Published at 24th of June 2024 06:23:26 AM

Chapter 432

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"Roar ~"

The doslaks kept howling and wantonly reaped the lives of coalition soldiers.

Wesselis, who rides a white horse, is naturally among them. As a leader of Cao, it is also one of the traditions of doslaks. However, wesselis usually rides a dragon, and today he personally rides a war horse.

Silver blond hair hung on the cold armor, wesselis carried a long gun stained with blood, and the war horse under his crotch was dyed blood red.

At this time, the wind suddenly sounded in his ear. Wesselis watched all the way and listened all the way. His reaction speed was very fast. He dodged the arrow slightly on one side, and the arrow went into mid air close to his hair.


Wesselis sat on the back of the horse, holding the reins with one hand, looked in the direction of the sudden cold arrow, and found a thin middle-aged knight with a green hairy turtle like crest on his left chest.

The ismond family in greenstone?

Wesselis has such a deep memory of this coat of arms that when he was a child, he couldn't help laughing every time he saw it when he followed bachelor Daniel to understand each family coat of arms and ethnic language.

The ismon family is a relative of the baratheon family, especially with Robert. Robert's mother is kathana ismon of the ismon family. Therefore, the ismon family naturally responded to the call of this war.

It was Sir Edmund Easton, the eldest son of Earl Elton Easton, who secretly put the cold arrow.

He also rode a white horse and looked at wesselis. He recognized the identity of the other party. The whole doslak army were grassland knights. Only wesselis seemed a little out of place.

Then IMON threw away the bow and arrow in his hand, pulled out the long sword around his waist, roared and urged the horse to kill wesselis.

However, wesselis, with a bloody spear in his hand, rode his horse and stood in place without action. He just watched the green haired turtle Knight rush towards him, then raised his spear, turned a circle, and pummelled directly and accurately into the other party's chest.

With one hand gun, he picked up the body of IMON ismon from his horse, held it high in mid air, and then plopped it to the ground.

Yimeng's horse was frightened, ignored his master's body and fled to the distance.

"Son of the mad king!"


Wesselis had just killed IMON ismon, the heir of greenstone castle, when a coalition knight in armor rushed towards wesselis with a long gun.

He found this eternal opportunity and wanted to kill wesselis on his own and become a hero of the seven countries.



The horse's hooves are galloping and threatening.

Wesselis pulled the long gun out of IMON's body, and the blood fell to the ground. He heard the movement and turned his head. Instead of being afraid, he looked very calm.


At this time, a "mountain" covered with heavy armor suddenly appeared in the oblique thorn beside wesselis. He rushed directly and bumped the knight out with people and horses.

The war horse made a painful neighing sound in mid air, and the four horseshoes made trouble, while the knight on the horse was even more embarrassed and was thrown directly from the horse.

Then he fell on the ground with a dull sound. The man under the iron can was thrown seven meat and eight vegetables, almost didn't fall directly to death, and blood gushed everywhere in his nose and forehead into his eyes.

The Allied Knight trembled and struggled to get up from the ground, but was passed by a howling doslak riding a war horse and cut his throat with a knife.


The horse's hooves passed by before his eyes, and the knight's blood sprayed on the ground, while his horse was broken at the waist and struggled on the ground in pain, but he couldn't get up.

Wesselis looked at the scene in front of him, then withdrew his eyes, raised his head slightly, looked at the 'mountain' in front of him, nodded and opened his mouth calmly.

"Thank you, marg."

MAG Mazz Tundo dor wig is the 'giant king', and he is now under the command of wesselis.

Wesselis tailored a heavy suit of armor for him and his wife, and changed their weapons from sticks and stones to an axe that was also tailored.

At the moment, the strong marg was carrying the axe on her shoulder, and the armor was full of arrows, just like a hedgehog, but none of these arrows pierced the armor.

If it is a conventional human, wearing such heavy armor is not difficult to move, or even directly pressed on the ground.

But the giant moved freely, just like a human monster, rampaged on the battlefield and destroyed the formation of the coalition army.

Marg's wife, gentle ADA, is also here. The two giants fighting side by side has become a new nightmare for coalition soldiers.

There is a huge dragon that blocks the sky and the sun on its head, constantly spitting out dragon flame, and there are terrible creatures such as giants on the ground.

The Allied soldiers felt as if they were on the battlefield of the mythical period. The gods scuffled, the dragons danced, and the giants beat their chests and roared.


Then another giant threw the axe directly out. It was powerful and heavy. A large number of coalition soldiers were directly swept to the ground and hit seven meat and eight vegetables.

"Roar ~"

Then they were cut by the Dothraki who rushed up one by one, and the galloping hooves split the formation of the coalition.

"Roar -"

The female savage ADA roared and crushed a coalition soldier who jumped up to stab her knee.

Then he threw his body back into the coalition like a chicken and knocked down two more people, frightening the coalition soldiers.

ADA was not gentle at all, but extremely fierce. In comparison, his king husband was really gentle.


Marg, who was much taller than IDA, looked at wesselis below and nodded slightly.

Then he caught up with his wife with a huge axe on his shoulder and continued to kill her.

Wesselis looked at the distant backs of the two giants and slowly withdrew his eyes.

There was gunsmoke all around, and the Dragon kept spitting its flame downward. The fire was burning and rushed into the sky, which could be seen from a distance.

A battle on the beach outside the city dyed the river red, while the defenders shrank in the city felt frightened when they looked at the doslaks who had red eyes, the giant with amazing destructive power and the giant dragon flying overhead.

"It's over."

Horst Tully, Duke of torrent, held the wall in his hand and closed his eyes slightly.

He only felt some twists and turns, and almost didn't sit on the ground.

But he was supported by the Tully family guard nearby, which didn't make the old lord lose his temper.

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