Published at 24th of June 2024 06:23:32 AM

Chapter 428

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Then half a day passed, and the figure of the Dragon fell from the sky.

Wesselis went to chase the defeated coalition forces back, but he didn't expect such a thing to happen. The beauty set encountered the slaughtering city of the doslaks.

Looking at the ruins of the town in front of him, and even the unquenched flame is rising smoke, wesselis's face is a little ugly.

"The blood of my blood."

As the defender of weseries blood League, cago knows that big things are bad.

He has lived in volantis, Rhys, telosi and other places for many years and knows the human rules of these "civilized world".

The slaughter of the city was a very serious event for the doslaks, although they were used to it.

In fact, Kago didn't know it in advance, otherwise he might let his compatriots converge as much as possible. The leading forces of kalasa invaded the town on their own. By the time the large forces led by Kago arrived, the beauty collection had turned into ruins.

But even if he didn't know in advance, he was to blame as a commander. Therefore, Kago bound his hands, took off his coat, knelt down in the camp and waited for Kao's trial.

Wesselis opened the curtain and came in. He had learned the cause and effect.



While the doslakers standing on both sides were whispering, they saw their own Cao come in and quickly shut up.

They didn't understand why Kago did this. It seemed to them that killing the city was a matter of course. They didn't even think about being kind to the enemy.

This is a reward for the warriors to participate in the war. After all, the doslaks don't have any reward such as military pay. The burning, killing and looting after breaking the city is the only way to motivate the warriors to fight bravely.

Moreover, they did not kill everyone. Strong men were slaves, and women fought away and became booty. As for children, the doslaks also had their own rules. Children under the wheel were not killed.

But since Kago knelt down with his hands tied and waited for punishment, the rest of the doslaks were watching how Kao would deal with him.

Wesselis went into the tent, took off his gray wolf skin cloak and handed it to the guard. He stood in front of Kago and was silent, but he didn't punish Kago for justice.

Instead, he reached out and took an yarac machete from a doslak nearby. Then he cut it down, cut the rope on Kago's hand accurately between his hands.

Cao's action immediately aroused the cheers of all doslakers present.

Not only because Cao forgives his blood alliance guard, but also for the exquisite martial arts of wesselis. The dothraks worship such masters.

"Get up, cago."

"It's not your responsibility."

"This will not be the case."

Wesselis helped Kago up from the ground and patted the doslaker on the shoulder in exchange for his fear,

In fact, it is not Kago's responsibility. It is the tradition of the doslak people, who burn, kill and loot wantonly after breaking the city.

Wesselis was more reflecting on his mistakes. The doslaks under him were so good that he forgot that the people on the grassland were very fierce, even the destroyers of civilization on the AESOP continent.

Although he could make the nobles of the seven countries bend their knees and surrender through bloody conquest, wesselis did not want to harvest a flawed Westeros, otherwise it would be useless to have an iron throne after killing all the people of the seven countries.

Wesselis comforted cago a little, and what he thought was the next arrangement for the dothraks.

They should appear more on the battlefield rather than directly attacking cities and land, otherwise it will be a nightmare for the local people.

This is a sharp double-edged sword. If it is used well, it is a nightmare for all enemies, and if it is not used well, it will even hurt himself. However, wesselis has only doslaks in his hands, and he can only use them.

Tangaryan army defeated the coalition army in twin river city, and the coalition army fled to torrent city through the way of wild fire. Although wesselis is a full cavalry lineup, the pursuit along the way is not very close.

It mainly recovered the towns along the way, including wesselis's own consideration, in which he gathered more enemies and took them all at once.

Wesselis just rode a dragon to chase the coalition. He saw from the sky that the coalition now retreated to the direction of crowtree City, while the doslak army arrived at meimeiji. The distance between the two sides is not far.

In fact, his original plan was to attack Westeros with reneth in the South and North.

He led the dothraks to mainly clean up the enemies in the north, while Renes led the golden regiment and the dirt free, together with Dorn, sent troops to capture the enemy's base camp, King's landing, Fengxi castle, and even Gaoting.

However, his plan was forced to change after receiving a letter last night.

The letter came from pantos and was written by his fiancee, Ariane Martel.

Dorn girl told wesselis in the letter that she was pregnant with his child. She didn't know whether it was a little prince or a little princess, but she liked both boys and girls. Now two months have passed.

Wesselis was a little surprised when he received this letter. He didn't think he was going to be a father. However, when he thought of the days in pantos, Alline even took the initiative to send her friend Trini to wesselis's bed. It was a good thing that Trini didn't give herself a big gift.

Although illegitimate children are a common thing in the world, wesselis doesn't want to have illegitimate children without an orthodox heir. The contraceptive measures in the world are very poor, but he paid attention to them intentionally.

However, although Yalian's pregnancy surprised wesselis, it was not very difficult to accept. The tension and panic that ordinary people would have lasted only a short time for him.

Then wesselis calmed down. The first time he thought of adjusting the operation plan, the previous two-line operation plan was temporarily shelved under this special situation.

When Aaron wrote this letter, she was ready to go to Westeros by boat and come with her uncle Oberon's army.

A long time passed when wesselis received the letter.

That night.

The tent was brightly lit and the fire was burning in the brazier. Wesselis summoned the main general of the doslaks and kasko to finalize the next battle route.

"Conquer the torrent city first and defeat the main force of the coalition forces."

"Then take Hejian Avenue and meet Junlin."

In a few days.

It seems that the coalition forces had infighting. Some soldiers in the valley broke away from the big army and went along the Hejian avenue towards the knee bending stack.

King Robert baratheon, who had been in a coma for a month, finally woke up, and all the coalition generals sat around the king's bed.

But at this time, the horn sounded suddenly outside the city.

At a glance, the endless doslak army appeared outside the city and surrounded the torrent city.


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