Published at 24th of June 2024 06:27:09 AM

Chapter 301

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Bessie is willing to take risks and trust his king, because his fate is changed by each other.

Without wesselis, he might still be an ordinary hunter in the village, and even worry about the attack of the brotherhood and robbers on the village.

Even though Bessie was a brave soldier before she was injured at that time, her fists could not defeat her four hands. Maybe one day she would die by the robber's knife.

That's how Bessie's father died.

Wesselis did not show too much affectation when he saw Bessie's promise.

Then let him stand in front of himself, and then take off the mask on his face.

Andar soldiers have suffered severe burns and their faces have long been beyond recognition. Therefore, he wears a metal mask all year round and is wrapped up all over.

He was afraid that his appearance would scare others. Wesselis once proposed to him to find him an aristocratic woman, which was politely rejected by Bessie.

And now.

Wesselis looked at the ferocious and terrible cheek in front of him, and his heart could not help but click slightly.

Although he had seen Bessie, he couldn't help feeling a little tight every time he saw her.

"What's different must be said in time..."

The silver haired young man, who was the exact opposite of Bessie's face now, began to charge.

"I'm going to start."

Rashly taking off his mask in front of outsiders, Bessie, who has become the head of the army, is still a little nervous.

Then he saw his majesty lift up a hand, and a black fog gradually condenses in the center of his hand.

"This is..."

Bessie's eyes were still clear and slightly widened on that dark and ferocious ugly face.

Because he really saw a black fog condensing from the palm of wesselis's hand.

He didn't even know if it was his illusion. He vaguely heard a voice like a fierce ghost crying.

"Is this..."

Bessie had just thought of something, but before he could think more, wesselis pressed the black fog in the palm of his hand into his eyebrows.


Wisps of black fog crept down the palm of wesselis's hand into Bessie's eyebrows.

Time flows slowly.

Bessie felt a cold force flowing into her body.

He could not help shaking, and then began to feel some changes in his body.

This feeling is unclear, but it just feels closer to his majesty, as if there is a sense of spiritual connection.

What's going on?

Bessie didn't know why, but he didn't feel anything different, so he didn't speak.

After wesselis completely injected the black fog into Bessie, he didn't stop until Bessie's body had a rejection reaction and the black fog bounced back.

"It's over."

"How do you feel?"

Then wesselis asked.


And Bessie thought a little and said.

"The strength has increased a little, and the body seems to have recovered a little."

Bessie and wesselis understood differently. He felt that the black fog was like an energy of life, not a soul. It helped him repair his broken body.

It's not difficult to hear his excitement in the words of the man with dark and long hair. After all, it's been so long since he was burned.

Originally, he had given up and thought it was impossible for him to mention the sword in his life. However, he didn't expect wesselis to give him another chance.

Bessie shook her fist slightly. There was still some pain between her fingers, but it was much better than before. Then she took out her sword from her waist.


The sword light lit up the whole study.

The bodyguard outside the door seemed to hear the sound of drawing a sword in the study and immediately asked.

"Your Majesty, what happened?"

However, wesselis looked very calm and stepped back slightly to make room for Bessie.

Hearing the words of the guards outside, he opened his mouth calmly.


It's really good to see you holding the sword for a long time.

Bessie had hurt the joints of her fingers because of severe burns, so it was difficult to hold the sword.

At that time, the bachelor diagnosed him that he should not be able to lift the sword again in his life. Of course, this is about lifting the sword and fighting.

Now Bessie's five fingers held the hilt tightly. Although his skin was still dark and terrible, there was a surge of vitality in his flesh and blood under his terrible skin.

"I haven't fully recovered... But it feels really good."

Bessie waved her long sword, tried to feel the change of her body, and said happily.

Then he woke up. He was so excited that he waved his sword in front of his majesty.

Then he quickly snapped the sword into the scabbard, and subconsciously knelt down on one knee to plead guilty.

"Sorry, your majesty..."

For such a badly injured person as him, such a violent action was still unbearable. The tearing pain hit and made Bessie's face slightly twitch on one knee.

However, wesselis only blinked. He was observing Bessie's changes, and then reached out to help his royal guard up.

"It's ok if you recover a little. Maybe things will get better in a period of time."

Wesselis thought for a moment and spoke.

The black cat had not changed at first, but later this change became more and more obvious.

"You are the first person to accept this power..."

Wesselis is saying something.

At this time, the tip of his eyebrow picked slightly, and his words would stop here.

Because he seemed to suddenly notice Bessie's mood

He seemed to be grateful for himself. Although he didn't seem particularly excited on the surface, Bessie was so upset that he had just forgotten his injury.

What's going on?

Wesselis suddenly remembered that when he ordered the black cat to kill the chickens not long ago, he seemed to feel the "puzzled" emotion transmitted by the black cat.

Is this the same as bellerian

Are we connected?

At this time, wesselis suddenly realized that there was such a hazy connection between bellerian and him.

When bellerian was just a dragon egg, he seemed to absorb a lot of black fog.

When bellerian is hatched, it grows much faster than its brothers, and one person and one dragon can be directly connected with the heart without words.

"So the role of black fog is here?"

Wesselis's eyes brightened slightly, and he finally understood what the role of black fog was.

He is the root of the black fog, and the person who receives the black fog is equivalent to his servant, who can strengthen his ability.

At the same time, it will also have a spiritual connection with the master.

It's like the connection between vampires and transformed servants he heard in his previous life.

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