Published at 24th of June 2024 06:27:22 AM

Chapter 293

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"My love!"

Aaron sat at the head of the bed with his upper body naked and watched wesselis fall into meditation. He couldn't help asking with a little worry.

"What is the black fog?"

"Or... Am I wrong?"

Adrian was also a little suspicious that she had just woke up and was a little dazed.

Wesselis was interrupted by Alline. When he heard his fiancee's words, he raised his head and looked seriously into her eyes. He looked a little serious and said.

"Of course... Some divine power."

"God... Divine power?"

Adrian heard wesselis's words, slightly stared at the dog, and blinked his deep and good-looking eyes.

"Of course."

And wesselis nodded as he deserved.

"You know, Aaron."

"I have been blessed by the gods."

People have always linked wesselis with a God. The story of an eight year old wandering Prince's struggle is too magical to believe.

And the title of a talented virtuous gentleman didn't feel enough to express this exaggeration, and then he was connected with the gods.


Yaliann heard what wesselis said, and his small mouth opened wider. He saw that wesselis was a little ready to move.

Seeing the shocked look on Aaron's face, which seemed to be about to believe, wesselis put away the fake serious expression on his face, smiled and shook his head.

"Well, I lied to you."


The silver haired young man smiled calmly. His smile was like the warm spring breeze and gently rubbed his fiancee's cheek.

"It's not divine power."

Then he saw Aaron clapping his palm in shame.

This annoying guy!

He teased himself again!

Then wesselis asked Aaron to stop staying in bed and get up early. Then he put on his coat and walked out of the room.

And Aaron watched wesselis leave the room. The shame on his face slowly converged, and his eyes twinkled with brilliance.

"Black fog?"

Donne girl sat on the bed with her upper body naked.

She looked at the closed door after wesselis left, revealing her heavy chest without paying any attention.

A puzzled expression appeared on a pretty face full of exotic customs, with a slight frown.

She didn't understand what wesselis just said.

"And... Divine power?"

When wesselis began to say something about divine power, he really bluffed Aaron.

She really thought that wesselis had some amazing ability, because in her opinion, wesselis's ability to control the dragon was already a divine power.

But then wesselis's words made her incomprehensible. She didn't understand what he was talking about.

"Am I... Really wrong?"

Then Aaron thought for a moment.

Then she greeted the maid she had brought from Dorn and asked her to call her trusted sand snake sisters.

The war is over, and so is the bar mitzvah of wesselis.

Prince Oberon, the father of the sand snake sisters, is ready to lead the army to return to the barren mountain camp.

These days, the sand snake sisters are with their father and adoptive mother. They haven't come to Yalian for several days.

They are all Aaron's "mother's family".

As the eldest sister of the sand snake sisters, Yalian has great trust in the sand snake sisters, so she will choose to consult them if she has any problems.


And in the corridors of the palace.

Step on

The footsteps are clear.

"Your Majesty."

When a servant saw wesselis, he hurried out of the way and bowed.

Wesselis was followed by two guards. He was wearing a soft robe, a gold belt and long silver gold hair.

The smile on his face just converged a little.

He didn't choose to hide Yalian's problem.

The answer was only a little general, because he didn't know the correct answer.

The existence of black fog is one of his most important secrets. Second only to him, he is not a person in this world, but from another world.

However, since the black fog can be seen by Aaron one day, it is of no use to continue to hide it.

The future will be known by more people sooner or later.

This may be the special effect of all attributes reaching transcendence.

However, if wesselis intends to converge, others don't seem to see it.

Wesselis had carefully observed the expression on Adrian's face at that time. She could not see the black fog around him after wesselis recovered.

"What is this black fog?"

"Maybe one day to explore the ruins of varelia will give me an answer."

Said wesselis in silence.

He had this idea a long time ago.

Many clues can prove that there must be a profound connection between the black fog around him and the varelian ruins.

And now that he has the map left by Gillian Lannister, plus to solve the mystery.

Wesselis was almost certain that he would go to the varelian ruins in person one day.

However, it is unclear what his identity was at that time, whether he carried thousands of warships and tens of thousands of troops to invade the ruins of varelia, or whether he flew into the sea of smoke alone on a dragon.

But one thing is certain

"You must be ready."

Although Gillian was able to escape from the varelian ruins, this does not mean anything.

Because all the people who walked with him had died, it seemed that he was the only lucky man, but in the end he also died in the hands of wesselis.

Wesselis didn't want to gamble on luck, and he never gambled on fate, because it was a very dangerous move.

The horror of the varelian ruins is like a big mouth that devours people, which is always open. Every resident living along the coast or sailor passing there knows it very well.

There is a vast sea of smoke, shrouded in fog all day long.

Once a ship strays into the gray fog of the sea of smoke, it rarely reappears.

Yanhai is a forbidden area for sailors.

Most of the adventurers who went to explore the ruins of Valeria were buried in the sea without even touching the mysterious and ancient land.

Even those who get lucky enough to reach the land and return smoothly also seem to be wrapped in some kind of death curse, and then die one after another.

Even the black god of death in its heyday was attacked by an unknown presence in the ruins of varelia, seriously injured and finally escaped from the land there.

Since wesselis is going, he will take bellerian with him.

Because Jillian's diary states that there are hidden sea monsters in the sea, it is a special convenience to ride a dragon across the sky.

However, wesselis still needs to be wary of the existence that can hurt the dragon.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!