Published at 24th of June 2024 06:26:00 AM

Chapter 338

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At this time, the monster hiding in the dark finally couldn't help fighting.

"Ho -"

A dark figure gave a roar, suddenly rushed out of the darkness and rushed at MIA who was completely unprepared.

Mia's is dressing her wound, but she reacts quickly.

Since entering the ruins of varelia and encountering a series of monster attacks, she has almost developed passive vigilance. A little movement will excite the soul and shiver.

Now, when the dark monster in human form pounced on her, she immediately reacted, almost subconsciously rolling aside.

Dodged the monster's deadliest blow.


The monster's body hit the cellar wall, made a loud noise, and the dust on his head fell down.

"Hoo ~"

"Hoo ~"

After MIA rolled and hid to one side, she clenched the dagger tightly with her hands, and her wound was pulled. The strong pain made her face slightly tight and her breathing more rapid.

Under the faint light from the crack in the cellar above her head, Mia saw the monster in front of her.

This monster has black hair, which is very different from the werewolf we have seen before.

He can walk upright, has strong limbs, has broken cloth strips on his body, and can even use some simple weapons.

It looks like... A human being, but he has a simple mind and can't communicate.

"Damn monster."

The girl looked at the monster, bit her teeth slightly, and then rushed up.

Mia is not a charming princess. As a mercenary, she has killed many people, and she also knows that it is useless to pray for mercy in the face of this monster.

Either the monster dies or she dies.

The monster opened his mouth, his saliva was still flowing down, his sharp teeth reflected light slightly, and a rolling sound of unknown significance was sent out in his throat. Then he stood up and rushed towards MIA.

Mia's action is very sharp and has been prepared for a long time. The greatest advantage of human beings over monsters is to have a brain. She judges the direction of the monster in advance, and then narrowly avoids it. The dagger in her hand stabbed the monster's mouth.


A clear sound of piercing into flesh and blood.


There was a trace of joy in the red haired girl's eyes, but it didn't last for half a second.

After the monster was injured, it was not limited to move, but more stimulated its inner ferocity.

Its mouth was injured, and a dagger pierced its jaw. Then it gave a painful roar, raised its sharp claws and directly grabbed the girl in front of it.

Mia's reaction speed has been very fast, but it's hard to avoid the next attack after avoiding the first attack at such a close distance.

The monster's claws tore up her clothes, and then cut a long wound directly on her abdomen. The flesh and blood rolled up and was dripping with blood.

The fight between one man and one beast was very short, and it resulted in an outcome of losing both sides in just a moment.

However, although the monster's injury is not light, it is obviously much better than MIA.

The girl's abdomen was badly hurt. She was slapped out and fell to the ground. She could only watch the monster pull out the dagger inserted in his jaw, hissing angrily and painfully, and then slowly approached her.


Mia gasped heavily. The intense pain after her abdominal injury made her pale, and she lost too much blood. There was even some confusion in front of her eyes.

She tried to drag her body with her hands to hide back.

If she can, she doesn't want to be buried in the mouth of such a disgusting monster

Even if someone can end his life for himself.

The girl couldn't help but have such an idea in her mind.

However, just then, the entrance of the cellar overhead was suddenly opened.


After getting used to the darkness, the light on the top of the head shines down and looks particularly strong.

The girl's consciousness was vague. She seemed to see a figure falling from the sky and jumped directly onto the monster's back. At the same time, the long sword in her hand ran through the back neck.

"Go to hell."

Someone stabbed the monster with a sword. Mia's pale cheek finally relaxed a little, showed a smile, and then fainted.


Wesselis pulled out the long sword from the back of the monster's neck, blood gushed out, and the body fell powerlessly.

A Black Mist crept down the blade into the palm of wesselis's hand.

This is what wesselis found after entering the king's capital of Valeria. After killing the monsters here, a lot of black fog will gush out of their bodies.

These black fog far exceeded what wesselis absorbed outside, and wesselis was very excited by this discovery.

Because he came to solve the secret of the black fog, he had not noticed any answer related to the black fog since he came to the varelian ruins.

It was not until entering the core area of the ruins that a breakthrough was made in the city of Valeria, the king capital of the former fortress of freedom.

There were traces of black fog everywhere, which others might not see, but it was all exposed in wesselis's eyes.

"The kings of freedom fortress have been deeply shrouded in this black fog."

This discovery forced him to come to this conclusion.


However, hundreds of years have passed, and no one knows what happened before the destruction of Valeria.

The people who stayed in this King City in those years have died, or have been transformed into some kind of monster. No one knows how they angered the gods and why they were reduced to such terrible punishment.

But he finally took the first step away from the secret.


When wesselis killed the monster, he turned around and found that the girl had fainted,

Then he hurried over.

There are four deep wounds on the girl's abdomen. The viscera can even be seen in the deepest part, and the amount of bleeding is also great. It has dyed the land under her body red in only a short time.


"The injury is too serious."

Seeing Mia's injury, wesselis's heart sank slightly.

He could see that such an injury was almost incurable. It didn't take too long for the girl to completely swallow her breath.


However, wesselis frowned and shook his fist.

Although we haven't known each other for a long time, we have had such a sharing experience together, and the relationship between the two is still very good.

Wesselis could not watch the poor girl die.

"There's another way."

The silver haired young man thought a little, and now he can't afford to continue to hide his identity.

Then he threw the sword aside and put his palm on her forehead.

The newly absorbed black fog poured into Mia's body.

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