Published at 24th of June 2024 06:26:25 AM

Chapter 323

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"Everyone -"

"Ready to camp!"

Wait until all the ships are docked and fixed on the shore.

A large number of mercenaries, sailors and slaves who participated in this operation stood on the muddy and wet land.

Then the commander of the expedition on the flagship, the housekeeper of the leader of the volantis tiger party, stepped down from the ship.

His name is Verde megua.

He was the nephew of the consul maragio.

Wilder was highly valued and trusted by his uncle. The tiger robed army leading volantis had made great achievements many times. That's why he got such an important position.

Wilder is now in his forties. He is wearing a full body military uniform, bright armor and a sword hanging from his waist. He stands on the bow of the boat. His dark eyes sweep all the people on the beach and look very majestic.

He didn't get off the ship until everyone got off the ship and confirmed that the beach was safe.

Then he looked up at the sky and gave the order to camp on the spot.

"Just rest here for a night."

After some twists and turns, it is now evening.

Dusk and sunset.

The red glow penetrated the thin mist and sprinkled on the earth.

"This way -"

"Hurry up."

"Two more pieces of wood."

Everyone began to build their own tents and prepare to bury pots for cooking. At the same time, they also cut down some trees in the surrounding woods to make a simple fence to surround the camp and play a protective role.

When the expedition first came to the varelian ruins, it was not ready to explore at night. In such an era, marching at night has always been a taboo, not to mention the dangerous task of exploring the varelian ruins.

Therefore, it is understandable that Wilder played 12 points of caution.

After all, he is also an experienced commander.

Wesselis was also mixed in the crowd. He was assigned to work with an axe in his hand. He followed the people to the grove not far from the beach and cut down several trees.

Mia, iron fist Gus, and his little brothers all followed wesselis, and the survivors of their ship were still holding together to keep warm.


He swung an axe and cut it on the trunk, and the sawdust flew.

When he first set foot on this land, wesselis was also very careful.

He felt a palpitation from the moment he stepped on the land, as if some danger was coming, so he quietly raised his vigilance.

The first impression that this mysterious continent brought to wesselis was depression. It was clear that there were fish in the water and trees on the ground. Everything seemed normal, but it gave people a feeling of depression.

If summed up, it is disharmony.

"Be careful."

Wesselis was concise and comprehensive, whispering as he cut down trees.

"Well, I see."

Several people around the group nodded.

Then time passed quickly, and the sky slowly darkened.

The setting sun completely disappeared below the horizon, the whole world fell into darkness, and campfires were lit.

Although it is dangerous to light a bonfire in such an unknown place, it may attract something.

But darkness is more likely to breed fear. Human beings can't lose light, just as fish can't lose water.

The simple camp built in the past has been completed.

Although there are some simple conditions, we can't expect more in such a dangerous environment.

"No matter what happens, we must report it at the first time!"

Wilder arranged some people to be on duty at night. The middle-aged man in full military uniform looked serious and said.

Excluding those who need to be on duty today, all the rest are ready to rest. Wesselis and Mia are lucky. They are not so unlucky. They were assigned to the task on duty on the first day.

I can have a good rest tonight.

The two of them were assigned to the same tent.

After so many days of getting along and suffering together, the relationship between the two people is gradually warming up. They are good friends.

However, everyone else thought that there must be some relationship between IMON and Mia. At first, they thought IMON was a young white face, but later they found that MIA held a thigh.

The performance of silver haired young people has fallen into everyone's eyes and is definitely a good player.

But in fact, only two people know that nothing has happened to them. They are just friends in common trouble.

And there is no interest in what happens in such an environment.


The night outside is deep.

Darkness enveloped the continent.

There are no insects, no birds, and no sound. It's quiet and makes people feel blocked.

"I always have a bad hunch that tonight may not be so peaceful."

In the tent, wesselis took off his heavy leather armor, and could hardly sleep in such a hard boiled leather armor.

But he still wears a coat, not just because he lives in a tent with a girl.

And now that he has set foot on the continent of Valeria, danger may come at any time. He doesn't want to escape naked.

Wesselis put the valerian Steel Dagger he carried under his headrest.

Valerian steel can kill strange ghosts. Maybe it can also be effective for some monsters in the ruins.

The red haired girl sitting on another sleeping bag also took off her leather armor, revealing the white lining she was wearing inside, wrapped tightly.

Although men and women are different.

But they didn't show any embarrassed expression. After all, they were all trying to live.

The girl sat on the sleeping bag with her legs crossed and her white feet bare. She didn't seem to be in a hurry to sleep.

"I feel the same way."

Mia opened the gap in the tent and looked out. The dark sky was shrouded in a mist.

"The fog outside seems to be getting stronger."

The fog on the land is thinner than that on the sea, but the color seems to be a little deeper, and it is a little stronger at night than during the day.

The fog of the smoke sea seems unable to invade the land, just as the sea monsters no longer seem to attack ships in the last period of time near the mainland.

Wesselis also saw it in Gillian's diary.

"The sea monsters seem to be afraid of this land. They are unwilling to approach, but they can't stay away. They flee to other waters outside the Yanhai sea.".

If these sea monsters escape the sea of smoke.

I'm afraid the whole world's shipping industry will suffer a great blow and return to the period of land closure.

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