Published at 24th of June 2024 06:22:43 AM

Chapter 457

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And at this time.

"Your Highness."

Bang Bang——

Mia, the Imperial Guard on duty outside the door, knocked on the door and pushed the door in after getting permission.

As the personal guard of Aaron, she is mainly responsible for protecting the safety of the fetus in the queen to be's womb.

Then the White Knight told reneth and Aaron that cersei, the usurper's wife, and Caitlin, the Duchess of Winterfell, came to ask for a meeting with their imprisoned husband.


When reneth heard Mia's words, she pondered for a moment. Her wife's heart for missing her husband is worthy of sympathy. Although Stannis was robbed and imprisoned during the day, the Red Castle is heavily guarded, and the two women who have no strength to bind chickens have no ability to save their husband from here.


The long Princess nodded slightly.

Although Ariane was the queen to be of wesselis, the military and political power of tangaryan still fell to Renes rather than Ariane when he was away.

For no other reason, wesselis loves and trusts Renes most, and Renes is also a pure dragon knight with good fighting power.

The red haired female Knight wore white armor and the Dragon cutting sword at her waist. She heard reneth's words and looked at the expressions on the faces of the two princesses.

"Yes, your highness."

Then he nodded slightly and stepped back.

Although Robert baratheon is called a usurper by the tangaryan family, he is, after all, a recognized king of seven countries.

Ed Stark is the master of Winterfell. The stark family has been operating in the north for a long time, and the concept has long been deeply rooted.

The Duke of Stonehenge island in Stannis sounds loud, but there are only two fishing villages, not to mention his fief now.

The two said they were detained in the dungeon of Hongbao, but in fact, they were in a semicircular low tower above the entrance of Hongbao dungeon, which was called the "traitor corridor", and the top cell was under house arrest of ID prisoners.

Robert and ED stark were here. Footsteps came from the corridor. The jailers here had been replaced by clean soldiers. They held high torches and led them into the cell without saying a word.


When the door of the cell opened, Caitlin Tully hurried two steps and hugged her husband tightly.

Then he thought of something and hurriedly checked his husband's body to see if he was hurt.

She heard the news of the battle of Benliu city. It was said that the battle was a replica of the battle of raging fire. The flames of dragons and the iron hoofs of barbarians destroyed the coalition forces, and countless nobles and soldiers died on the battlefield.

Including Randall Tali, a famous general in the south, who lost his trace on the battlefield. His life and death are unknown. It is rumored that he may have been burned to ashes by the Dragon flame, and even his body can't be found.

So Caitlin was frightened every day for fear that her husband would also have an accident.

Ed stark was imprisoned in the red castle without hands and feet tied. Although his face was a little haggard, it was not a big problem as a whole.


Seeing his wife coming, they hugged each other tightly.

In the other cell, Robert's body lost a lot during this period, and the outline of his cheeks looked a little like when he was young, but the scenery on his body and the spirit in his eyes were no longer the same as before.

He looked at the reunion of his good brothers and his wife in one side of the cell, and his heart suddenly felt a little bad.

His wife, Sixi, appeared at the door of the cell. The queen of the past was like a phoenix falling from the tree of Wutong. It lost its proud capital except for its beautiful skin.

The blonde woman stood by the door of the cell and looked at her husband sitting on the edge of the bed. Robert's beard was messy, his eyes were shining in the dark, and he also looked at his wife. He was silent for a moment. Then Robert asked in a low voice.

"Where's joffrey?"

"Joffrey is reading in the room. They only allow me to come alone."

Cersei took a deep breath and said.


However, Robert sat on the edge of the bed and just snorted coldly. It was obvious that he didn't believe that his boy was reading at the moment.

Although Robert doesn't care about children's education, it is obvious that joffrey is not a person who will take the initiative to read books.

However, although he was dismissive, Robert's eyes still hid his love for his own flesh and blood. After all, joffrey was also his own kind

"Did they promise to let joffrey and missella go?"

Then Robert asked. He already knew that cersei had taken the initiative to open the city and surrender in order to save the lives of a pair of children.

But Robert didn't blame her.

A woman presides over the overall situation alone. It is impossible for her to keep King's landing. Robert can understand that she chose this way in order to save her children's lives.

"I don't know yet."

Cersei shook her head.

"Wesselis doesn't know why he didn't come back..."

On the other side, compared with cersei and Robert, a hypocritical couple, Caitlin and Ed's feelings become much more sincere.


The red haired woman burst into tears and hugged her husband tightly. She hoped ED could bend his knees and plead guilty in exchange for a chance to put on black.

"Kate, I see..."

However, the Duke of Winterfell was calmer than her, hugged his wife, and his face was a little complicated.

He knew that his hope of survival was not great, but he couldn't bear to blow his wife's enthusiasm, so he could only nod silently.


And in the distant narrow sea.

Wesselis rode on the dragon's back, facing the sea breeze, with quiet eyes.

Because of his congenital deficiency, he once injected a lot of black fog into the silver block, and even affected his own promotion.

Unfortunately, the black fog did not play a great role in the young dragon, and wesselis did not know the reason.

Not long ago, however, wesselis saw the man standing opposite it through the eyes of the silver young dragon, and the crew of the ship called him 'jakun Hegar'.

This was a very familiar name, and he knew that there should be something wrong with pantos.

In a few days.

On an ordinary night, the sea was calm.

The distant Titan roared, and the faces of the braavos soldiers on duty showed a blank look.

"What's that sound?"

Because they haven't heard such a voice for many years.

Then a huge figure blocking the sky and the sun fell from the sky, and the turbulent dragon flame spewed out.


The head of the Titan collapsed and crashed into the reef lake, stirring up thousands of waves.

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