Published at 24th of June 2024 06:34:56 AM

Chapter 46

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Wesselis took daenerys' little hand, and a sense of kinship surged up.

This is that blood is thicker than water.

The baby girl in her swaddling clothes also showed a happy smile on her wrinkled little face and giggled continuously.

Although she still can't understand who the boy in front of her is, the closeness in her blood tells danilis that this man will be one of the closest people in her life.

Wesselis stood in front of the crib, slightly teasing his sister, and then yawned slightly.

Because of the long journey, he was tired himself. Then he stopped teasing danilis, smiled slightly and stood up straight.

Standing by the baby's bed, a young woman was at a loss. She had some freckles on her face and bulging chest. It can be seen that there was plenty of milk.

She was the nurse the guards found to raise daenerys.

However, the nanny was a little flustered at the moment. This was the first big man she saw after she came to the castle. The Acting City Lord who once looked high and the knight in armor stood behind the boy.

At the moment, wesselis looked at the nanny who raised his sister, looked at each other up and down with a little examination in her lavender eyes.

With wesselis's spiritual strength breaking through 20, his eyes seem to have a kind of oppression, and he will shrink back inexplicably when he looks at him.

The good nurse's throat rolled slightly. She never thought that she would be frightened by the eyes of a little boy one day.

The room was quiet and there was a slight silence.

Then there was the boy's pleasant voice like a clear spring before the sound change period.


Wesselis reached into his arms and wanted to touch out some silver deer and give them to each other as encouragement. He thanked the mammy for taking her children and sharing half of the milk to danilis.

However, to wesselis's embarrassment, he touched left and patted right. He clearly remembered that there should be several silver deer in his pocket. He played for a while before sleeping in the cabin last night.

Did you fall under the bed because you were too sleepy at that time?

It was too bad to drop the money on the cabin.

Wesselis secretly decided to get the money back tomorrow.

However, the more important thing now is how to alleviate the embarrassing situation

With the crisp voice of wesselis, several people in the room trembled slightly. No one thought wesselis would throw thousands of gold.

However, wesselis felt around in his clothes pocket, but he never took out anything, and everyone's eyes suddenly changed slightly.


Several people in the room looked at each other, and the atmosphere was once very embarrassing.

And wesselis's little face was still tight and looked unchanged, unexpectedly calm.

However, while he continued to grope meaninglessly in his empty pocket, his brain was racking its brains to think about how to alleviate the embarrassing situation.

"Your Majesty."

"Your wallet seems to be with me."

At this time, Sir William, standing behind wesselis, could no longer see it.

He was very familiar with his disciple. He was the first to understand that wesselis should have no money in his pocket.

Then the coach took a golden dragon from his arms and gave it to each other.

Wesselis breathed a sigh of relief and gave the coach a "thank you" look.

Then he coughed a little, rubbed the carving on the surface of the golden dragon with his fingers, resisted the reluctance in his heart, and rewarded the golden gold coin to the wet nurse.

The nurse was naturally flattered. You know, the value of a golden dragon is even enough to buy her and send her to work in the hut of King's landing sataya.

After rewarding the nurse, wesselis turned his head and looked at the people behind him, and then suddenly opened his mouth.

"Sir William."

"Something like that has happened before. I'm a little worried about danilis's safety."

Wesselis said, "what happened before" in his mouth means that mercenaries from the other side of the narrow sea secretly sneaked onto Longshi island to carry out assassination a few months ago.

"Why don't you stay here tonight."

Danilis and the wet nurse lived in the room of Queen Leila. There were enough rooms to spare one for Sir William, and wesselis was still in his former bedroom.

He hopes the head coach can protect his sister's safety.

The middle-aged coach with curly hair was slightly stunned when he heard the little king's words, but he hesitated and nodded.


He didn't know why wesselis suddenly made such a decision, but he always felt that maybe it was not just a superficial reason.



The night is deep.

After visiting his sister, wesselis finally returned to his bedroom to rest.

And the whole castle fell into silence, as if it had fallen asleep.

But in the distance.

In the direction of Longshi island port, sir Jeffrey put on his armor, took the long sword from the soldier's hand and wore it around his waist.

The soldiers in the fleet had a strong elite to follow the old Sir. Then the group did not ride a war horse, but went to the direction of Longshi castle on foot and extinguished all the torches.

Under the leadership of the old Sir, dozens of soldiers came silently at night.

And inside the castle.

Wesselis returned to the bedroom, his leather armor did not take off, but closed the quilt, blew out the candle with a cry, and then fell asleep.

I don't know how long it's been.

In the distance, the church bell rang.

The sky has faintly appeared a touch of fish belly white, close to the dawn, which is the time when people are most sleepy and tired.

The guard who had been on duty all night yawned slightly. However, at this time, a figure came out in the dark, holding a dagger, covering each other's mouth with one hand, and stabbing the other hand into the guard's throat.


The sharp dagger penetrated unhindered.

"Uh, uh, uh..."

The guard opened his frightened eyes and looked at the man who killed him with disbelief.

He didn't expect that this man would suddenly kill himself.

However, before his brain could understand what had happened, his eyes darkened and the body fell to the ground.

The Acting City Lord of Longshi Island, the illegitimate son from Dorn, slightly wiped the blood splashed on his face. His face looked ferocious. Behind him were several tangaryan guards.

With the fleet's victory in broken boat Bay, they realized that they could no longer drag on, otherwise it would be exposed sooner or later.

Now their inner sense of crisis is getting worse and worse. Finally, on the eve of dawn, they are determined to launch this plan.

"Rush with me!"

"Kill the evil seed of the dragon!"

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