Published at 24th of June 2024 06:26:46 AM

Chapter 312

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Once, daenerys hatched a dragon, which shocked volantis greatly.

There is no shortage of authentic valerian aristocratic blood here, so volantis buys dragon eggs all over the world and wants to fight to turn bicycles into motorcycles.

It's just that dragon eggs are not the stone of rotten street and are not so easy to buy.

Once illyrio could buy three ancient non hatched dragon eggs from distant Asia. That's because the giant dragon was extinct at that time, and no one could hatch the giant dragon again in nearly a hundred years.

Therefore, dragon eggs gradually circulated and could be bought with money.

Now the dragon eggs can be hatched again. Anyone who holds the dragon eggs doesn't want to try it by himself, if he is the one chosen that day.

Because of this, volantis's journey to acquire dragon eggs was not so smooth, and liars who were not afraid of death gathered here.

Most of the crooks with poor workmanship were screened out and their heads were cut off, but some of them walked away and finally bought some gorgeous stones.

Although the consul of volantis is elected once a year, he can be re elected indefinitely. Now malajo, the old consul of the tiger party, has lost his teeth and should have reached the age of retirement.

However, there are indeed some young people in the party who are out of touch, and the young people of the tiger party are embarrassed. Therefore, this time, the tiger party spent so much money to organize the expedition in order to seize the opportunity to find something to fight against the elephant party.

In the final analysis, this is still a partisan struggle.


The huge warship broke the roaring waves in the wind.

Wesselis just listened to MIA talking about the partisan struggle of volantis. Generally speaking, volantis is a bipartisan competition system, which is a little familiar.

Their goal is to conquer the world, while the elephant party hopes to use trade and the tiger party hopes to use force.

That's it.

The young man with long silver and gold hair is now sitting on the deck, with his hair tied into a braid, a long sword in hand, a dagger tied around his waist, a metal wrist guard and brown leather armor. He looks a little natural and unrestrained, just like a lone ranger.

Not long ago, wesselis made an amazing move and solved his opponent cleanly. Some rich businessmen took a fancy to him and wanted to hire him as a guard.

Several small mercenaries also threw olive branches at wesselis, but wesselis didn't accept it.

Now he was sitting on the deck with a wine pot in his hand, looked up and drank a mouthful of boiled water.

Then he looked up at the gray sky.

"Today is not a good weather for going to sea..."

Today's weather is a little gloomy, the wind is howling, and the sea has become a lot grumpy. Maybe a storm will come soon.

"That's right."

The girl with long red hair looks worried. Although she is not a good sailor, such bad weather is obviously not suitable for long-distance sailing.

A sailor suggested to the commander of the expedition that it was malajo's housekeeper, but the other party refused to return to the port and insisted on moving on.

Many sailors had no choice but to obey each other's orders and continue to sail in the direction of Yanhai.

Then, not too long passed.

A small storm came.

The sky on the sea changed as it changed. Just now it was only gray, the sky was cloudy in an instant, and the faint sunshine disappeared completely.

The wind was howling, the sea was roaring, a torrential rain fell without warning, and bean sized raindrops fell on the faces of adventurers and slaves on the deck.

"Come on!"

"Tighten the rope!"

The first mate on the ship was commanding the sailors to control the ship at the top of his voice. Naturally, the slaves and adventurers on the ship were not idle and came forward to help.

Because everyone knows that fire and water are ruthless. Once the ship capsizes here, I'm afraid none of them will want to go back alive.

It's still calm and can't swim back, not to mention now in the rough sea.


Raindrops madly hit the deck and everyone's cheeks. Huge waves beat the hull of the warship. Some unlucky people were accidentally swept away by the waves, made a scream and disappeared on the deck in an instant.

However, at this time, everyone had no time to save people.

"Where's the bucket?"

"Come on, come on!"

"Take a board and block it up!"

Wesselis and Mia were also helping. Their clothes were all wet and looked a little embarrassed.

Fortunately, however, this storm did not last long.

I don't know how long it has passed. When the people are a little exhausted, the raging waves around finally calm down.

The pouring rain turned into a drizzle until it finally stopped completely.

I don't know when the dark clouds above my head quietly dissipated. The red glow of the sunset broke the haze of the sky and covered the whole silent sea.

The sparkling sea surface reflected the red glow, and the seagulls flew and made a clear chirp.

"Hoo ~"

"It's finally over."

The girl with red hair lay exhausted on the deck, her chest undulating slightly.

Despite the fact that the water stains on the nail plate have not been wiped dry, anyway, the whole body has already been wet through.

Wesselis also sat beside her, but his performance was better than that of the girl.

The young man with silver hair looked at the beautiful scenery in the distance, then remained silent, picked up the wine pot and drank again.

Wesselis had no friends on the ship. After all, he was a first-time visitor to volantis and tried to keep a low profile.

Mia has been in volantis for a long time. She is a familiar figure in the mercenary circle, but she also has no friends.

"Are you okay, Mia?"

A tall bald man with tattoos came over, followed by several brothers, saying hello to MIA.


The girl with red hair sat up and shook her head.


Then he raised his hand and slapped the other party.

The man also nodded and looked warily at wesselis sitting next to her, but he didn't say hello, and then turned and left here.

Wesselis didn't care. He took another sip of the wine pot and looked at each other's back.

"His name is' iron fist 'Gus."

"Volantis is a well-known mercenary and the head of the iron regiment."

Mia, who sat up from the deck, stroked her long red hair slightly, and then opened her mouth to introduce.

"You don't have a title yet, IMON. For a powerful mercenary, name is more important than strength."

"But I want to follow me with your strength, and I will soon be able to break a famous name in volantis."

There were still beads of water on the girl's face, but her chest patted and even beat a few times. Her dark eyes were sincere.

Mia's purpose of making friends with wesselis, whose pseudonym is' IMON ', is actually very simple.

Her dream is to establish her own mercenary regiment.

Then, there were no accidents in the remaining days of the voyage.

On the morning of the last day, the sailor with a single telescope finally saw the fog blocking the sun.

"Here comes the sea of smoke!"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!