Published at 24th of June 2024 06:27:21 AM

Chapter 294

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In the afternoon, the sun wears transparent gauze.

"Yes, your majesty."

"Mans Reid, the king of the Great Wall, was caught by Stannis."

Ramses snow got a chair and sat next to wesselis. There were only two people in the empty study.

Wesselis sat behind his desk with an up-to-date message from across the narrow sea in his hand.

This is the information just passed back from there. Although it has been a long time, it can't be regarded as news here.

But there's no way.

After receiving the information, Ramses hurried over.

At the same time, he also had a handwritten letter from his father Luce Bolton, Earl of Terror Castle.

But this letter was not addressed to his illegitimate son, Ramses snow, but to wesselis.

Although Ramses was his illegitimate son, Luce Bolton only regarded him as a tool man, not his own son.

Sending him to wesselis is actually a two-way bet.

However, Luce Bolton did not expect that rums had been reused here in wesselis, so rums, a tool man, grew into a more important tool man.

At least in Luce Bolton's view.

"The usurper burned each other alive."

Rams continued to explain.

The incident caused an uproar in the north.

But there was no wave in the area south of Zejing. For the people in the south, they had never understood any king beyond the Great Wall.

Even savages are just legendary creatures.

giant? Cannibals?

How can these things really exist?

However, because the news was blocked, most farmers in the South did not know that a large number of sharp legged savages had fled to the south of Zejing.

They broke up into parts, hid in the mountains and forests during the day to avoid the pursuit of the noble army, and came out at night to wantonly attack and plunder the surrounding villages and towns.

There have been many cases of savages slaughtering villages near twin river city and Haijiang city.

Old Frey of twin river city was said to be furious when he heard about it, but he didn't dare to scold King Robert. He could only scold the people in the north for being a loser. He would let the savages escape from Zejing and cause damage to his property.

Then old Frey sent his sons to lead the Frey family soldiers around to catch these savages and bring them to justice.

However, these savages are very cunning and sensitive to the smell of danger.

They did some damage here today and went to the other side to do some damage tomorrow.

One shot in the East and one shot in the West.

It made old Frey's eldest son, Steve Frey, depressed.

Although the family soldiers are not trained and their combat effectiveness is not high, they also have many cavalry under their command.

However, they are always led by these savages, especially these savages like to drill into the mountains.

Every time Steve Lun and his son led the soldiers of the Frey family to catch up with these hateful savages. They went straight into the mountains and forests.

The infantry had already chased the team, and the cavalry could not enter the mountain, so they had to dismount and go in.

However, as soon as Steve Lun, Lyman Frey and their son led the soldiers to get off their horses and chase in, they were ambushed by savages.

A big stone and arrow rain fell, and the soldiers died and injured a lot and fled in a hurry.

But this is not how strong the savages are, but the sons of the Frey family are too waste.

On the other side of Haijiang City, there is a distinct response.

The main force of a group of savages suddenly attacked Haijiang city. It seems that they want to seize the castle and town, capture the ships here, and then escape overseas by boat.

This is the strategy set by mans Reid, the king of beyond the Great Wall, for the savages. Don't try to fight with the king's army, don't try to resist, escape, just escape, and desperately escape to a warm place in the south.

It would be better if we could seize a port and take a few ships. We could get on a ship and escape to ESSOS.

There was nothing wrong with mans Reid's plan, even if he had been burned alive, but more savages survived.

He doesn't care whether people live or die after the Great Wall. Everyone is for themselves. They are about to die. Who cares if others can survive.

So the savages broke up and fled to the South desperately. They didn't fight with the nobles and the king's army. When they met, they ran into the mountains and forests.

However, the savage tribes who attacked Haijiang city seem to have made a mistake.

Even if they captured Haijiang city and ships, they can only lead to the iron islands from here.

If you want to go to a more prosperous and prosperous land, the vast land of ESSOS still needs to bypass the summer sea to reach ESSOS.

However, there are merrister families in Haijiang City, and count Jason is not a waste like little freys.

The brave count once led the army to tenaciously resist the attack of the iron people, killed King Baron's sons and drove them all to the sea.

Now these savages really kicked on the iron plate when they wanted to attack Haijiang city.

Then Jason melister led the soldiers of Haijiang city out of the city directly, defeated the savages' attack, cut off thousands of heads, and drove the savages to the deep mountains of barren rock city at one go.

The defeated savages fled towards the West.

And the other side.

The strongest "fortress" in the valley, there are a large number of Alpine clans and tribes living in the Mingyue mountains.

There seems to be a trace of savages here.

However, these savage tribes did not conflict with the Gaoshan clan tribes. Both of them were tribal clans that did not obey the king, did not obey the control of the Duke of eagle nest City, and mainly lived by looting.

They hide in the mountains, and the knights in the valley can't go into the mountains to destroy them. On the contrary, they often encounter ambushes. Gaoshan clan has always been a big trouble in the valley.

Nowadays, savage tribes and alpine clan tribes seem to work together, crazy and active in lvcha River, King Avenue, and even towns and villages in the valley, robbing caravans and tourists.

The whole commercial roads and towns along the Mingyue Mountain range are disturbed by chickens and dogs, and the flames of war are everywhere.

The damage caused by the influx of hundreds of thousands of savages into the seven countries continues, and rapidly expands to all regions like the spread of epidemics.

Now the trail of savages has appeared in the north, Hejian, West and valley.

However, this influence is still moving towards the south.

Maybe we will see these savages near Junlin and Hewan soon.

Jon Erin, the former prime minister who stayed at King's landing, is struggling with these things.

Wesselis, thousands of miles away, looked at the information with relish.

In fact, the destruction of savages is only a disease of scabies, not enough to subvert the rule of the Iron Throne.

Because except for the battle of Haijiang City, these savages did not systematically attack the castle, but harassed the villages and towns.

They want to attack King's landing. That's really death.

However, it is this small itching problem that annoys people.

It is impossible for Jon Erin to call up again in the name of the king and lead the army around the world to wipe out these annoying savages one by one.

You can only let the nobles sweep the snow in front of the door, not just drive around.

Although the battle of Haijiang city was a complete victory, the savages who were driven to the West caused a lot of damage and attracted protests from Kaiyan city.

Solve your own family affairs by yourself. Don't expect the king to wipe your ass. what Jon Erin fears most now is that these nobles use savages as a means of political struggle.

It's enough to drive them to the competitor's territory and give them a headache.

Time flies by.

In an instant, Robert led his troops to the north and left Junlin for almost a year.

However, at this time, there was another thing that made Jon Erin more anxious.

That is, a rumor suddenly came out in the market of King's landing.

Queen cersei... Pregnant.

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