis uncomfortable at first, but the residents living here did not adapt, as they should.

Wesselis did not know whether such a long rotation of seasons was caused by the special influence of astronomy and geography, or by the legendary "fighting" between distant gods.

He was standing on the tower of the palace in a fluffy snow-white cloak, overlooking the endless sea.

His bar mitzvah is under intense preparation.

After today

He is an adult in this world.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!