Published at 24th of June 2024 06:23:29 AM

Chapter 430

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Think about what wesselis did on Aesop

All the nobles present looked slightly awe inspiring.

Why did Landau Tali warn all the nobles present, because people with smart minds can see that the changes made by wesselis in the east continent are digging the foundation of all families!

Therefore, the ancient families named by Landau Tali that have been inherited for thousands or even tens of thousands of years have existed even when the ancestors fought with the son of the forest. They can inherit for such a long time, but they are likely to perish under the reform of wesselis.

This is why wesselis clearly holds a strong power, but in the process of unifying Westeros, he still encountered tenacious resistance, and no nobles came down at the sight of the wind.

Without these changes, perhaps half of the seven countries have changed their flags and directly surrendered.

However, the threat of wesselis's change was so great that these nobles had to fear and even full of hostility.

Wesselis's transformation in ESSOS is mainly carried out from two aspects.

One is to open the source, dividing the land of big landlords into many small pieces of land, giving civilians a lot of opportunities to rely on military merit for promotion.

Everyone can be canonized as a knight by virtue of his war achievements, and even be rewarded with a small piece of land to become a real property aristocrat.

The second is to deprive the traditional nobles of their autonomy. Once the nobles had absolute rule over their fiefs.

They can even enact laws on their own territory, recruit troops, collect taxes, and launch wars at will.

The two families fight each other under the system of the Kingdom, and as their monarch, they can have the power to let them sit down and mediate. Similarly, they can see that they lose both sides and take the opportunity to consolidate their influence.

Even the king of the seven countries is only a nominal co Lord, actually a large aristocrat.

If he guarded and rebelled everywhere under his rule, his king title would become a lightheaded commander in an instant. The situation of strong vassal and weak monarch would occur from time to time.

Therefore, wesselis is well aware of the disadvantages of Westeros aristocratic system, and the aristocracy with a long history is the biggest resistance to social development. Therefore, wesselis began to change here from the time when the power began to be established, and carefully designed a system suitable for the unique culture of the world.

The newly promoted nobles used to be civilians and wandering knights. Naturally, they have no opinions and resistance to change.

But for the traditional nobles in Westeros, especially those old nobles who have been inherited for thousands of years, wesselis's change is that the knife is cut on their main artery.

All the military power belongs to the king, and the finance and taxes should be handed over to the state treasury in proportion. The rest belongs to the nobility, who has completely become a local official.

Some people even jumped and scolded wesselis, which was the foundation of all nobles. His madness was even worse than his father, but the person who said this had jumped into the river and killed himself.

The change of wesselis is like a sword hanging over the heads of all nobles, and it may be cut off directly at some time.

Therefore, at a time when the war is not completely clear, the nobles of the seven countries will not be willing to surrender and be slaughtered.

Randall Tali's words strengthened the people's shaky determination once again.

"Yes, that's right."


"I agree."

They must unite against wesselis.

It's about the survival of the family. They don't want to be sinners in the family history.

"Gentlemen, think about it."

"Those dirty mud legs, those Dalits, will sit in the hall like us in the future."

"We even politely call him 'sir'?"

"But he can't even use a knife and fork, because his bitch mother ate with her hands when he was born!"

Said Horton Redford, the grey haired count of red base, in a hoarse voice.


"There will never be such a day."

His voice fell down. Even if he received the response from mathus Rowan, count of Jinshu City, he opened his mouth with a serious face and a neat uniform, one hand on the hilt of his sword.

Although the Earl of jinshucheng is widely loved, he still has a clear position on this issue and represents the interests of the great nobility.

Nobility is nobility. They are born noble, and civilians are civilians. They are born with a humble destiny.

"It's disgusting just to think of such a picture."

Another nobleman in the room shook his head and coaxed.

"If so, my dog can also be called 'adult'."

"Then I'll go back and ask my horse if he wants to be an adult?"

The room burst into laughter, and the just tense atmosphere was swept away.

Standing in front of the king's bed, Stannis, who was usually silent, couldn't help smiling and shaking his head.

"That's ridiculous."

"Old Marquis Wade Frey is right. Wesselis is worthy of being the son of the mad king. He is more crazy than his father."

How can nobles be confused with civilians?

Randall Tali's words seemed to ignite the atmosphere of the Allied nobles. Everyone became indignant and thought that wesselis was more crazy than his father crazy king.

Many nobles even stopped talking in front of Robert.

But they want to say that if wesselis wants them to surrender, he must argue on the negotiating table to let Westeros maintain its "noble tradition" and not be affected by the changes in the east continent, otherwise they would rather fight to the last person.

In the room, only tywin, ED and Robert on the sickbed didn't smile.

Tywin was still thinking about the current crisis, and ED thought about what Robert had just said.

Robert is the most empathetic. Wesselis is doing what every generation of Kings want to do.

However, subject to the daunting resistance, no king of any generation dared to try to smash the wheel of aristocratic autocracy and change it into a centralized system with stronger national strength and more unified power.

If wesselis really succeeds, he may become famous figures like azol yahai, Brandon the "builder" and the grey sea king.

Robert looked a little trance, and the arrow wound on his right chest was still faintly occurring.

And the next day.

In the rush city at dawn, the horn suddenly sounded.

At first glance, the endless doslaks began to act at dawn.

But instead of attacking the impregnable city, they bypassed the river and rushed to the coalition camp outside the city.

"Roar ~"

Ten thousand horses galloped on the earth, and the doslaks howled and rushed to kill them.

Last night, wesselis sent a letter to Pentium asking them to bend their knees and surrender Robert baratheon, tywin and ED stark.

But it was strongly rejected by houst Tully, the old Baron of galloping city.

And told wesselis that he should get out of Westeros with the barbarians and dragons and never come back, or they would kill the dragons and the barbarians.

Wesselis assured the Duke of the torrent City, the guardian of the river, that the blood of the Tully family would be cut off, and the torrent city would turn into ruins and disappear forever in the long river of history.


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