Published at 24th of June 2024 06:24:09 AM

Chapter 408

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The doslaks wiped out a legion of the dead and returned victoriously, boosting the morale of the coalition.

But when they came back, it was night and it was completely dark.

In the doslak camp, a little fire lit up, most soldiers had rested, and a few soldiers were on vigil.

A flock of crows flew across the sky.

Flapping edge——

Then he fell to the top of a huge tent in the camp, turned his head slightly, and then made a cry.

These sounds have given the world vitality and vigor. The North has become a completely dead area. Because of the cold climate, even animals and birds have been killed and injured, and these vibrant sounds have naturally disappeared.

Now, human soldiers are fighting here because their hometown behind them will not become the Jedi in the north, and their wives, children and children will not become ghosts.

The tent that the crows fell down is the residence of Cao in the camp, a gorgeous golden tent.

Most parts of the camp have fallen into darkness, only here are still brightly lit, because wesselis has not laid down to rest, has not finished his work, and staying up late has long become the norm.

And at this time.

Two doslak guards holding torches and a woman in thin red opened the tent and came in from the outside.


"The woman said your friend."

The guards in the camp spoke in doslak.


Wesselis, sitting in the big tent and writing at the desk, raised his head slightly.

He was stunned when he saw the woman in red whom he hadn't seen for a long time, then nodded to the two Dothraki guards and said in the same skilled Dothraki language.

"Yes, she is my friend."

"You go down."

After hearing Cao's words, the two doslak guards also lowered their heads slightly and didn't say much.

Then he lifted the curtain of the tent and went out.

It was melisandra who had lost her trace. She had disappeared for a long time.

However, wesselis did not think that the mysterious woman had died on the battlefield.

Because her name has gradually spread among the seven countries, mainly among the lowest people in the seven countries.

Melisandra followed millions of refugees from the north into the south. Millions of people were displaced and impoverished by the attack of strange ghosts. It was time to be helpless.

Their once firm belief also collapsed, because their God did not play any role in the attack of strange ghosts, let alone bring the light of hope.

Melisandra took this opportunity to quietly publicize the faith of rahlo, the king of light.

The infiltration of the Red God belief into Westeros has not been obvious for so many years. Most parts of the seven countries believe in the seven gods.

In the north, the mainstream believes in the old God, the iron islands believe in the drowning God, and Dorn has seven gods and natural creatures.

But now.

Rahlo's faith finally had an opportunity and began to appear on a large scale in the land of Westeros.

Melisandra, a white horse and dressed in red, constantly preached the belief of the Red God to people at this desperate moment.

She told people that in such a crisis, only by following the real king and believing in rahlo can we save our lives.

Darkness and light, cold and heat, life and death.

Rahlo is the deadly enemy of the cold God. The more believers believe in rahlo, the stronger the God's power against the cold God.

Because of this, relying on the strong strength and mobility of millions of refugees in the north, melisandra's name gradually began to spread throughout the seven countries and flowed into the ears of some great nobles. Even cerxi, now the Regent queen, has heard of melisandra's name.

Cersei wanted to recruit her into the Red Castle to see what could be used. Was the red robed witch really as good at prophecy and omnipotent as it was rumored.

However, it is a pity that melisandra did not agree to cersei's solicitation.

On the contrary, she disappeared in King's landing that day, and even the golden robes searched the city and couldn't find her.

Obviously, King's landing is no longer solid. Believers with faith in rahlo helped melisandra escape from King's landing. Then melisandra took the initiative to appear again in the camp of weseries.

Wesselis originally thought that melisandra might use this strength to become an "Archbishop" or take the opportunity to challenge the supreme priest of the red temple in volantis.

Bennello, known as "the fire of truth", "the light of wisdom" and "the first servant of the king of light".

However, I didn't expect the other party to come back after gaining such a powerful power.

"Your Majesty."

"Long time no see."

Soon there were only wesselis and melisandra left in the golden top tent. The red haired witch bent her knees slightly and her red skirts were scattered on the ground.

Then he got up slowly and walked to wesselis.

Melisandra was still the same as before, and her eyes fell on wesselis.

Wesselis's eyebrows stretched slightly, and then put away what had just been written on the table.

"Indeed, I haven't seen you for a long time."


The light in the tent was dim, and the figure of the woman in red swayed slightly with the fire in the brazier and shone on the tent.

"Why are you back now? Have you found the answer you want?"

The witch in red stood beside wesselis, looking at the decorations in the golden roof tent.

Obviously, it is full of doslak style decoration, horse manes, machetes, bows and arrows, and an exaggerated bed.

For this nation, Cao really needs a big bed.

"Yes, your majesty."

"That's why I'm here."

Then melisandra heard wesselis's words and turned her head. The just loose expression on her pretty face disappeared a lot, but became serious.

"I have received the Enlightenment of the king of light and must tell you."


Wesselis raised her eyebrows slightly when she heard melisandra's words.

"What prophecy?"

He knew that melisandra was proficient in prophecy. It was with prophecy that she saw the process of baking dragon eggs, and then came all the way.

"About ghosts."

And melisandra said with a serious face.

However, she could not explain it clearly, and wesselis needed to perceive the revelation of Allah himself.

Then the witch in red helped wesselis up from the futon on the ground and came to the burning bonfire.

"Your Majesty, look at this flame."

Wesselis frowned slightly, and then his eyes looked at the beating fire.

In an instant, in the light reflected by his pupils, he saw the red light all over his head.

And the darkness in the distance gradually invades like an eternal night.

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