Published at 24th of June 2024 06:23:26 AM

Chapter 433

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When the coalition forces were unable to resist the pressure of the doslaks and fell into collapse.

On the battlefield running to the beach outside the city, the sound of iron hoofs suddenly sounded behind the doslak army.

Countless Valley Knights held high the eagle flag, did not know when to circle behind the doslaks, and then launched a surprise attack.

This was a tactic negotiated by the coalition. The main front force dragged wesselis's army, while the valley Knight pretended to be infighting, separated from the base camp and went around to the back. According to the agreed time, wesselis was sure to launch an attack today, and then prepared to wait for an opportunity to raid.

In order to convince wesselis that there was a real infighting among the coalition forces, the valley Knights made an extra detour under the command of Jon Royce, count of Rune city.

He led the valley Knight along the Riverside Avenue to count harroway's Town, ran out for a long distance, and then turned back in a big circle, trying to catch wesselis by surprise from behind.

However, the appointed time was accurate and the plan was perfect. Jon Royce led the valley knight to death.

But never thought that the form of the battlefield was not what they imagined. It was in a state of anxiety, but showed a one-sided situation.

The repeatedly charged doslaks moved in and out of the coalition formation. The coalition formation has become riddled with holes under the Dragon flame and the destruction of giants.

The formation of the coalition forces had been sieved and their lives were reaped at will by the doslaks.

However, the arrival of the valley cavalry became a booster, severely hit the coalition soldiers on the verge of collapse, and the coalition soldiers began to fight back.


"Kill all these barbarians!"

"Kill the son of the mad king!"

Stannis, covered with blood, was fighting hard, and his sword had been rolled.

He stood in a sea of corpses and blood, and even became a little trance in front of him. The whole world was full of scarlet colors, flames, blood and bright machetes

"Roar ~"

A doslak cavalry rushed towards him, waving a machete.

Stannis subconsciously raised his long sword to stop it, but he didn't stop it. He was cut on his shoulder.

Blood gushed out along the gap of the armor. If it was not blocked by the armor, this knife would cut off his left arm directly.

The intense pain made Stannis suddenly wake up. He gasped and waved his long sword to fight back, but he was pierced by a flying arrow.


Blood gushed out.


Stannis let out a dull groan of pain, knelt down on the ground, and the obscure doslak language sounded above his head.

"This man looks like the leader of the lamb. Cao asked them to live."

A doslak spoke to Casco next to him.

The dark eyed Casco looked coldly at Stannis, who knelt down below with a painful face, and nodded slightly.

"Then save his life."

"Take it away!"

In the smoke filled battlefield, the horse hoofs of the doslaks trampled on the surrounding land. A group of grassland Knights surrounded Stannis and howled.

Then a rope fell from the sky, directly around Stannis' neck and pulled him to the ground.

A doslak cavalry was skilled in horse harness. He pulled the hemp rope in one hand and rode around Stannis. His palm pulled down slightly. The rope on Stannis's neck suddenly tightened. He desperately wanted to break free, but it didn't help. His face turned red.

"Roar ~"

The doslacks dragged Stannis on horseback, like a wild dog, on the ground to one side, ready to tie up.


"Let go of Lord Stannis!"

On the chaotic battlefield, a soldier of Fengxi fort with a treasure crown stag badge on his chest saw this scene.

With a roar, he drew his sword and rushed to save Stannis, but he was stopped by a fallen doslak.

The soldier of Fengxi Castle stabbed him with a sword. The skillful dorslak warrior directly clamped the blade with his elbow, and then cut his throat in the other party's unbelievable eyes.


The body fell on the blackened ground.

And not far away.

Countless Valley Knights suddenly appeared on the battlefield from the rear, and then poured in like a tide.


Count Jon Royce, the commander of the valley knights, also went to battle personally, holding a long sword. Countless Valley Knights surrounded him and killed him in the distant battlefield.

In their imagination, the doslaks should panic and even run away, because the cavalry rushing around the back is a devastating blow to any army.

However, the doslaks did not panic. Instead, they kept running on horseback, howling and confusing their goals.

The valley knight was greeted by a rotating giant flying axe and a giant dragon swooping down from the sky. It opened its huge mouth like an abyss, and a dazzling red light lit up in its throat.

Jon Royce, the Earl of runestown, was wearing a bronze armor. He watched the scene, his throat rolled slightly and swallowed a spit.

"Damn it!"

Then he summoned up his courage and jumped directly from the galloping horse's back one second before the Dragon flame was launched.

With a plop, he fell to the ground and rolled. He almost fainted without falling, and the sky above his head lit up a red light.


The dragon's flame scoured the earth wildly, directly drowning where Jon Royce should be.

Countless Valley Knights howled horribly in the fire. Their armor was wrapped in flesh and blood, and collapsed together with their horses and burned to ashes.


A valley Knight fought with the doslak people. The yarak machete cut on the thick breastplate without breaking the defense. Then the valley Knight wearing the family coat of arms stabbed his sword under the horse.

The giant MAG rushed up against the valley Knight's army, picked up the huge axe just thrown out, and split it against a rushing knight, directly splitting the other party's man and horse in half. The scene was very bloody.


Then MAG angrily hammered his chest, bathed in red fire, and made a deafening roar. All the valley Knights around were frightened and fled.

And not far away.

Ed stark, Duke of Winterfell, was covered with blood, holding a two handed sword made of valerian steel, and the cold ice was fighting hard.

His side fell to the left and right. I don't know how many bodies, including coalition soldiers and doslaks.

Wesselis saw ed stark not far away, then urged the horse to come this way, then reined in the reins and rolled off the horse.


On the chaotic battlefield, there were flames and cries of killing everywhere.

Ed supported the handle of the sword with one hand and gasped slightly. He watched the silver haired Knight dismount and walk towards him. His eyes showed an indisputable complexity.


The surrounding air was full of smoke and blood.


The spear was stuck on the ground. Wesselis walked towards ed with the hilt of his sword in one hand, and then stopped two or three meters away from the Duke of Winterfell.

"Surrender, Lord stark."

"The war is over."

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