Published at 24th of June 2024 06:36:10 AM

Chapter 3

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Before wesselys pulled reneth into the carriage, he looked back slightly in the direction behind him. He saw a woman holding a child in an open window in Meg's upstairs.

Brown hair, black eyes and delicate body shook slightly in the wind. She held a baby in swaddling clothes in her arms.

Wesselis knew that she was his cheap brother's wife, his sister-in-law Elijah Martel, Donne's princess, and she was holding her nephew Egan tangaryan in her arms.

However, his brain is now in a daze. He accepted with great energy that he was about to face the situation of escape when he just came to the world. He held the little girl in his arms and asked her not to be too active.

He had no time to think about why his father had detained Elijah and her children in King's landing.

They had a chance to escape with themselves.

However, the rebels are about to attack the city, and staying in Junlin means danger. Wesselis also took a temporary risk and decided to take reneth away before the team set out.

He didn't even know if his father would send troops to recover them.

Or his little act of changing history, flapping the wings of a butterfly, what will happen in the future.

But now he has only done a little bit, at least in conscience.

If a golden robe chases after her later and wants to forcibly take Renee away, maybe he doesn't have the courage to stop her.

"Let's go!"

Elijah, standing on Meg's upstairs, saw her daughter get on wesselis's carriage by chance and finally leave the Red Castle. Her already weak and sick body shook slightly, and then her eyes were slightly red, and crystal tears crossed her cheeks.

She had a hunch that it would be a farewell to her daughter.


Because the sea is not peaceful now, storms have been rising in recent days.

Originally, the team escorting the queen and prince could take a boat to Longshi island in King's landing, but after Sir William's careful consideration, he finally chose to take the land to minimize the journey at sea.

The king's burning of the soldiers with bad news did not stop the leakage of the news. The Red Castle has long been riddled with holes. Today's King's landing has spread the news of the defeat of the main force of the Royal room army and the death of rega tangaryan.

The rebels made a fierce approach to King's landing.

For a time, this big city with more than one million people fell into panic, and people were in panic. The cloud of war shrouded over King's landing.

The escort team set out from the Red Fort and passed through the AEGON hill. The heavily armed soldiers scattered the chaotic crowd along the way.

There was no sign of the tangorian family on the carriage, and the drapery hung down, and there was no noble man sitting in the carriage.

"Go away!"

The soldiers urged the horses to disperse the pedestrians in the street, and the whip in their hands waved down mercilessly.


The noisy and chaotic crowd suddenly became orderly under the whip. They were driven to both sides of the road and made way for the team.

Queen Leila's carriage came first, followed by the carriage of wesselis and reneth.

The boy's fingers gently opened a gap and saw the scenery outside. The carriage shuttled through the narrow street surrounded by soldiers. Looking up from here, you can see a hill overlooking King's landing in the distance, on which the Dragon Cave used by tangaryan family to raise dragons is located.

"Over there is reneth hills."

In order to appease reneth, who thought she was going on an outing, wesselis in the carriage had to find a topic to distract the little girl's attention.

And this landmark with her name is undoubtedly the best topic between the two little guys.

Sure enough, the girl with brown hair hugged her little black cat Belle Ryan and looked forward to it.

To her disappointment, however, the hill was not built for her by her loving father.

Wesselis racked his brains to recall the knowledge he saw in history books during this period. Fortunately, he still has the ability to remember.

Then he told the little girl the story of the ancestor conqueror AEGON and his sister and empress Wang Renes, which took place more than 200 years ago.

The Renes hill was named by the Queen's husband, Egan targaryan, in memory of his sister who died in the war, and built a memorial temple, but the temple was destroyed by riots in later years and replaced by the Dragon Cave.

The little girl with brown hair hugged the kitten and listened with relish. When she heard the news that the queen of the same name fell into the dragon and died, she couldn't help crying.

"I will find such a husband who loves me in the future."


Reneth's eyes were a little red and she sobbed a little. It seemed that she had been substituted into it and linked her fate with the little queen reneth. After all, the two people have the same name and surname, which is easy to have sympathy and association.

Coupled with the innocent and romantic age of the little girl, it is a period when she likes listening to stories and is easy to spread fantasy. At the same time, she also has some expectations for the future.

However, she doesn't know the news that her father has died in the war. The name reneth seems to have some kind of curse. Her fate is not much better than that of the little queen Wang more than 200 years ago, and she can't produce pity and sympathy.

Because the little girl is only three or four years old now and has not received very strict court etiquette education, she forgot that she should call wesselis' uncle ', rather than calling his brother or calling him by his name because of her similar age.

"He can even kill a dragon for me."

The story of the Dragon Slayer has always been in biographical novels. It is normal to have fantasies.

Reneth stubbornly raised her small face and exquisite chin, and even some pear flowers with rain. She said such unrealistic fantasies solemnly, which still makes people want to laugh.

Wesselis smiled awkwardly and politely on his cheek.


The wheels of the carriage kept rolling and making a sound. They were not far from leaving King's landing.

The pursuers sent by his father haven't arrived yet. It seems that his father has acquiesced in him to take Renee.

After all, no matter what the father's purpose of detaining Princess Elia MartaI and her son is, it doesn't matter to have more important people, one more and one less little girl, not to mention his own granddaughter.

Wesselis had relaxed a lot, and then reached out and rubbed the little girl's brown hair inherited from her mother until it was a little messy.

"There are no dragons in the world."


"The last dragon has been dead for more than a century."

As he spoke, wesselis looked at the renice hills in the distance and said silently in his heart.

If the tangaryan family had dragons, it might not fall into such a situation.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!