Published at 24th of June 2024 06:35:28 AM

Chapter 33

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And now.

Wesselis is still at the stage of exploring the black fog, and there are many lost ways ahead.

So he wants to take the initiative to try other possibilities.

Even now it may not be so practical... But everything still depends on exploration.


"Try it."

Wesselis pursed his lips, and his eyes turned to the last attribute in the black fog. The 'moon' expressed in higher valerian language is the option representing spiritual power.

The Valerians believe that the moon represents spirit, soul or will.

This is an expressive feature of this language. The word moon can also refer to the soul.

"My spiritual power is far beyond ordinary people, and it does bring me special abilities."

Wesselis awakened to a special ability called the eye of the moment when he reached 20.

This ability can make him temporarily slow down all dynamically changing people or things in his field of vision, and the powerful spiritual force deconstructs each other's actions in an instant.

So it seems that the other party 'slows down', leaving him more reaction time.

This ability naturally helped wesselis a lot. For example, he just relied on this ability to help him escape the flying axe thrown by the mercenary and get back a life.

Wesselis naturally understood the principle of developing strengths and avoiding weaknesses.

His strength now lies in his spiritual power far superior to ordinary people.

He even looked forward to what would happen if his spiritual power evolved to the extreme.


Wesselis manipulated this mass of absorbed black smoke into a large mass of black fog, which turned into a fleeting moonlight, and the words symbolizing the "Moon" were wrapped with a faint bright white light.


No, then.

Wesselis sat on the ground against the wall and looked at his sword.

Fortunately, the castle on Longshi island is large enough. Because Prince leiga is frugal and Longshi island is barren, there are not many servants and guards. No one has found him yet.

Otherwise, seeing this scene, you may think that the little king can't bear the psychological pressure and has to choose to end the road by himself.

"Sure enough."

And wesselis was calm.

He looked at the monthly figure was still 20, there was no change, but his brain was slightly awake, such as drinking manna, and then his eyes blinked slightly. There was no accident, but showed a reasonable expression.

Instead of wasting the black smoke, he used it to test out a result.

Although the result of his guess was the same, wesselis was very cautious in the face of such an important thing as' black fog '.

He will not choose to guess, but must prove it with experimental results.

And the result did not come out of his expectation.

The stronger the ability, the more difficult it will be to evolve. His mental strength has far exceeded the sum of two people, even three people, four people or more.

So his plan to quickly evolve his spiritual power to the peak was also bankrupt.

"We still need comprehensive development."

Wesselis took a slight deep breath.

"And I don't know if the use of black fog will cause any hidden dangers."

But now wesselis has no choice.

He must rely on the benefits brought to him by the black fog, otherwise it is difficult, even almost impossible, for the future visible destiny.

Even with the help of the black fog, wesselis did not relax at all. He was afraid that he would not escape the shackles of fate and would eventually die in other ways. He did not dare to breathe a sigh of relief.

"Your Highness!"

"Your Highness is here. Come quickly!"

And at this time.

Step step step——

With the friction of armor and the noisy and chaotic footsteps, the guards of the castle held high torches to search in the corridor, and finally found the location of wesselis along the trace.

All the mercenaries who sneaked into the castle have been killed.

After a brief interrogation, the only living person left was ordered by the hurried housekeeper Sir shad to cut his throat and throw his body into the sea.

Hearing about the attack, the knight looked very anxious. At the same time, he hated these attackers and wanted to kill them quickly.

At this time, the guards also found that the bedroom where the 'little king' was also attacked by the enemy.

Two bodyguards have been killed, while wesselis and princess Renes have no trace.

Then Sir shad ordered a search of the whole castle.

Finally, the surprised and frightened reneth was found in the cellar, and another team also found the location of wesselis.


The next morning.

The shock of last night has disappeared. The servants cleaned the blood in the castle, and all the bodies of mercenaries were thrown into the sea to feed fish.

The body of the mercenary who fell off the cliff when wesselis cut the rope from the castle was also found by fishermen who were ready to go fishing in the morning.

Wesselis was actually a little frightened, but he generally performed better than the queen and reneth.

But he was also tossed for half a night, with some blood in his eyes.


In the table hall on the top floor of the stone drum tower, wesselis sat on the side seat after greeting his mother.

The physically and mentally exhausted silver haired woman was sitting on the main seat listening to the report of the commander of the Longshi Island fleet.

Although wesselis has been crowned 'King', in fact, even the guards of Longshi Island did not call him 'His Majesty'.

Everyone knows that the king is just a name.

Even now that targaryan has regained the throne, wesselis cannot sit on the Iron Throne.

Because he was too young, but his mother Leila, as the Regent of the empress dowager, waited until the king reached adulthood to transfer power.

So wesselis can only sit on the side seat next to his mother in good order, with his knees together and his hands on his knees. His long eyelashes move and his eyes droop. He looks quiet and completely obedient and sensible.

However, the commander of the dragonstone fleet, an old man with white hair and beard, was saying something. He found wesselis coming and looked at the boy slightly.

There was a little curiosity in the old jazz's eyes.

He is reporting to Queen Leila the loss of the Longshi Island fleet last night. Although he repelled the enemy, the fleet itself inevitably suffered some losses.

And he heard what happened in the castle.

His Highness's younger brother, Prince wesselis, who is only seven years old, did not know how to kill three members of the ferocious mercenary regiment last night.

"Your Highness."

The commander of the dragonstone fleet nodded slightly to wesselis.

"Sir Jeffrey."

Wesselis nodded when he heard the old man's words, and returned politely.

This was the first time he had seen the Jazz since he came to Longshi island.

The other side was in charge of the fleet, but they didn't come to worship after queen Leila and wesselis came.

And the mother didn't know why she didn't take the initiative to summon the man.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!