Published at 24th of June 2024 06:24:25 AM

Chapter 398

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Celis Florence and her daughter are still in the restaurant of the castle, but the soldiers of the baratheon family around them have been escorted out and replaced with dirt free soldiers.

Then I saw reneth push the door and come in. The mother and daughter were still trembling. The little girl Xilin was frightened and cried, while her mother celis Florence had a bit of the temperament of the Duchess of Longshi island.

She saw reneth come in, fought back her fear, then put her daughter in her arms aside, stood up from her chair and bowed slightly.

"Your Highness."

Through the clean soldiers just now, she also learned that it was the niece of the "pseudo king" wesselis, the eldest princess reneth tangaryan, another dragon knight in the tangaryan family who led the army to attack Longshi island.

Reneth looked at the little girl crying in front of her, and the woman who pretended to be calm but trembled under her clothes, and sighed slightly.

She did not embarrass the poor mother and daughter, and then said a few words simply. Instead of putting celis and her daughter into prison, she allowed them to continue to live in the castle until Stannis was captured or the war was over.

It is also an unspoken rule among nobles that crimes are less than family members. Everything will leave a way back. Otherwise, there will not be so many ancient families that have been inherited for hundreds of years.

But celis and her daughter were not allowed to leave the castle and were limited to the scope of soldiers' surveillance.

Reneth then sat on the throne of Longshi island and skillfully conveyed her orders.

Byweseries often leaves her post without permission when she has nothing to do. Reneth has experience in supervising the country for him. In addition, she also has a good teacher. Her uncle Oberon is knowledgeable. The girl can handle government and military affairs alone and skillfully at a young age.

Therefore, wesselis will rest assured and boldly let reneth lead an army to forge ahead on Longshi island.

However, Longshi island is not the end of this army, and reneth is ready to take a step closer.

She sat on the stone throne in the main hall of Longshi island and asked for advice from three commanders: the commander of the golden regiment, Mister toyne, the commander of the Longshi Island fleet, count Jeffrey bracken, and the commander of the dirt free black bug.

Then we got a unified affirmative opinion.

Then, the next day.

The tangorian army flashed at Longshi Island, and the garrison of Longshi Island fell without fighting. However, after only a day's rest, the tangorian army pulled anchor and set sail again to march on another island not far from Longshi island.

The tide island of the valerian family.

The Longshi Island fleet led by count Jeffrey bracken, the sea secretary, and some soldiers of the golden regiment went to Chaotou island.

The valerian family was originally a distant relative of the tangorian family, which was once a family of freedom fortress. However, the valerian family is not one of the ancient forty families, but an emerging family rising after the Empire.

The valerian family had settled on Chaotou Island long before the whole family moved to Longshi island under the leadership of inar tangaryan.

In the early tangaryan Dynasty, the valleyan family had a pivotal power within the dynasty. The first leader of the Imperial Guard and the Minister of marine affairs in history were all from the valleyan family. Even for a period of time, only the valleyan family would take the position of the Minister of marine affairs. People say that the position has been inherited by the valleyan family.

However, no matter how close the family is, it is difficult to resist the years and interests.

The tangaryan family fell in the usurper war. The valerian family began to declare neutrality, but finally secretly threw themselves into the arms of the usurper and stabbed his distant relatives in the back.

Finally, the king's fleet of Stannis raided Longshi Island, resulting in the almost total annihilation of the Longshi Island fleet. Count Jeffrey bracken, the commander-in-chief of the fleet, nearly died on the spot with an arrow in his chest, and the tangaryan family lost their last territory in Westeros.

Now, however, the tangaryan family is making a comeback, and it is time to take revenge on the traitors one by one.

The mighty Longshi Island fleet carried the soldiers of the golden regiment to Chaotou Island, and the valerian family on Chaotou Island, who claimed to be "loyal, brave and sincere", had long been in a mess.

Because of the close distance, they realized this morning that Longshi island had been captured by tangaryan troops.

Montford valleyan, the Earl of Chaotou Island, hurried to King's landing for help, hoping to get the support of the Royal Fleet docked at King's landing. He also knew that he had betrayed the tangaryan family on the battlefield and could hardly be forgiven.

Therefore, he also arranged for his wife, the newly born child Monterey and other family members to escape.


"Take our children and escape to King's landing!"

The handsome count of Montford valleyan stood in the harbor in armor, hugging his wife, and his long blond hair fluttered in the wind.

Then the warship set sail for Junlin.

Count Mumford stood on the lookout and looked at the warship carrying his family away. Finally, a relaxed smile appeared on his face.


Count Mumford was too happy, and his plan was too late.

Tangorian's army came to attack Chaotou island one step faster than Montford thought. The Dragon Stone Island fleet with revenge anger came all over the world, vowed to avenge the back stab, and easily surrounded Chaotou island.


Boulders flew into the sky and fell.

The ship carrying the family of Montford valleyan, the Earl of Chaotou Island, had just left the port and had not traveled too far, when it encountered heavy shelling from the catapult of the black death.

In an instant, the valleyan family's warship fell apart and sank into the sea, and count monford valleyan, standing in the port, witnessed this scene all the way, and his eyes were about to crack.

However, Chaotou island was attacked by the tangorian army. Countless soldiers of the golden regiment boarded Chaotou island. The soldiers of the valerian family fought desperately, but the strength difference was too wide. They were killed one after another and their bodies were everywhere.


The burning boulders opened the gate of the castle like shells. Count Montford valleyan was captured in the internal war of the castle, and then escorted to Longshi island.

Blackwater Bay was attacked by tangaryan army overnight, and the army was fierce and came to King's landing.


And in the distant pantos.

A piece of good news came suddenly.

It even alerted Oberon, who was training the army day and night, ready to land in westero.

He got on a fast horse and arrived at pantos overnight under the escort of his own soldiers.

It turned out that Princess Ariane Martel, the "Queen to be", was pregnant.

According to the inference of the local doctor of pantos, Alline should have been pregnant for two months.

It was not long after veselis had just returned from the ruins of varelia that he was married. He didn't expect to be shot at that time.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!