Published at 24th of June 2024 06:27:14 AM

Chapter 298

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He got the pardon edict written by wesselis and stamped with the leading herald of the tangaryan family.

When the messenger brought the edict back to volantis, there was an uproar within the golden regiment.

Some people think they live well here and don't want to return to Westeros, while more commanders of the golden regiment can't help crying with joy.

Because returning home has always been a wish passed down from their parents' generation to generation.

However, many people's wishes have become last wishes, which have not been realized and can only be passed on to their future generations again.

Now this wish has finally come true.

They're going to kill Westeros again as pioneers!

At the same time, wesselis pardoned them, which means that after regaining the iron throne in the future, they can return to their hometown, and they can also obtain titles through meritorious deeds.

Although they are forgiven for their sins, these Robert can also give them.

But the golden group is still more inclined to the tangaryan family.

After all, the black fire rebellion is still the family business of the tangaryan family anyway. What is a usurper?

Robert just relied on the meager blood of his grandmother ray targaryan to sit on the Iron Throne. There were the most orthodox targaryan heirs. The golden regiment naturally didn't like Robert.

Red or black, the dragon is the dragon.

Some contracts are written in ink, others in blood.

The golden regiment with tens of thousands of soldiers joined the tangaryan family and became a kingdom. At this time, a grand ceremony is being held in the city of pantos to celebrate the new year and welcome the arrival of the golden regiment.

Wesselis sat on the throne at the top of the hall with a crown on his head and accepted the loyalty of MIS toin and many golden regiment commanders.

Harry Strickland, benned beren, Dick Cole, golis adoine, etc

The hall was full of noise. The commander of a large gold regiment, Jon Clinton and Bessie Joyce, the prince in rags and the sand snake sisters were also present. Aaron sat next to wesselis.

Reneth and danilis did not attend the dinner. They went to pantos to play.

It was a big dinner.

All the guests present raised their glasses to wish wesselis an early return to the Iron Throne and a long rule.

And at the dinner party.

The third of the sand snake sisters, the long blond haired and sweet looking Tracy, is still quietly seducing wesselis.


A pair of watery light blue eyes locked on the handsome side face of the silver haired young man.

"Your Majesty..."

"Am I beautiful?"

Then the girl quietly took wesselis's palm under the table.

Then he took the initiative to lead it into her dress and kneaded her hot body. There was a touch of crimson on Tracy's cheek, and it seemed that water could drip from her eyes.

It has long been a secret in the palace that the sand snake sisters want to climb into wesselis's bed and become his lover.

However, Adrian seemed to pay no attention to it. She had never expected wesselis to be the only woman.

Dorn's nature is debauchery. It's normal for a man to have several mistresses or a woman to have several mistresses. Oberon plays more fancy than these.

Just what wesselis has heard of is unheard of.

When Oberon and his lover alaria were in pantos, they often chose some handsome men and invited him to join them.

According to Ramses' description, Oberon would first watch with great interest the fierce battle between aria and the selected "lucky man".

If you can still play the arhat from the back, Oberon can stay in any position on the upper, middle and lower floors.

Because Oberon is a man and woman take all guy. He believes that God created both sexes. If he prefers only one side, he will lose the fun of the other half.

"It's really... Worthy of being a man who is motivated to fuck all over the seven countries."

At that time, wesselis heard the news and felt some scalp numb.

He often feels out of tune with the world because he is not abnormal enough.

Some even rejoiced that they fell asleep accidentally in the bath of the sea king palace, and nothing happened in the end.

Despite his debauchery, Oberon still talked about the basic law and did not attack an eight year old boy.

Then after the dinner.

Wesselis also drank a lot of wine, but he remained basically sober because of his special physique.

"My love, slow down."

In the corridor.

Aaron helped wesselis back to his room, put his rich chest on his arm, held the light and pushed the door open.

In his room, there was already an uninvited guest.

Of course not. The debauchery sand snake sisters took off their clothes and warmed his bed.

It was the big black cat with a bitten crow in his mouth. It seemed that he had climbed in from the balcony.

The bitten crow was placed on the windowsill, and the black cat squatted next to it. Instead of trying to taste the delicious food, he licked his paw and wiped it on his face.


"Killed a crow?"

Wesselis, who had just drunk a lot of wine, was stunned when he saw such a scene as soon as he entered the door.

Since the last time wesselis instilled the black fog into the black cat, bellerian has not shown any special changes.

Wesselis began to observe carefully for a few days, and then simply gave up.

However, after such a long time, wesselis didn't pay much attention to the black cat.

It was found that the other party seemed to be thinner, and his eyes became more flexible.

Bellerian used to climb trees hard because of his size, not to mention catching birds, but now he killed a big black crow.

Belerin's progress impressed wesselis.

More importantly, he had some preliminary guesses about the role of black fog in bellerian.

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