Published at 24th of June 2024 06:26:02 AM

Chapter 337

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The great wall of despair.

The second war between humans and ghosts has finally come to an end.

Perhaps because of the victory of the first war, he personally killed a strange ghost, which led to the expansion of King Robert baratheon.

He arrogantly wanted to stop the footsteps of the night king in the great wall and completely defeat the Legion of the dead.

However, it was a big defeat.

The coalition troops fled to Lindong city in a panic. The cold wind of death blew over the great wall and shrouded the earth in the north.

In winter, it seems to get colder.


In faraway Valeria, the temperature is also falling sharply after a heavy rain.

"Hoo ~"

"Hoo ~"

The red haired girl hid in a dark cellar, her full chest gently undulating and panting.

The silent Li Jianzhong only heard the girl's breathing clearly.

"Damn --"

She gently bit her teeth and was covered with blood. She didn't know whether it was her own or others.

Since entering the ruins of the king's capital of Valeria, a series of terrible things have almost made her spirit collapse.

Many things have happened in the past few days, which has led to a sharp decline in the form, and the expedition has been completely fragmented.

Verde megaya, the nephew of the commander of the expedition, the warlandis tiger Archon, was attacked and killed by a dark shadow from the sky after entering the king's capital.

The other party was very fast, even faster than the werewolf they had encountered before. They jumped directly from the ruins of the city wall and took the other party away.

While waiting for Verde's confidants to catch up, only half of the commander Verde's body was left on the ground.

The commander is dead.

The few remaining expedition team was suddenly faced with collapse.

Because this is far from the beginning of a nightmare.

Ignorant and fearless people tried to explore the secrets of the gods for their interests, and finally suffered terrible punishment.

Only now can people understand why so many people who explored the ruins of varelia before can rarely come out alive.

Plague, curse, monster attack

The danger opened like rain, and only a few could escape one by one.

When crossing the sea of smoke, all the people who have been recruited still don't know what they have done.

A few days after arriving at the varelian ruins, all these people began to break out of diseases one after another.

At first, the commander thought it was a plague, a light rain, or there was a problem with the water and fruit on the island.

However, when he killed all the people suspected of the plague and burned their bodies, the nightmare continued.

During the procession, some people fell down, and then they never got up again. The body showed marble patterns and seven orifices were bleeding.

At the beginning, a group of survivors such as wesselis, Mia and iron fist Gus did not realize what the reason was.

But they didn't wake up until more and more people died. It turned out that these people who had absorbed the fog began to get sick.

However, facing such a serious situation, the commander of the expedition, veld, still refused to give up.

He recklessly ordered the team to move on.

His uncle entrusted him with such an important task and paid such a high price that he was about to reach the king of Valeria. In any case, Wilder was unwilling to give up at this time.

Then a team of only a few hundred people arrived at the fast red river outside the king's capital of Valeria.

Wesselis did not know what color the river was originally, but now it is as bright as blood and emits an unbearable stench.

There should have been a grand bridge here, but now there are only two piers left under the doomsday natural disaster.

Of course, the expedition couldn't build the bridge. Instead, it began to cut down trees, build some boats, and transport people one by one by carrying ropes.

However, on the river, the expedition was attacked by some underwater monsters again, and finally paid a very tragic price before it passed the river.

In fact, after so many hardships, many people in the team have backed out.

But under such circumstances, even if they are afraid, they dare not escape from the team. Otherwise, in varelia where there are monsters everywhere, I'm afraid if they leave the team, they will directly enter the belly of the monster.

Then only a small number of expeditions finally entered the ruins of the king's capital of Valeria.

The former magnificent King capital is now only broken walls, but they are all wild grass. The city gate has long disappeared, and only half of the city wall has not collapsed.

And it is at this time.

As soon as the team carefully entered the ruins, a dark shadow jumped down from the half of the city wall, took the last commander off guard and ate off half of his body.

After the death of the commander, the team officially broke out infighting. Some people wanted to leave, while others thought that since they had come through hardships to the depths of the varelian ruins, how could they return empty handed?

Then conflict broke out between the two sides.

Wesselis is naturally on the latter side.

He hasn't figured out the secret of the black fog yet. How can he leave so easily.

Mia also had a reason to continue to explore. Gus, who had been on the same ship, and several mercenaries hesitated and stood firmly on wesselis's side.

Because they seem to be aware that following the silver haired young man seems to be able to avoid many dangers.

However, before these people quarreled, another monster attacked the expedition. This time, people began to flee without a unified command.

At first, wesselis was still held together, but finally after an attack, the mercenaries died, and Mia lost contact with wesselis.

She killed a monster by herself and was seriously injured. Then she hid in a cellar under the waste in the outermost part of the city.

"I'm afraid... I can't escape."

In the dark.

Mia leaned on the wall of the cellar alone, thinking silently in her heart. At the same time, she also wrapped the wound with the torn cloth.

"Hiss -"


When the finger touched the wound, the pain hit, and the red haired girl bit her teeth slightly and burst a foul word.

However, she did not realize that in the dark, there was also a pair of eyes staring at her.

Its breathing gradually became heavy, and its saliva trickled down.

However, the red haired girl was unaware of this and still clenched her teeth and tried to bandage her wound.

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