Published at 24th of June 2024 06:22:44 AM

Chapter 456

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And far away in Westeros.

Go straight to King's road to King's landing.

"Roar ~"

Looking at the endless doslaks, they were dressed in animal skin armor, the chaotic horseshoes trampled on the sunset, and the kneeling coalition soldiers were surrounded. Wesselis flew in the sky on a dragon, and the wind roared in his ears.

The magnificent capitals of the seven countries are just ahead and have become faintly visible in the field of vision.

At this time, the silver haired Dragon Knight rode on the dragon's back and suddenly opened his eyes. A pair of lavender eyes, long eyelashes and pupils reflected light against the sunset.

He turned his head and looked to the East, his fingers clenched slightly.

"Ho -"

Then bellerian gave a low and melodious roar, which spread all over the sky. The Dragon roared, and its wings rushed into the sky, flying in the opposite direction to the sunset.

King's landing is close at hand.

The doslak people below and the seven nation coalition forces who bowed to their knees saw the suddenly flying dragon, which was a little chaotic.

But the riot soon calmed down. After all, this is not the first time that this kind of thing has happened during this period of time.

Wesselis flew in the sky on a dragon. For some reason, he would suddenly leave for a while, but he would come back soon.

Everyone didn't care. Kago was dressed in animal skin armor and tied with yarak machete around his waist. He looked up and looked at the direction of the dragon, then said a few words loudly in doslak language, waved his whip and pointed to the capital of the seven countries in the distance.

The rolling army continued to go towards King's landing.

The doslak army arrived at King's landing in the evening, and with them came Oberon and princess yalien Martel. For a time, the king's landing flags were fluttering and the army gathered.

The people of King's landing have never seen so many armies gathered here, and there are many foreigners who live in legends that they have never seen.

A group of doslaks with a fishy smell. Their smell comes from how many people they cut down.

The strong soldiers have long hair braids. Everyone has one or three war horses. They are skilled in martial arts and have fierce eyes. The doslak people clashed with the golden robes. A doslak roaring warrior scared off ten golden robes.

The pregnant Princess Donne was placed in the Red Castle, next to the long princess's bedroom.

Cersei Lannister, who used to be the owner here, and her two children were forced to move out, from the bedroom of the king and queen to the room where the servants lived in the Red Castle, and Oberon lived in the prime minister's tower.

The arrival of the doslak army and the surrender of the Allied forces of the seven countries not only brought the victory of the restoration of Hejian, but also their biggest booty.

The injury of usurper Robert baratheon has been recovered during this period. He is detained in the dungeon inside the Red Castle.

The same is true of ED stark, Duke of Winterfell. The two brothers are also destined. Even the prison is not far away.

When Stannis was detained, he didn't want to have a problem. He and a group of ordinary nobles were detained in the dungeon in Junlin city. However, he was suddenly attacked by a group of people. Someone robbed Stannis, turned east to Tibet, and then disappeared.

The water in the city of King's landing is very deep, and reneth learned about it for the first time. After hearing about it, she ordered a thorough investigation. The final investigation result was done by Danes, the "onion Knight" of Stannis.

He disappeared after the war of Benliu city. Unexpectedly, the first army arrived at Junlin and hired a group of underground forces and mercenaries. He had already prepared to rob prisoners.

But there were too many people to protect along the way. They didn't have any chance. Finally, they made a surprise attack in Junlin city with the help of complex forces, terrain and population.

Davos seworth bought off some of the gold robes and artificially created a defense loophole.

Then the raid succeeded, took Stannis, who was imprisoned in the prison car, and disappeared without a trace.

The onion Knight used to be a smuggler and a veteran of the Jianghu. Therefore, he was very familiar with the complex underground forces of Junlin and the channels leading to the outside of the city. The golden robe could not find Stannis for a while.

Stannis' disappearance is not very serious. After all, he is already a bare pole commander, but it is also not a small matter, because he still has the right to claim, and reneth is still very angry.

The capital Garrison has made mistakes one after another. First, it released James Lannister, the regicide, and then Stannis was robbed.

Reneth felt the corruption of the capital garrison. She ordered several gold robes bought by Davos to be hanged, and took advantage of the situation to dismiss Janos sterling, the commander-in-chief of the capital Garrison who had made meritorious contributions in the surrender of Xiancheng, and replaced him with black bug.

The black bug promised Renes that it would completely remould the capital Garrison and require the soldiers to be trained according to the training standards of the dirt free.

However, the disturbance of King's landing is not over yet.

Wesselis's long absence caused concern. His pregnant fiancee prayed silently.

"May the gods of heaven bless wesselis to return safely."

Yalianen's biggest dream is to become a queen. However, the development of reality made her never dream that her once distant dream was close to success in the blink of an eye.

The tangaryan army has captured Junlin, the flags of three fire dragons are flying over the Red Castle, and even the keel stored in the cellar has been lifted up again to replace the tapestry of the baratheon family.

Renee touched Aaron's bulging belly and even put her ears on it curiously. After a long time, she left and couldn't help opening her mouth.

"I seem to hear the heartbeat of the fetus!"

"He's only a few months old. Maybe what you hear is my heartbeat."

Princess Dorn teased when she heard reneth's words and said, pinching her fingers on reneth's smooth face.

"My sister is such a beauty lying on my body. Of course, I can't help my heart beating faster."

Reneth's face flushed slightly. She seemed to have been molested by her cousin.

Because there is no deliberate publicity, in fact, few people now know that reneth and Aaron are cousins, and reneth's mother is Aaron's aunt.

But then reneth seemed to think of something, and asked curiously.

"Does your sister know whether you are pregnant with a boy or a girl now?"

Adrian raised her eyebrows when she heard her words, but she shook her head.

"It is said that some bachelors can infer the child's gender from the mother's diet, but Dr. malwin is not good at this, so he can't infer it."

Dr. malwin stayed in pantos, mainly immersed in the study of varelian monuments.

"But I hope it will be a boy."

Then the beauty full of exotic customs opened her mouth.

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