Published at 24th of June 2024 06:24:19 AM

Chapter 401

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The giant's ferocity made the doslak people famous for their ferocity eat shriveled, but the people on the grassland are not fools. Naturally, they will not fight with the giant all the time.

The doslacks adopted a circuitous tactic. They killed all the giant's companions first, and then succeeded in bringing down the two big guys through clever tactics of catching and killing large prey.

They tied a knot with an iron rope and put them in a cage containing elephants.

Veselis's blood League defender Kago thought the two big guys might be useful to Cao, so he kept them.

"Marg maz Tundo dor wig."

Wesselis whispered the name, and a tall, gray haired adult giant in the cage turned and looked at wesselis coldly.

It was a female giant who was smashing the cage. She looked a little "Petite" than this marg. She was about 12 feet tall and 3.6 meters tall. She was also an adult giant.

Not long ago, wesselis interrogated the savages captured alive. Fortunately, many of the savages are proficient in both ancient and common languages.

They understood the situation of the giant, and then honestly explained all this in order to survive.

Savages have no 'King', nor nobility or civilian class, but all of them call marg 'giant king' or 'strong marg'.

Because he is the strongest warrior among giants. He is fourteen feet tall, that is, more than four meters tall, almost reaching the limit of giants.

The female giant is marg's' Queen ', whose name is Ada Mahi hend Doren Elli. The savages call her' gentle ADA '.

However, this' gentle 'obviously ridicules more than reality. ADA looks more irritable than his king and husband.

The number of giants is very rare, and many people were killed and injured in the battle with humans and strange ghosts. The savages don't know whether there are other giants.

But when they were hiding and wandering in the north, they only met their two giants. Maybe all the other giants have died.

When he realized that they were probably the last two giants in the world, wesselis looked at them unusually, just like seeing the first-class protected animals sitting through the bottom of the prison.

And a male and a female.

Giants are a kind of human beings. Obviously, they can't be divided with humans. No wonder even the doslaks look at giants with fear, because they are too tall.

Wesselis tried to talk to the giant king with a savage translator, but the other party ignored him, which also made wesselis feel a little depressed.

However, when the other party saw that wesselis could ride the dragon, his eyes widened slightly.

It didn't seem to think that weak human beings could control monsters stronger than him, which still made wesselis feel very interesting.


"Want to make a bet? Big guy."


Wesselis rode on a war horse, and the iron cage with two giants was put on two carriages and dragged forward with several pack horses.

The Dragon circled in the sky and roared. At a glance, the endless doslak army moved slowly on the ground, while wesselis followed by the carriage and took time to chat with magdo.

"If you win me, I can let you go."

"If you lose, you will 'surrender' to me."

In the old saying, submission is different from the common language, which means "recognizing big brother". It is like a giant who was willing to help mans Reid, the king of the Great Wall. It is not as binding as kings and subjects.

He didn't talk too much with 'gentle ADA'. First, the woman's temper was not very good, and second, the other party's husband was nearby. Wesselis still wanted to avoid suspicion.

However, although marg's temper is not as grumpy as his wife, she has a problem of being silent. She seems to have accepted her life. Generally, she doesn't struggle much in the cage. However, it seems to wesselis that the other party doesn't accept her life, but is waiting for a suitable opportunity.

Hearing the ancient saying translated by the savage, marg with gray and white hair slowly turned his head. Compared with his huge head, his eyes were not big, but they were still a pair of huge eyes compared with normal people.

Marg's eyes were gray and black, and her eyes looked coldly at wesselis, as if she were looking at a fool.

He had never heard of a human who wanted to compete with him. With one punch, he could smash the little guy in front of him into meat mud.

But it's a good chance for him to escape

Then marg nodded slowly.


On the other side, the blood League Wei cago who followed him was shocked when he heard that wesselis wanted to compete with this group.

However, cago was not afraid, but took the initiative to say that he was willing to fight with the big guy instead of wesselis.

In the rules of the doslak people, when Cao encounters challenges from the same people, Cao needs to fight by himself, but there are many exceptions. If some unknown people challenge Cao, Cao will be busy.

However, Cao was provoked by foreign enemies, and the blood League defender should play instead of Cao.

Cago pulled out the yarac machete of varelian steel and asked for orders to fight, but was stopped by wesselis.


The silver haired young man turned his head and looked at his loyal blood alliance guard.

He wanted to fight the giant because he was sure, and cago would really die if he went up.

Wesselis's learning ability is not bad, mainly due to the mental strength of nearly 30. A lot of things can be written down with a little attention.

Now he has mastered three languages, westlot, higher valerian and doslak.

Wait until he talks more with the savage translator, maybe some simple ancient sayings can be mastered.

"The blood of my blood."

Hearing Cao's order, cago could only lower his head, put the machete back and stood aside.

The giant's king, strong marg, had been released from his cage and fell heavily on the ground.

"Call -"

The giant exhaled white breath from his thick nostrils and was slightly moving his muscles and bones that had been tied for many days.

Although the doslacks around looked into the giant's eyes with some fear, they really wasted some strength when they once arrested each other, but when they heard that Cao wanted to fight with the giant in person, the atmosphere became high.


"Ride longkao!"

"Kill this big guy! Chop off his stuff and make soup!"

Painted with oil on their faces and covered with thick fur to resist the cold, doslak people pulled out their machetes at their waist, raised them high, reflected the light in the sun, and howled in their mouths.

Such a one-on-one battle can even stimulate the adrenaline of the doslacks.

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