Published at 24th of June 2024 06:25:43 AM

Chapter 349

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Mia wants wesselis to make her a knight.

Wesselis obviously didn't expect that the girl wanted to ask for only these rewards, and was suddenly stunned.

"Do you want me to canonize you as a knight?"


"Is this wish difficult?"

The red haired girl stood up from the gravel beach. She asked puzzled. Her ragged clothes fluttered slightly with the wind blowing from the open lake.

Wesselis was a little silent when he heard the speech, and then shook his head.


"It's not hard to canonize you as a knight, but..."

Wesselis doesn't know how to explain to her that there are few female knights in the world

Moreover, he felt that the other party underestimated his commitment. She could become a rich merchant and a feudal monarch.

However, she just wanted to be a knight. There are many kinds of knights, which is just a threshold for civilians to become aristocrats. She could have risen to the sky step by step and directly become aristocrats.

"Few women in the world become knights, Mia."

"Because Knight means duty, duty, honor and battle..."

Who are the female Knights since ancient times? For the first time, wesselis only thought of the 'disobedient' Diana targaryan.

Is TASS' beauty a knight? No, no, she doesn't seem to be. She's just good at wielding knives and guns.

Wesselis opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by the girl.

"I heard people from Westeros say that knights are spirit, not sword."

"And I don't think spirit should be distinguished by... Whether there is that thing or not."

Mia spoke decisively and looked at wesselis with bright eyes. The girl was generous, but she made wesselis a little embarrassed.

"You're right..."

Then the silver haired youth was silent for a moment and finally nodded.

"I can canonize you as a knight, Mia."

However, wesselis has not finished his words.

"But have you really figured it out?"

"You're going to give up your high titles, fiefs, and gold..."

"Of course!"

Mia also nodded solemnly. She didn't want things that everyone seemed to covet.

Everyone in this world has his own choice, and everyone has his own story and fate.

If everyone looks the same, isn't it too boring?


However, the next second, wesselis pulled out the varelian steel sword he used to kill dragons with his own hands, the gilded cross hand guard, and the smooth body of the sword reflected the cold light in the early morning sun.

"Kneel before me, madam."

Wesselis said in a calm voice, and his handsome cheek rarely became so serious.

The red haired girl was slightly stunned, but even if she reacted, she bent her knees gently and knelt down in front of wesselis on one knee. There were still scars left by the battle on her body and legs.

Wesselis held a heavy valerian steel sword and gently put it on the girl's stubborn shoulder.

"Mia from volantis, will you swear before the gods and the world..."

"Guard the weak and protect women and children."

"Obey the chief, the king and the king."

"No matter how difficult, humble and dangerous the future is, we will always fight bravely and live up to our mission."

Wesselis's voice was calm and began word by word.

The girl kneeling in front of wesselis felt the long sword on her shoulder, looked up at wesselis's eyes, and then said solemnly.

"I will!"

Meeting wesselis is the biggest turning point of a girl's life.

She explored the deepest part of the varelian ruins. She rode a dragon, witnessed a dragon fight, and accepted the personal canonization of wesselis. She became a noble knight from an ordinary mercenary.

However, the canonization of wesselis is not over.

He changed the varelia steel sword pressed on the girl's shoulder to his left shoulder, looked brightly at the female Knight kneeling in front of him, and then said abruptly.

"Sir MIA."

"Would you like to be my Imperial Guard?"

"From now on, until death, no wife, no land, no children, no crown, no glory, no devotion to duty, life and death."

The voice of wesselis floated word by word on the silent lake.

The newly canonized female knight had no armor and was covered with scars. She knelt on one knee in front of him, but her waist was straight. A closer look showed that the girl's shoulders shrugged slightly and her eyes became a little red.

"Yes, your majesty!"

"I will be a sharp sword under the light and a strong shield to protect the kingdom."

Then wesselis lifted the varelian steel sword pressed on the girl's shoulder and slowly retracted it back into the scabbard.

"Get up, sir mia, my second white knight."

"When I get back to pantos, I'll introduce you to your captain."

The girl's mood seems to be a little excited. Misfortunes and blessings depend on each other. Her fate has changed at this moment.

Now no one can know whether it is worth her to give up gold, title and other envious rewards in exchange for a forest guard position next to wesselis, and Mia still can't help crying.

Wesselis put away the varelian steel sword and slightly weighed the weight of the sword in his hand. The black scabbard was simple and plain. He couldn't see that there was a peerless magic weapon hidden in the scabbard.

"A good knight cannot live without a qualified weapon."

Wesselis glanced at her slightly and spoke. Then he threw the sword to the newly canonized female knight.

"This sword is for you."

The female knights who have just become one of the members of the forest Iron Guard of weseries are still at a loss.


She reached out and caught the sword thrown by wesselis.

"Your Majesty, this sword is too precious..."

Mia said hastily. She knew it was a precious valerian steel sword and killed a dragon by herself. How could wesselis give it to herself.

"You are my Imperial Guard. I give it to you to better protect myself."

"Don't worry. Take it."

Wesselis looked at her and said quietly.

"All valerian steel swords in the world have their own names. The name of this sword is unknown. You can give it a new name."

"For example... Dragon butcher knife, oh no, sword."

Wesselis played a joke alone that only he could understand. Although MIA didn't understand wesselis's joke, she also understood what he meant.

Immediately, the female Knight knelt on one knee, holding the precious valerian steel sword in her hand.

"Thank your majesty for the sword. I give my life and glory to the imperial iron guard!"

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