Published at 24th of June 2024 06:27:16 AM

Chapter 297

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The year 292 of the Egan calendar is a grand celebration of the new year.

"Your Majesty."

"Your order is the direction indicated by the golden regiment flag."

In the palace on the top of the nine towers.

The current leader of the gold regiment, MIS toin, knelt down in the middle of the hall and expressed his submission to King wesselis.

The flag of the golden regiment is made of the skulls of successive commanders, boiled blood and flesh, plated with gold.

These gold skeletons are hung under the military flag. Whenever the gold regiment fights, they must be in front of the battle. All the warriors of the gold regiment take the lead in the direction indicated by the gold flag.

In fact, six months ago, before the doslacks attacked pantos, the golden regiment had already made contact with Jon Clinton and wesselis through the relationship of illyrio.

The golden regiment wants to take refuge in the tangaryan family. Like the wind blowing regiment, it has changed from a mercenary to a regular army of the tangaryan family.

The golden regiment has more than 10000 soldiers. Naturally, there are conditions for them to join the tangaryan family. They asked illileo and Jon Clinton to lobby for this condition.

In fact, many commanders of the golden regiment are descendants of survivors of the "black fire rebellion" during the tangaryan Dynasty.

Many of them are even "distant relatives" of wesselis, because the black fire itself is a branch of the tangaryan family and belongs to the hidden danger left by the legalization of illegitimate children by AEGON IV.

However, tangaryan's blood did flow in their bodies, but it was very thin.

The rest are the descendants of nobles and knights who once stood on the side of Damon black fire.

Their fiefdoms, titles and property in the country have long been confiscated, so they were forced to live on the AESOP continent, and they have been unable to return to their homes for generations.

The first condition that the gold regiment demanded from wesselis was that the gold regiment swore allegiance to the tangaryan family and helped wesselis kill Westeros and regain the iron throne, and wesselis promised to restore the territories and titles of these nobles.

However, this condition was flatly rejected by wesselis.

Although the loyalty of 10000 soldiers of the golden regiment is tempting, wesselis is not short of major generals and does not rely solely on them.

Now, under the new political system, everyone starts again and has the opportunity to become an aristocrat and climb to a high position.

It is easy for the commanders of the golden regiment to make a high position, which will cool the hearts of the soldiers who have been following wesselis.

It will also provide an obstacle to the nobles who want to bend their knees and surrender in the future attack on Westeros.

Some time passed after wesselis refused the condition of the gold regiment.

More than 80000 slaks lost the war of besieging pantos, and the arrogant and domineering dorslaks fled on their horses like lost dogs.

Then the escaped duthak people fled from the scope of Pan's, then turned the horse's head, suddenly attacked and washed the mill, and the Gold Group signed a contract with Miller, seeing that the event was not good. For the first time, he broke the contract voluntarily and fled to valantis.

The escape of the golden regiment also indirectly led to mill's lack of resistance and being brutally washed by the doslaks.

Not long after this incident, the messenger of the golden regiment came to pantos again.

This time, they no longer mentioned the previous conditions, but put their attitude very low.

This time, the gold regiment only asked wesselis to issue an edict in writing to pardon the descendants of the family who had participated in the "black fire rebellion".

So that they can participate in the promotion system with a fair attitude and regain their ancestral titles and fiefs by relying on military merit.

For the new condition of the gold mission, wesselis agreed without hesitation for too long.

If we say that all the members of the golden regiment are the descendants of the "anti thief", and the tangaryan family has lost the iron throne, the Westeros who have sworn allegiance to the usurper are all "anti thieves".

Wesselis can forgive them. Why can't he accept the gold regiment?


In fact, the "black fire rebellion" that once occurred has nothing to do with him.

Because he is not a real 'targaryan', no one knows about it except himself.

Moreover, the country he wants to establish is not a continuation of the tangaryan Dynasty.

It is similar to the connection between the Western Han Dynasty and the Eastern Han Dynasty. There is not much connection except the name.

In the future history, it is not the great tangaryan dynasty that experienced ten years of rebellion and turbulence. The iron throne was briefly stolen by the usurper, and then the great king wesselis III set up troops again on the other side of the narrow sea and recaptured the Iron Throne.

Wesselis has now established a completely different system in andalos and pantos.

He is not really 'wesselis', nor is he a man of the world. This is his biggest secret.

He was fortunate to have received a good education and grew up in a peaceful and comfortable environment without war, hunger and poverty.

Therefore, when wesselis first came to the world as an adult, he was at a loss and trembling.

Even killing a person is a common thing in this world. We need to summon up our courage.

Wesselis knows what a more advanced political system will be in the future. The people are the masters of the country, but he can't copy it.

Because it's too beyond the times. Copying mechanically will only cause more trouble.

Therefore, wesselis experienced a long time of deliberation. He began to think about this problem from the beginning of the establishment of andalos.

Finally, it took several years. After learning and understanding, he sewed and patched some useful patches on the basis of the original political aristocracy system in the world.

For example, the power of feudal aristocrats was closed down, centralized power was strengthened, military and government were separated, and the system of military merit promotion was strengthened.

Because of these policies, the tangorian family army maintained a super high combat effectiveness.

It's not just about training.

For these reasons, wesselis can say that the country it wants to establish is not the continuation of the tangaryan Dynasty, and Oberon thinks wesselis is a very special person.

"History is a wheel rolling forward. It goes down from one point, then turns around, and then returns to the origin, and starts again and again."

Oberon believes that wesselis will break the wheel of the cycle and make the times change and make different changes.

Wesselis agreed to the terms of the gold regiment and accepted the descendants of these once guilty nobles and knights.

He personally wrote an edict and pardoned them in writing in the name of King wesselis III.

In fact, wesselis can also understand the descendants of these sinners.

There was an imperial edict that reassured the commanders of these golden regiments that wesselis would suddenly turn over one day.

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