Published at 24th of June 2024 06:35:18 AM

Chapter 39

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"This fire burned the usurper's wild hope of invading Longshi island in the next five years."

The old jazz standing next to the boy coughed gently and said.

Wesselis slightly turned his head and looked at the little old man standing beside him. He didn't know where the other party's five-year data came from and whether there was any evidence to support it.

But he also understood that this fire really made Longshi Island safe for the time being.

The usurper war is not over yet, the fat man of baratheon, oh no, the future is a fat man, and his throne is not so secure.

Since the death of his brother rega, the form of the usurper war has changed sharply. Tangaryan has never won a battle, lost one after another, and finally directly lost the Iron Throne.

Now wesselis's fire can be regarded as a light for the long night of the tangaryan family in the future, which at least slightly boosted the morale of the now depressed to the extreme.

However, in fact, the relationship between this fire and wesselis is not very big.

In fact, his most fundamental purpose is to rely on the advantage of foresight and do not want to bury the Longshi Island fleet in the storm.

So I want the fleet to escape the storm vortex on Longshi island.

However, I didn't expect that a child's almost bold advice was adopted by mistake.

Sir Jeffrey finally decided to race against the storm and raid windbreak castle.

Then the tangaryan fleet came out of the storm without Stannis thinking of it.

He was caught off guard, blocked the baratheon fleet in the port, and set the fire on fire.

The future is even destined to become one of the most classic cases in the history of the Westeros war.

However, wesselis actually just gave a suggestion, which played little role. The subsequent command, operation and raid had nothing to do with him.

He just stood beside the little old man, blew the sea breeze and got caught in a heavy rain.

Although wesselis offered to stand outside and watch the war, I don't know why the old jazz didn't drive the child back.

Instead, he took the initiative to take him with him. Even at the battle meeting, wesselis stood aside to listen.


And at the head of Fengxi castle.

Stannis held the cold battlements in his hands, his face was tight, his body was straight, and his broad shoulders carried the mountains.

At this time, his whole body was wet by the rain, and his heart was as cold as the rain.

The young heir to the Iron Throne looked at the fire from the distant port and clenched his fist. His five fingers grabbed thin stone powder from the cold and hard battlements. His fingers were also worn out unconsciously, and the white marks of the city bricks were stained with blood.

At the moment, however, Stannis had no idea about the pain.

He only felt his breath was a little short, his chest was constantly fluctuating violently, and then his vision was gradually blurred.

Then it was spinning.

"My Lord!"

The bodyguard beside him exclaimed.

Then he quickly hugged Stannis and didn't let him faint. He was removed under the wall.

Otherwise, Stannis, the hundred foot high wall of windbreak castle, will fall down, and it will really be the end of ten deaths and no life.

The king's brother, the heir to the iron throne, fell off the wall and died, which really became a joke.

"Where's Mr. clarisson?"

"Come on!"

"Get the bachelor!"

The bodyguard shouted, holding Stannis who had fainted.

Then the other soldiers hurried to the castle to find the bachelor kleessen who served the baratheon family.


At the same time.

On the distant Longshi island.

The outside world is a terrible scene like the coming of the end. The gloomy sky, thick dark clouds almost press on the ground, and the strong wind is mixed with the addition of rainstorm.

Douda's rain poured down and beat on the solid castle. The "giant dragon" on Longshi Island roared up to the sky, as if it was fighting this terrible disaster.

As the center of this huge storm surge unprecedented in Westeros history, Longshi Island stands high on the choppy sea, allowing the terrible waves to beat on the cliff and make a huge roar.

The sky was gloomy and terrible, and the waves became manic and arrogant.

Lightning flashed across the sky and lit up the giant dragon standing still in the towering waves.

Suddenly the sky and the earth brightened.


And the thunder sounded.


The outside world is like the end of the world, while the stone drum tower is heavily guarded.

"Come on!"

"Block the water here!"

Almost all the soldiers of the whole Longshi Island were concentrated in the castle, highly nervous about flood drainage and disaster resistance.

After a lapse of more than half a year, the former Red Castle coach once again put on his armor, held the sword handle with one hand and guarded outside the gate himself, but his face was slightly ugly.

The bad weather inspired the old wound on his body. The old wound that was almost pierced through his abdomen by a sword. In such thunderstorm weather, it was like countless ants lying on it eating, itching and painful, which was almost unbearable.

As the acting mayor of Longshi Island designated by reggae, sir shad, the illegitimate son of Dorn, also appeared outside the door. He sat side by side with Sir William with some erratic eyes.

Everyone is nervous.

Because the pregnant queen Leila finally had a reaction today and hurried to find the midwife and several maids for help. Now her majesty is giving birth in the house.

And in the house.

Lightning, thunder, wind and rain outside undoubtedly affected the mood of pregnant women.

Her long silver hair was scattered on the bed, and queen Leila's consciousness was gradually blurred.

The woman opened her legs and tried her best to have her own child, but not everything in the world will be smooth.

Having children is undoubtedly one of the hardest things for women.

"Come on!"

"Stop bleeding!"

The inexperienced midwives in the house and the Queen's maid hurriedly helped the queen give birth.

However, at the moment, the blood under the queen flowed down as if it couldn't stop.

In addition, Queen Leila herself is an old woman who has become a grandmother. Even though wesselis has been urging her to exercise more, the woman's body still can't bear such torture.

Finally gave up resistance.


The woman's consciousness has been completely blurred, her will is broken, she is no longer resisting, and her dry lips gently read the names of the past.



Leila seems to see her life in front of her eyes, which is being quickly re screened.



"I... my children..."

A crystal tear fell from the corner of his eye.

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