Published at 24th of June 2024 06:25:20 AM

Chapter 364

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Dozens of surviving soldiers were caught off guard by shooting corpses out of the lowest floor of stark cemetery with torches.

However, these ghosts have no fear. Their bodies have long died. Now they only rely on some mysterious force to maintain their activities. Their brains will not work and blindly execute the orders of the night king.

Then the corpse ghost made a harsh howl, and then rushed towards the group of human soldiers.

For these dead people, the power of life is a bright light in the dark and a bubble of shit attracting flies, which attracted them all. Corpses and ghosts swarmed, and dozens of survivors fought with swords.

Banyan is the leader of the group of soldiers.

Sir Alisha Thorne was the head of the night watchman, but Bunyan was the chief Ranger. Their official positions were not much different, and no one could command anyone.

However, most of the surviving soldiers are from the north. They are naturally willing to obey the orders of a member of the stark family, rather than the words of a southerner who doesn't know where to come from.

The light of the torch lights up the dark cellar. Ghouls look for any vitality by instinct. In such a dark environment, human naked eyes are not sensitive to the instinct of ghouls.

Fortunately, there are a lot of war materials in the cellar. In addition to food, there are armor weapons and firewood.


Then the man with dark brown hair and long face, dressed in black animal skin, took the lead in the front with a long sword in the light of the torch.

When the ghost on the first floor of the cellar saw the living man howling, he rushed over directly.


Then he was nimbly dodged by Ban Yang and cut off his head with a backhand sword.

"Ho -"

However, after the ghost's head was cut off, his body was still scratching and biting.

The head falling to the ground couldn't shout, but the blue in his eyes was still clearly visible, flashing madness.

Then the chief Ranger's action was very agile, and the Obsidian dagger in his left hand directly pierced the headless ghost's chest.


Longjing dagger is extremely sharp, even sharper than steel weapons, but it is relatively fragile. It is suitable for ending the enemy's life rather than fighting.

The dagger stabbed into the chest of the headless ghost, like stabbing into the body of a scarecrow, without the feeling of flesh and blood.

The action of the corpse ghost was stiff in place in an instant, and then it was like being taken away all the power, and the body collapsed softly.

Completely dead.

The headless ghost's body was killed, and his head was still clacking. His mouth was open, as if he wanted to bite human toes.


But it was crushed by the "wave crow" Yulun who rushed up from behind.

Another corpse ghost also rushed up, and then Yulun directly stuffed the torch into the corpse ghost's mouth, burned the other party and screamed, and then killed the other party with Longjing dagger.

The sudden movement of human survivors startled the dead ghosts in the whole winter city, and all the dead ghosts rushed here.

Today, only dozens of survivors are surrounded.

The survivors have now rushed out of the dark cellar to the ground of Winterfell, formed a circular array to deal with the enemies in all directions, and fell into a hard battle.


Sir Alisha Thorne cut down a ghoul with a sword, heaved his chest, breathed heavily, and exhaled white fog.

At his side, a soldier of the kastak family was knocked down by a corpse, gnawing his cheek madly and screaming bitterly.

"Damn it!"

Then the black castle coach with gray hair took out the Longjing dagger and stabbed it into the back of the ghost.

The corpse ghost screamed and couldn't move in an instant. However, the face of the Karstark family soldier had been gnawed and died in a pool of blood.

"Banyang! We can't fight here!"

"Or everyone will die here!"

Sir Elisha waved his long sword and fought desperately. On the other hand, he shouted to Banyang.

The chief Ranger naturally understood this truth. The man with black hair and long face bit his teeth slightly and scanned the surrounding environment.

There are more and more corpse ghosts gathered here. The gate of Lindong city is closed by corpse ghosts. There must be no time to rush over and seize the gate. The only choice is on the nearest wall

"Come with me!"

Then Banyang clenched his teeth and led the remaining survivors out of the siege to kill in the direction of the city wall.

In fact, they are lucky. After such a long time, the number of corpses and ghosts left in Lindong city is really small. There are only a few hundred wandering zombies.

Otherwise, tens of thousands of corpses and ghosts will stay here. Even if each of these dozens of people is possessed by the devil mountain, they will not be able to rush out.


Banyang still took the lead and led the soldiers to rush towards the wall.

The surviving soldiers also burst out strong will and paid a terrible price. They really let them break out of the siege of corpses and ghosts and escape to the city wall.

"Ho -"

The corpses howled sharply and chased frantically behind.

Now it has been so long since the war, and there are still traces left by the war on the wall of Lindong city.

There was a big hole in the wanton blood, the broken flag of the stark family and the emblem of the ice wolf. There were also traces blackened by fire on the damaged city wall, and arrows scattered in the arrow cage.

However, even so, the thick wind and snow on the ground still covered most of the traces. The story of human struggle here was buried under the cold frost.

Then Banyang kicked down the unused kerosene on the head of the city, threw the torch in his hand and lit the kerosene.

In an instant, the fire lit up and stopped the corpses from climbing the wall.

The chief Ranger gasped slightly and turned to the blackened battlements.

He held the battlement in his hand, looked at the deep height below, and looked at the short videos around him. In a moment, most of the people left were killed and injured.

The man's throat moved and swallowed a spit gently.

At the moment, silence is better than sound. There is no need to say anything. Everyone already knows what to do.

Clenching their teeth tightly, they nodded to each other as a sign of encouragement.

Banyang first boarded the battlements, and then jumped down without hesitation.

Then came Elisha Thorne, who was already in her forties, and Juren, the wave crow. There were only a dozen remaining coalition soldiers who jumped off the battlements.

And not far away.

Flames and smoke suddenly rose in the winter city. The night King riding a skeleton horse turned his head and burned ice blue flames in his eyes.

He saw what had just happened, and he saw them jump off the wall.

However, the night king is not ready to catch up with him. He is just a dozen human beings struggling to survive, and he can't make a mistake to let him do it himself.

They stay in this cold land, and death will embrace them sooner or later.

Then the night King hurried his horse into Lindong city. With his footsteps, the wind and snow in Lindong city became bigger.

And in the cellar of Winterfell.

Shrouded in darkness, the tombs of the kings of the North seemed to tremble suddenly.


The dust on his head fell down, and the gravel trembled.

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