Published at 24th of June 2024 06:26:16 AM

Chapter 329

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The cold gate made a harsh sound, and then a team of heavily armed Knights came out of the city.

They wear thick fur to keep warm, and their helmets are wrapped with hats to cover many parts, including ears and cheeks.

Only a pair of eyes were exposed, and the turbid breath from his mouth turned into white fog. The war horse played a whistle and sprayed white fog.

"This shit like place in the north is really too fucking cold."

The Knights went out of the gate, and then one of them rode on his horse and complained.

The world outside the city was a vast expanse of white, and the blizzard covered everything in their field of vision, all covered with a layer of white frost.

The wind and snow blocked his sight. In addition, count leford could not see further things. He could only hear the roar of the wind in his ear.

"Shut your mouth, Raman."

The somewhat mellow count of leford rode on his horse and glared at the unstoppable Knight behind him.

On their heads, the northern soldiers standing at the head of Winterfell glared at them, and it was obvious that they had heard what they had just said.

They were soldiers belonging to the West. Tywin Lannister, Duke of Kay rock, did not come to the North personally and entrusted it to count leford to command the army in the West.

Now they are carrying out a logistics task to escort a batch of materials from the south not long ago to the defense line of the desperate Great Wall from Lindong city.

The Kay rock Knight named Raman is subordinate to the Lannister family.

But now they all have to listen to the count of golden tooth city. After all, the other party is now the commander of the Western army.

Raman just snorted and didn't dare to argue. If he really offended Leo leford, no one would plead for him even if he was executed.

At this time, naturally, someone nearby made a round and took the initiative to turn off the topic.

"I heard that his majesty Robert won the war some days ago. So it seems that these strange ghosts are not terrible."


The mellow count leford snorted coldly, but said nothing more.

Not long ago.

The army of the dead army is pressing on the border. A large number of corpses and ghosts have appeared on the frozen coast, frost and snow teeth, ancestors' fist peak and so on.

Those savage tribes who had not fled with mans Reid, the king of the Great Wall, suffered a terrible disaster.

The Legion of the dead is also growing in this process, like a snowball.

Ever since I received frequent sighs of strange ghosts.

In addition, the gap of the collapse of the Great Wall has paid a great price, and a small town pier has been built in a very short time.

King Robert led many coalition generals and nobles to appear in the restored black castle.

The main force of the coalition forces is stationed here. The endless tents stretch to the sky, hanging all kinds of family flags. The huge army of people trains hard every day. He is ready to snipe the enemy and fight to the death with strange ghosts here.

Although King Robert's ability to govern the country is not very good, he can not be called a qualified good king. Even many people describe him as an alcoholic and a fool.

But in terms of war, Robert is still brave and good at fighting. He is a strong general.

"An excellent commander will not abandon the advantage of defense. We just need to stick to the Great Wall, I believe..."

King Robert's eldest brother Stannis was still the stone in the pit, smelly and hard.

Although the two brothers had been reconciled for a short time, it was Robert's surprise that Stannis had died and came back to life.

Then Stannis miraculously turned defeat into victory and captured mans Reid alive when he returned to Winterfell.

Now, forgetting the short warmth at that time, the two brothers still have a bad temper.

Donald noy, a blacksmith who is familiar with the three brothers of baratheon, once compared the three.

"If Robert is real steel, Stannis is pure iron. It is black, hard and strong, but it is easy to damage. Like iron, it will break before bending."

"As for Lan Li, he looks like glittering copper. He looks beautiful, but it's actually not worth a lot of money."

The blacksmith is right.

Stannis stubbornly prevented his brother from taking risks, just like a stone. He thought that he only needed to stick to the desperate Great Wall, even if there was a gap, he could stop the army of the dead.

And ED stark also persuaded Robert that it was too snowy outside to take the initiative.

However, in the end, Robert managed to overcome all opinions and personally led the army composed of elite Knights drawn out by the coalition forces of the seven countries to bypass. He sent troops from the East China Sea, crossed the ghost forest, and plunged directly into the rear of the army of the dead along the direction of the deer horn river.

The strange ghost who commanded the Legion of the dead never thought that the human Legion dared to take the initiative.

And they came around from their rear and were caught off guard.

With intelligence as support, all the Knights smeared their swords with rocket oil before they were ready to attack, and the arrows of the archers were also stained with rocket oil.

Then the army rushed out and wiped out this legion of thousands of dead people, paying only a very small price.

The leader of this dead army, a strange ghost with cold skin as pale as the moon and cold and beautiful eyes, fought a one-on-one duel with the king of mankind.

His body is covered with reflective armor, which changes color with movement, some like the armor worn by the legendary son of the forest.

His swordsmanship is superb. He waves a long sword made of thin crystal fragments with strange blue light.

Strange ghosts move very fast and have strong power. The elite Knights of the seven countries defeated the disorganized legion of the dead, set them on fire, and then surrounded this strange ghost group.


"Kill him!"

"Kill him!"

The Knights of the seven countries rushed forward in an attempt to kill the terrible ghost.

However, these elite knights had no way to win each other. Instead, they were killed by strange ghosts one after another. They had no resistance like destroying the withered and decadent.

The Knights' long swords burning fire are broken like glass. The long swords of strange ghosts are cold and can crush any object, including the Knights' bodies.

And then King Robert stood up.

Before leaving, he took away the giant sword cold ice of the stark family in order to prevent encountering real ghosts.

"Get out of the way!"

The tall man with a beard in his face roared with a huge sword in his hands.

Then he rushed up fiercely and had a one-on-one duel with the strange ghost.


The huge sword made of valerian steel was smashed on the cold ice sword of the strange ghost.

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