Published at 24th of June 2024 06:24:32 AM

Chapter 394

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"We won, didn't we?"


The snowstorm seemed to leave with the footsteps of the Legion of the dead. After a night of fierce battle, the sky finally became brighter.

The brilliant sunshine tore the darkness, penetrated the clouds and sprinkled on the silent battlefield on the Bank of the green fork.

Robert baratheon, king of the seven countries, lay on the blackened land burned by the Dragon flame and was unwilling to get up, while ed stark, Duke of Winterfell, who was full of embarrassment beside him, also lay on the ground.

And not far away.

Stannis baratheon, the distinguished Duke of Longshi island and His Majesty's brother, was carrying a long sword with a rolled blade, frowning slightly and watching the military doctor bandage the wound on his hand.

The four fingers of his left hand were gnawed off by a ghost in a recent battle.

If you look closely, you can see the green veins beating on Stannis's forehead, but Stannis was like a stone, clenching his teeth and speechless.

The military doctor who bandaged his wound also admired the adult's amazing willpower.

Tywin Lannister, the guardian of the west, was also embarrassed. The lion's armor was full of blood and the golden cloak was torn.

The Duke of Kaiyan City staggered and stood in place. Then he was supported by the family knight. He gasped a little. He was rarely at a loss in his eyes.

"Your Highness."

Then the Duke of Kay rock kept his manners and climbed up the war horse with the help of the family knights.

Not long ago, when the war was fiercest, Edmund Tully, the successor of Hejian who pretended to be dead on the battlefield, found that the war was over.

Then Edmund smeared several handfuls of blood on his face, seized the opportunity of no one's attention and quickly got up. One hand supported the hilt of the sword and put on an exhausted and shaky appearance, which made the soldiers in rush town who were searching for him cry with joy.

The surviving descendants of the Frey family also found their ancestors who committed suicide by jumping ice on the frozen surface of the lvcha river. However, at the moment, the body of old Frey has been completely cold.

The green fork river suddenly sounded the cries of the filial sons and grandchildren of the Frey family.

Maybe it's because the river is not strong enough, or maybe it's also because the night King led the dead army to retreat briefly, resulting in a slight rise in the temperature in twin river city.

The frozen river surface of lvcha river is loose. In addition, the population of Frey family is prosperous. There are many people gathered on the ice surface without any warning. Suddenly, an ice surface rupture accident occurred.

The mourning fray family's filial sons and grandchildren fell into the cold river with the bodies of their ancestors.

All of a sudden, the Bank of the green fork once again became a chicken flying dog jumping up, and people reached out to save the fallen members of the Frey family.

Unfortunately, because of the vast water surface of the lvcha River and the serious rupture of the ice surface, ships were temporarily found to rescue many people ashore, but in the end, more than a dozen people were washed away by the river along with the bodies of the ancestors of the Frey family.

On the Bank of the green fork, the cry of the Frey family became louder and even more sincere.

After the victory of the war, there are still many messy things.

The Duke of Winterfell shook his head slightly when he heard the king's words.

"Don't be happy too soon."

"It's just a short victory, Robert."

Ed stark lay on the ground with a faint voice.

"Strange ghosts will make a comeback."

The Legion of the dead was only briefly repulsed, perhaps in order to accumulate more power, and perhaps for other purposes, but ed didn't think the ghost would give up and stop at Jingze.

"A short victory is also a victory."

Robert lay on the ground and gasped for breath. Then he sat up from the ground and patted the dust on his body. He looked very optimistic.

And at this time.

Suddenly there was a dragon roar in the sky. A huge figure opened its wings and appeared in everyone's vision. Wesselis, who went to pursue the army of the dead, finally returned.

"Ho -"

The Dragon roared and a huge dark shadow shrouded the ground. Then bellerian fell from the sky and landed in front of Robert baratheon.


The Dragon landed and made a huge sound, and the billowing air waves spread far away.

Robert baratheon and ED sitting on the ground were choked by the smoke, and the coalition soldiers in the distance were also affected.

"What does your highness want to do?"

Some nobles loyal to Robert baratheon were nervous when they saw this scene, such as his two separated guards, but they didn't dare to come near. After all, the big guy was still there.

More coalition soldiers chose to sit on the ground with their weapons. They didn't even stand up. They wouldn't stand up to help without the order of their Lord.

"He... Is wesselis."

Tywin Lannister, who was helped to sit on the horse, looked at the young dragon knight sitting on the dragon's back in the distance.

But the distance was too far, and he couldn't see wesselis's cheek clearly.

At the center of the storm, the two people most affected were choking and coughing.

"Cough -"


Robert threw up a mouthful of dust, and ED stark was no better.

Then, when the dust dispersed, they saw the behemoth in front of them. Bellerian's Scarlet eyes were coldly examining the two little guys below.

It knew that they had a grudge against wesselis, and it did not know why wesselis stopped himself from killing them, otherwise bellerian ate them when he just fell.

However, at this time, a clear voice suddenly came from the top of their heads.

"Lord Robert baratheon of windbreak."

"And Lord ed stark of Winterfell."

Wesselis sat high on the dragon's back, wearing a star sword at his waist. He was wearing a valerian steel helmet. He couldn't see his face clearly, but his voice came out from under the armor. He was calm and didn't have much waves.

"I heard about you two a long time ago, but I didn't expect that it would be such a situation when I met you for the first time."

Although wesselis's words sounded ironic, there was no such meaning in his tone, but it seemed very calm.

He really heard a lot about them, but he didn't expect to meet them in such an identity and under such circumstances.

"Introduce yourself."

Then, without waiting for the two men to speak, wesselis untied the belt of his dragon riding equipment.

Then he stood up from the dragon's back, and the silver armor was shining in the sun, which was definitely the dream of countless knights.

"My name is wesselis targaryan."

Then the young dragon knight jumped off the dragon's back and landed heavily on the ground.


The dust with this as the center flew layer by layer, and the people in it slowly stood up.

He glanced at the two people in front of him, and then said quietly.

"It's the man who came to kill you."

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