Published at 24th of June 2024 06:27:27 AM

Chapter 290

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However, at this time.

Another captive savage next to mans Reid made a mistake when answering a question.

This makes the thoughtful Stannis keenly aware of each other's true identity.

He just confirmed that the tribal leader who looked honest, kowtowed and begged for mercy, and expressed his willingness to lead the regular army to destroy the savages was mans Reid, the king of the Great Wall.

Stannis then stopped giving mans Reid the chance to continue his sophistry.

He led the remaining dozen soldiers to escort the king beyond the Great Wall to Lindong city to meet his eldest brother.

Stannis's return to Winterfell naturally caused a sensation.

His eldest brother, Robert, went out of the city to meet him personally. He rarely hugged each other with tears in his eyes.

Although the two brothers have different feelings and often quarrel, they are also a close brother born by their parents after all.

Like the stone in the toilet, Stannis smelled and hard, and his eyes were slightly red.

Everyone in Winterfell thought Stannis was already dead.

And then.

Stannis then pulled out mans Reid, the king of the Great Wall, and told everyone his identity.

At the beginning, ed stark and his big brother Robert couldn't believe that the man in front of him was the king of the Great Wall.

However, after repeated confirmation, the identity of the other party was finally determined.

Mans Reid was once a savage orphan raised by the night watchman. He grew up and served in the night watchman Corps for many years.

Then he defected and left the night watchman corps and returned to the savages. Finally, he united all the savages, calmed their disputes, and was elected the king beyond the Great Wall.

Therefore, some veterans of the night watchman Corps can still recognize him, such as the living fossil of the night watchman corps, Bachelor IMON.

The old scholar was not killed when the city wall collapsed. He had a high prestige in the night watchman corps, so he was protected by many soldiers.

Finally, the escort fled to Winterfell, and so did Jay Mormon, the commander-in-chief of the night watchman Corps.

Robert finally confirmed that the other party was really the legendary queen beyond the Great Wall, and was overjoyed.

You should know that this man is responsible for the erosion and chaos in the north. If he hadn't sounded the horn of winter, the desperate Great Wall wouldn't collapse, and savages wouldn't pour into the north.

However, at this time, including Robert, ed stark, Stannis, Jon Royce of the valley and others who boast of justice selectively forgot that the savages had taken the initiative to negotiate several times.

The savages kept lowering their conditions and stature, imploring the kings of the seven countries to open the city gate and let the savages go to the Great Wall to avoid the pursuit of strange ghosts.

However, they were arrogantly rejected by Robert.

Robert didn't believe that savages had weapons that could destroy the city wall, so he regarded the words of savage messengers as farting.

Eventually led to today's situation.

In order to survive, the wild people really sounded the horn of winter and collapsed the Great Wall.

Then they fled to the north and did damage everywhere. They believed that these were the result of the arrogance of the people behind the Great Wall, so they had to retaliate several times.

Now the real king outside the Great Wall was bound and brought to Winterfell.

Robert was overjoyed when he saw the king of the Great Wall captured alive, and then immediately asked mans Reid to order all the kneeling savages to surrender, or he would burn him alive.

Robert is now also angered by savages. When he was king for so many years, he was so wronged, and his character has changed completely from the black haired young man.

Ed stark wanted to dissuade Robert. He believed that the king of beyond the Great Wall was also a decent person after all, and no one should be punished by the cruel criminal law of torture.

If the king of the Great Wall commits a capital crime, he can be sent to the gallows or beheaded, and burning the other party alive undoubtedly reproduces the behavior of the tyrant crazy King iris II.

However, at this time, Mans Reid, who remained silent after his identity was revealed, suddenly began to satirize Robert.

He laughed that they would all die in the hands of strange ghosts, and the iron throne would eventually be acquired by the tangaryan King across the narrow sea.

Although mans Reid has always lived outside the Great Wall, he unexpectedly knows the situation of the seven countries very well.

And mans Reid told Robert that he would not order the savages to surrender.

Because he told all the savages long ago that he was not a "King beyond the Great Wall" and did not want to be a king. He just United everyone together to tide over the difficulties.

"They are all free people!"

"No one can make them bend their knees!"

Mans Reid even spit a mouthful of sputum on Robert's face, which was full of a look of dying.

Robert was really angered by mans Reid's attitude, even if he wanted to burn each other alive.

Ed stark and Stannis saw that mans Reid wanted to deliberately provoke Robert and seek the idea of quick death.

So they hurriedly tried to stop the king, but they couldn't stop it at all.

The furious Robert Dang even let the soldiers set up the fire rack, under which there were still dead grass, and then tied mans Reid, the king of the Great Wall, to the post.

Holding a flaming torch in his hand, he finally asked the other party whether he would bend his knees and surrender.

However, it was still ridiculed by mans Reid.

Finally, Robert threw the torch into the dead grass in anger, and a big fire burned in an instant.

Mans Reid, who had not changed his face in the fire, glared at everyone around him with eyes that looked like people to eat. For his people, he was willing to die calmly.

Because mans Reid knew very well that he had fallen into the hands of the kings of the seven countries, and the other party would certainly make an article of himself to deceive other free people to lay down their weapons or surround them for help.

He didn't want to cause more free people to die for his own reasons, so mans Reid deliberately wanted to provoke Robert to seek quick death.

His scheme succeeded.

Robert baratheon is really an irritable man. He hates the king beyond the Great Wall. It is very generous to give him a chance to live.

After being rudely refused, he directly asked for a fire to burn him.

However, Mans Reid underestimated the pain of burning alive. Originally, the savage man kept his face unchanged and even glared angrily.

However, when the fire burned on his skin, the water in his body evaporated rapidly, and his skin slowly atrophied and turned yellow, revealing his flesh and blood.

His face changed.

The expression on mans Reid's face gradually twisted, and a painful groan squeezed out of the gap between his teeth.

Finally, the pain kept amplifying, so that he couldn't bear it anymore and made a sad scream.

His whole body was wrapped in flames, his mouth was wide, and flames were constantly emerging from his eyes and mouth. The twisted and shrill screams echoed over the whole winter city.

The three children of the stark family stood in the corridor on the second floor of the castle and watched the flames burning below.

Rob Stark's face was serious and meticulous, and Jon Snow's face showed unbearable.

The little red haired beauty Sansa was directly frightened to cry. She had never seen such a terrible scene.

In the past, the fair and just father stood behind Uncle Robert and watched a man burn alive without saying a word.

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