Published at 24th of June 2024 06:27:20 AM

Chapter 295

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King Robert left King's landing for nearly a year, and the queen suddenly became pregnant?

Jon Erin, who heard the news, felt his nose crooked.

His first reaction was that it was a rumor.

Anyone can understand what this means.

But if it does happen, I'm afraid Jon Erin can't stop Robert from killing cersei's slut and her adulterer.

The Lannister family may be dissatisfied with this, but Jon Erin analyzes that there should be no civil war.

Because tywin Lannister can sacrifice anyone except his baby son James.

Now Jon Erin doesn't know who the adulterer is. He can only hope that this thing is really a rumor.

Then he quickly found James Lannister, Queen cersei's brother, and asked him to find out the reason with himself.

However, this is only an excuse. The real intention is equivalent to house arrest.

Although Jon Erin thought that if it was true, the Queen really had an affair with others and gave the king a green hat, tywin would mercilessly sacrifice his daughter.

But he dared not gamble.

After all, he is not a worm in tywin's stomach. Who knows what tywin thinks. He doesn't dare to risk civil war.

Now tywin's baby son James is in their hands.

Jon Erin must control James first to prevent him from sneaking out of King's landing and fleeing back to the West.

In that case, the iron throne will have no restriction on Kaiyan city. At that time, if the Lannister family starts a rebellion while the king leads the army north, I'm afraid it will be in trouble.

Therefore, the old Prime Minister Jon Erin's actions are sharp, tough and vigorous.

Although he is old, he is not old enough to walk.

At the same time, it is for this reason that the king's landing was shaken up and down for a time.

Then Jon Erin sat on the iron throne to perform the duties of the king, commanded the golden robes to enter the Red Castle and controlled all the guards and servants in the Red Castle.

He had reason to suspect that the object of the Queen's adultery was among these people, and anyone would be a witness to it.

However, the other red castle guards laid down their weapons, and as the captain of the imperial iron guard, sir 'fearless' barristan selmi led the other white knights to refuse to disarm and hand over James.

Claiming that if you want to take the queen, you have to step on his body first.

The two sides were deadlocked outside the Meige building, and were once at a crossfire.

After intensive coordination and negotiation between the prime minister and the queen, a compromise was finally reached.

James Lannister, a member of the Royal Guard, was temporarily placed under house arrest, while queen cersei was examined by the grand master pasier in the MEG building.

During the inspection, balistan selmi will accompany and monitor the whole process to ensure that her Majesty's dignity will not be violated.


The great scholar who walked unsteadily finally came to Meg's building. He first bowed to Queen cersei and apologized.

"Your Majesty, the examination may touch your body."

"Please forgive me..."

Pasier's voice trembled.

But where Jon Erin and the captain of the guards could not see, they winked at each other, and they had long been in touch.

When she saw the look of the bachelor paisil and the elegant woman with long blond hair, she restrained some fake anger on her face, snorted, reluctantly nodded and agreed.



The bachelor's palm trembled, stretched into the Queen's dress and rubbed it slightly for a long time.

Feel an old big hand on his body, cersei although no words, but a pair of eyes clearly wiped a trace of disgust.

Then the scholar took his hand back.

"Lord Jon Erin, her majesty is not pregnant."

The old pasier University scholar spoke positively.

"If you don't believe my judgment, you can also ask other bachelors to confirm it."

Standing aside, Jon Ellington, the king's hand, breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words of the grand master pasier.

"No, I trust your judgment."


In fact, he didn't want cersei to get pregnant more than anyone.

Jon Erin didn't take the rumor seriously when it first arose.

It was not until there was a lot of rumors and even the aristocracy began to whisper about it that Jon Erin had to respond.

But he also knew that he had offended the queen to death, and he was deeply guilty in his heart.

"Sorry, your majesty."

The old prime minister has just opened his mouth to apologize to the queen.

However, the queen with long blond hair was still angry at first. At this time, she became much calmer and her anger dissipated a lot.

"You are not to blame for this, Lord Jon Erin."

Cersei took the initiative to forgive the old prime minister, which really surprised Jon Erin.

Although the woman's eyes are still shining with ruthlessness, they don't look very willing.

"Seven gods forensics."

"Since the result can prove my innocence, it's enough."

Cersei wants to take advantage of this opportunity to actively shape an innocent image and protect her children.

"However, the sinner who concocted this rumor is insulting the reputation of the royal family. His heart can be punished and his crime cannot be forgiven. He must be caught as soon as possible and be severely tried!"

"These people must be the remnant of targaryan, trying to disturb the peace of King's landing in this troubled autumn."

Then cersei bit her silver teeth slightly and buckled the excrement basin on the head of wesselis.

However, wesselis might feel wronged if he heard her here.

This rumor really has nothing to do with him. Where did he know about cersei's pregnancy in pantos?

But cersei knew it.

Robert left Junlin Red Castle and no one could control her. Cersei didn't take protective measures in an indulgence. She really got pregnant accidentally.

However, cersei still had a little luck. She didn't want to kill the child and wanted to give birth quietly.

But this matter was exposed by the personal maid, saying that the queen had not been here for a long time, which caused this huge storm.

But now the bold maid has sunk into the well.

Cersei's children have also colluded with the good bachelor paisil to turn the moon tea carefully prepared into nothing.

However, although the pregnancy storm about the queen in Junlin finally landed smoothly.

But the keen old Prime Minister noticed something unusual.

Some maids and guards in the Red Castle were taken away for secret questioning.

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