Published at 24th of June 2024 06:23:12 AM

Chapter 441

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The two brothers met again after a long separation. What they said is naturally not suitable for others to attend, especially when the whole city is surnamed Lannister.

Janos sterling, the commander-in-chief of the capital garrison, respectfully withdrew from the room.

Tyrion looked at the back of jenos, shook the red wine glass in his hand slightly, the crystal clear liquid exuded the mellow smell of alcohol, then raised his head to drink it up, and then said.

"This is a good dog."

"Really? James."

The White Knight heard Tyrion's words, looked at the direction of the door, and then nodded silently.


Janos sterling was greedy and made the whole capital garrison a mess, but he had one advantage, that is, obedience, which kept him in his current position and was reused.

"But no matter how loyal a dog is, it will bite its master when it is starving."

Tyrion sneered, as if meaning something.


James Lannister frowned when he heard this. He was not a fool. Naturally, he heard that Tyrion meant something.

Now the tangorian army is under the city. Even if Junlin temporarily summoned many mercenaries and freedom knights to help defend the city, and captured strong men to expand the military strength, it is still far from enough.

That's a dragon.

The girl who escaped from King's landing now rode a Bronze Dragon and surrounded King's landing with a large army from sea, land and air. James Lannister also climbed the wall and witnessed the dragon with his own eyes at that time.

"Tyrion, you mean..."

The handsome blonde Knight turned his head slightly and asked suspiciously, but Tyrion waved his hand and interrupted him.

"Well, don't say that, James."

"Let's get down to business."

Tyrion avoided the question of Janos sterling and turned to what had happened not long ago.

Speaking of this topic, Tyrion filled himself with a glass of wine again, drank it and smacked his mouth.

Then he told the story that he followed his father to the Carlin Bay front and was abandoned by his father.

The wildfire explosion narrowly escaped death and wandered aimlessly in the north. Finally, it was saved by a group of soldiers lost in the battle of Winterfell, including banyan stark.

Entrusted by a person who holds the mysterious power and calls himself the "green prophet", they are ready to go to find wesselis. The other party seems to want to see wesselis, but for some reason they can't go in person

Tyrion followed this group of people from the ice and snow to the north of the dead area and found several small boats. Because of the lack of information, they rowed all the way to Longshi island.

But wesselis was not here at all. They were regarded as spies, caught by the soldiers of the golden regiment and met the long Princess reneth.

For the sake of survival, Tyrion knelt down in front of Renees and surrendered to the Tango Liam family, and promised to offer his royal highness to his royal highness.

Then Tyrion followed the tangorian army to King's landing. When he sneaked into the city from the mud gate, he was caught by the golden robe, and then there was the next scene of brothers meeting.

James was a little stunned when Tyrion finished these ups and downs. Tyrion's life was more wonderful than the story.

"How could this..."

He didn't want to believe that his father wanted to kill his brother.

More unwilling to believe that Tyrion told him that he had taken refuge in the long Princess and would take the king's landing for her.

"I know that you made such a commitment because you were forced."

The handsome blonde knight was silent for a moment, and then finally said.


However, Tyrion shook his head and opened his mouth in a faint voice. He picked up the glass again and drank the wine in the glass.

James's eyes suddenly coagulated slightly, and his handsome face showed an expression of disbelief. Then he couldn't help asking.

"Why? Tyrion!"

"Aren't you forced to make a commitment in order to survive because of helplessness? This commitment doesn't count."

"Are you sure to keep King's landing?"

Tyrion suddenly interrupted his brother, put down his glass and asked.

James was slightly stunned, then opened his mouth, but suddenly found himself speechless.

Tyrion looked at James who suddenly didn't know what to say, paused a little, then continued to ask and repeated the question.

"Are you sure to keep King's landing, James?"

"Under the dragon's flame..."

"Although I haven't seen how wesselis defeated the ghosts, I've seen how the ghosts destroyed humans."

"The burning flame was extinguished and the muddy swamp leveled. This is due to the night king. He is more terrible than the God I imagined. People were killed by strange ghosts and then got up again, and so on."

Tyrion's voice echoed in the room, but James, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly interrupted his brother's words with a slightly raised tone.

"But I will die!"

James Lannister looked brightly at Tyrion, raised his hand and made a decapitation gesture.

"You know, Tyrion, I killed his father!"

"I killed his father!"

"For whatever reason I did it, but do you think he would listen to my explanation?"

The blonde Knight's mood was slightly out of control.

On the surface, he didn't seem to care about the title of "regicide", but in fact, it was one of the biggest stains in his life.

"Moreover, cersei... Cersei may end up with the same fate as me."

When Tyrion heard his words, he was silent for a long time. Then he sighed, shook his head and said.

"That's what you want to say, James."

"You care more about cersei than you do."

The white knight was silent, pressed the hilt with one hand, and his fingers were slightly white.

Then James didn't say anything more, but pushed the table and stood up from the chair.

"In that case, Tyrion, you'll stay here for a while."

"I've asked Langley baratheon of windbreak castle for help. The reinforcements in the storm are on the way, whether it's the dragon, the barbarian or... The kid. I'll prove to you that I can defeat them."

Referring to wesselis, James couldn't help thinking of the second prince who was sent out of King's landing in a carriage more than ten years ago.

At that time, he personally took the boy into the carriage and escorted the motorcade out of King's landing before returning.

Wesselis's eyes were full of 'he knows what happened', and he knew everything.

But he didn't cry like a seven year old child. Instead, he tried to restrain his emotions and make him look calm, but occasionally he showed an indescribable panic.

It was for this reason that James was deeply impressed by wesselis at that time.

But I didn't expect that more than ten years later, the boy who was sent away by him came back and wanted to take his life.

James pressed the hilt of his sword with one hand. After saying this, he turned and wanted to leave.

He wanted to make himself look smart and confident, just like the kid in those days, but he didn't expect that the chair legs had become his obstacle.


James stumbled and almost fell. He looked a little embarrassed, but he left here without looking back.

Tyrion, on the other hand, took a glass of wine from the table and watched his brother leave without saying a word.

It seemed that he had expected the result long ago. James would not bend his knees and surrender easily.

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