Published at 24th of June 2024 06:23:07 AM

Chapter 445

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There is a light rain tonight. There is no moonlight in the dark sky.

Under the cover of night, Junlin now implements a hierarchical curfew system, so the war in the streets did not cause much chaos.

"Come on!"

"This way!"

Only the citizens of King's landing who lived near the gate of the gods gate penetrated through the cracks of the door and the curtains. I saw the golden robes holding torches and cleaning the messy battlefield.

"Hurry up!"

"Move quickly!"


The bodies of red castle guards were dragged away, loaded on board carts and covered with black cloth.

The blood splashed wantonly on the ground, dripping down the board to the ground, and then was run into the soil by the carriage.

There is even the body of a forest guard, but I don't know which Knight owns it.

The citizens of King's landing who witnessed all this hid in their own rooms trembling, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe for fear of causing some death.

What they know is that they may have witnessed history and witnessed an appalling court coup involving princes and ministers above the Kingdom, which is not something they civilians can consider.

Under the leadership of Janos sterling, the capital garrison followed her Majesty's orders and attacked James Lannister, the commander in chief of King's landing city defense and Her Majesty's brother.

The queen asked to ensure the other party's personal safety, but controlled it and relieved him of his military power.

But I didn't expect that Janos sterling was incompetent, screwed up this seemingly simple thing, and let James kill a way to escape successfully, and disappeared without a trace.

Queen cersei was furious when she heard about it and ordered to continue searching for her brother's whereabouts. At the same time, she controlled all the king's troops and could not fall out of control at this critical time.

That night.

Wow, wow——

Teams of heavily armed gold robes held high torches and began a massive search in King's landing, hoping to find the whereabouts of the disappeared James Lannister.


"Kick the door open!"


With a big hand waved by the commander-in-chief of the capital garrison, the soldiers in gold robes came forward, kicked open the door of a civilian house suspected of hiding the Imperial Guard, and then rushed in.

However, the golden robes did not find James, only the owner of the house was frightened.

On the other hand, Tyrion spent a lot of money to hire mercenaries to rob the prison car, and they were also at a loss.

They are not dignitaries in the throne hall. They don't know what happened. They feel that these gold robes are like crazy searching for someone all over the city.

The mercenary bolon also noticed the bad. He had killed people before he was 12 years old. He was also an experienced pragmatist and had no morality.

Aware of the bad situation, he resolutely gave up the idea of completing the entrustment and getting more Jinlong.

Although Tyrion had paid him thirty golden dragons, it did not allow him to continue to stay here at greater risk.


Finally, the thin man with a fierce face like a hungry wolf, looking at more and more gold robes and the gradual chaos outside, finally bit his teeth and said.

"Get out!"

However, it was too late, and a sharp eyed gold robe found them with a torch high.


"What do you do!"

King's landing implements the curfew system. If it is placed in the ordinary three or five mercenaries with long swords and short knives, it may not be ignored, but in today's special period, there should not be others at midnight, and Bolong and others are particularly eye-catching.

The golden robe found them and shouted loudly. His voice startled more soldiers of the capital garrison, and a group of people surrounded with spears.


When Bolong saw that the event was bad, his eyes turned slightly. Then he resolutely abandoned his companions and directly drilled into a dark alley.

Mercenaries have no spirit of resistance. Although they are more ferocious than gold robes, there are too many gold robes.

Seeing that Bolong turned and fled, he decisively followed him and fled.

However, Bolong reacted quickly and took a step first, while other mercenaries reacted more slowly. Although the gold robes had no combat effectiveness, after all, they had much more weapons, equipment and numbers than the mercenaries.

So those of bolon's companions died one after another. He was the only one who fled with his own ability and disappeared without a trace.

It's just an episode tonight.

For the capital garrison, it just searched for the trace of James Lannister and wiped out a team of disobedient mercenaries.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

The gold robes dug three feet to find the whereabouts of the Queen's brother.

Bolon felt that he had been entrapped by Tyrion. He was settling accounts with him all over the world and asked for more money to repay the lives of his beloved relatives and brothers.

On the other side, in a corner of the flea nest in King's landing, this is the flour street in renis hills, going down and westward.

The roads of flea nests are as intricate as a maze, and the smell of pigsty, stables and cobbler's shop is mixed with the smell of wine cellars and brothels.

When James disappeared, he changed his blood stained white armor into a gold robe, half covering his cheeks.

At the moment, he was looking at a naked male body in front of him with a gloomy face and was silent.

He just caught a single soldier of the capital garrison, dragged him here, pried open his mouth and asked what had happened, but James's answer cooled his heart for a moment.

He thought that Janos Sterling had betrayed the Iron Throne and the Lannister family, because his brother Tyrion had long meant something.

But I didn't expect to know from the mouth of the golden robe that the queen was the one who ordered to arrest him and remove all military power.

Cersei decides to surrender to tangaryan army, and James had a fierce quarrel with cersei and refused to hand over military power, so it became an obstacle to Kaesong's surrender.

On the other side, Tyrion, who should have been imprisoned in King's landing dungeon, had already left there by car.



James breathed a little heavy. He suddenly felt that he had been betrayed by the whole world. Even his sister and brother betrayed himself.

Don't they really know that they will die after surrender?

However, at present Junlin is in danger, leaving him little time.

The noise not far away was getting closer and closer, and the handsome blonde Knight did not remain silent for too long.

Red Castle can't go back, so where should I next stop?

Kay rock?

James looked up and saw the sky gradually white with fish belly, and then wiped the rain and tears on his face.

He was dressed in gold armor and clothes, and then hurried to the distance with a spear.

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