Published at 24th of June 2024 06:23:31 AM

Chapter 429

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Robert never thought that it had been more than a month since he woke up, let alone that he was in rush town.

His thoughts still lingered on the scene more than a month ago when his lover, the woman he loved most in his life, shot at him with an arrow.

Robert didn't even know how to dodge. He just sat on the horse. Then the ice arrow hit his right chest and fell to the ground.

"I saw Leona, ed."

Robert lay pale on the hospital bed and said abruptly.

He saw many people standing around him, including his good brother ed, his brother Stannis, his father-in-law tywin, and horst Tully, Duke of Pentium, and other high-level nobles of seven countries.

The house was full of people, and even some people had stood outside the house. He thought the strange ghosts had killed them, and the nobles of the seven countries gathered in the seventh floor of hell.

At this moment, Robert's abrupt opening stunned ed ed ed stark, who was looking worried.

"What are you talking about? Robert..."

The Allied forces repulsed the strange ghosts, but they encountered a painful failure in the battle of twin river city, lost most of the land between the rivers, and retreated to rush river city. Ed's face was naturally sad.

But Ed was stunned when he heard Robert's sudden words, and then looked up at Robert. Only then did he find that Robert, known as the "real steel" among the three brothers of baratheon, had burst into tears.

Tywin Lannister, standing behind Stannis, heard what his son-in-law said, and his face was slightly ugly.

Who's Leona?

Many nobles here know that Miss stark, who has the blood of the running wolf, is the true love of her Majesty the king.

In the last spring of 281, it was still the tangaryan Dynasty.

After winning the martial arts competition in helenburg, Prince rega placed the winter snow rose laurel, a symbol of the queen of love and beauty, on the knee of Robert baratheon's fiancee, Leanna stark, rather than his wife, Princess Dorn, Elia Martel.

Prince rega's face NTR to face behavior immediately caused an uproar.

Soon after the contest, Prince leiga and laianna stark disappeared.

Some people think that Prince Regal kidnapped and raped Robert's fiancee, Leanna stark, and Robert himself thinks so. At the same time, there is another theory that Prince Regal and Leanna are happy and elope together.

The incident between Prince leiga and Laina triggered the civil war of the seven countries, which eventually led to the collapse of the tangorian Dynasty. The bitter mandarin ducks leiga tangorian and Laina stark both died in the war and went to the yellow spring.

For Robert baratheon, even if he won the king's landing and ascended the iron throne, he still remembered Laina, but Laina had been dead for many years. How could his majesty see her again?

Did your majesty hallucinate during his coma?

Or is it that your Majesty was seriously injured, walked in front of the ghost gate and saw the dead soul of Laina who had already died?

However, these things are no longer important except for ED.

Wesselis defeated them and swept half of the river south. Although wesselis's attack was very rapid, the land appropriated South was still at the end of the war, and there were still sporadic River soldiers resisting, but the army of the doslaks was already under the city.

Benliu city is not very big, but it is a rare hard city. When attacked, you can open the gate and let the water fill the whole man-made trench. In addition, Benliu city itself faces the river on both sides. After discharging the water, it has become an indestructible island surrounded by water on three sides.

The war horses of the doslak people could not cross the surging river. Coupled with the lack of people and horses during the long journey, wesselis led the army to the outside of the city, and then ordered to camp and rest temporarily.

Bang Bang——

A few arrows were also shot out of the city. It seems that he has never seen the galloping City soldiers who provoked under the twin River City alone and broke the huge crossbow with a sword.

Only one arrow fell on the grass near wesselis, while the rest fell into the running river.

The silver haired knight in bright armor looked at the arrows that fell beside him, and then raised his head to see the nervous soldiers in the running city.

"Later, I will send a letter with flying arrows to tell the people in the city to surrender or die."

"Let's go."

Then wesselis didn't say much, but turned his horse's head and returned to the camp with the guard.

And in the rush city.

After all the explanations, Robert realized that he was still alive and that not all these people came down to accompany him.

Now the reality has changed dramatically with what Robert knows.

Robert was once in a desperate situation and was attacked by strange ghosts. He was about to be destroyed.

However, I didn't expect that when I woke up, the strange ghost was defeated. The coalition army turned against wesselis again, and then was defeated by wesselis. Now it has fled to the torrent city.

The area of Benliu city is not large, and a large number of coalition forces are even stationed on the other side of the Hongcha river.

When he had fully understood what was happening at present, Robert, who was lying in the hospital bed, was rarely furious. Instead, he was silent for a long time, and then asked.

"Can Pentium keep it?"

Everyone in the room was silent, and no one opened his mouth to answer his Majesty's questions.

"If you can't keep it, your majesty."

At this time, Landau Tali, the Earl of Jiaoling standing behind, said in a hoarse and low voice.

There was only one ear left on his shiny head, and another ear was gnawed down in the battle with strange ghosts.

"There is crazy blood flowing in the son of the crazy king. The barbarians under his command don't know how many villages have been burned and how many people have been slaughtered. The fire of the magic dragon has burned many soldiers."

"If we can't defeat him, such as stark, Tully, Lannister, tiller... And so on, the ancient family blood with a long tradition will be cut off, and the seven countries will also be destroyed in his hands."

Randall Tully's voice was low. His eyes were bright, and every family named by him was more or less uncomfortable on his face, but he was silent.

"Gentlemen, think about what he did in the east continent."

Finally, Landau Tully looked around all the people around him and warned.

His sentence seemed to be a point, which made everyone present look a little chilly.


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