Published at 24th of June 2024 06:22:17 AM

Chapter 467

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Almost all the evidence from the investigation leads to volantis.

At the high-level military conference in pantos, everyone suggested crazy retaliation against volantis, but these were suppressed by Jon Clinton.

He instinctively felt that there was something strange about it.

But now, hearing what wesselis said, Jon Clinton's face moved slightly.

He didn't expect that the enemy really came from bravos. The real murderer wanted to bring disaster to the south.

But fortunately, he calmed down at that time and did not retaliate against volantis for the time being, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

Now that his majesty said that the matter should have been settled, he taught braavos a painful lesson, but he didn't know what braavos looked like now.

The man with greyish red hair and noble clothes and the king's hand medal on his chest thought silently.

Just then, however, wesselis turned his head and looked at Jon Clinton.

"Jon, let's talk later."

He didn't explain to daenerys why volantis stole the dragon, but burned braavos, and Jon looked stunned, and then nodded quickly.



The Iron Throne is close at hand, but I don't know why wesselis is a little upset, and even vaguely escape.

This may be the reason why he did not hesitate to ride the dragon to bravos.

Because he jumped out of the circle and calmed down. From the perspective of a bystander, the Throne made of thousands of Swords is actually of little value.

On the contrary, it has brought more disasters. The disputes surrounding this iron chair have lasted for hundreds of years, bloody, killing and evil.

This may be a kind of working hard for a goal all the time, but when the goal is really close at hand, it produces a sense of confusion.

Simply put, a bitch is hypocritical.

However, this does not prevent his majesty from coming out for a walk and setting fire to the city to relieve his inner anxiety.

In the imperial garden of the palace on the top of the nine towers, there are some rare animals, flowers in full bloom and green grass.

"Your Majesty."

Jon Clinton appeared behind wesselis. He looked at the back of the silver haired youth and said with complex eyes.

Just now the little princess was around and it was inconvenient to speak, so she went out to say it at another time.

Jon first saw wesselis in the city of pantos. At that time, he was not even an adult, but he had the courage to lead a mere 200 soldiers into the city of the enemy.

Jon Clinton was a member of the city guard at that time. He saw wesselis from a distance.

But at that time, he could not think that in a few years, the boy would take off with the help of the city, break the dilemma he was facing, ride the wind and turn into a dragon. Since then, no one can limit his height.

And wesselis gave Jon a pamphlet in his hand.

This is what he wrote in his spare time in rush town after the war.

He had thought a lot before, mainly about the future planning and thinking. However, wesselis rarely chose a cautious attitude to consult the important ministers at this time.

Jon took the pamphlet from wesselis and looked briefly, but his face changed slightly.

It was all in wesselis's own handwriting, recording some of his thoughts, which seemed a little messy, but expressed very clearly.

"The centralization and unification of state power is the general trend."

As many nobles of the seven countries worried, wesselis decided to apply the system he experimented with on the AESOP continent to Westeros.

He decided to take advantage of the period of the war of Conquest to take drastic action and quickly cut through the mess and eliminate pedantry.

And his first knife, from top to bottom, decided to cut on the heads of the Fengjun of the seven countries.

Wesselis's temporary plan is to revoke the title of "Guardian", deprive all Dukes of their titles, demote them as earls except Donne, retain their fiefdoms, and transform "Guardian" into the position of "governor".

From now on, only members of the tangaryan royal family can be knighted as Duke.

Besides the Duke of Longshi island as the heir, the other Dukes have only honor but no real power, and cannot inherit it to future generations.

For the abolition of the newly established post of governor, it is actually the person in power in the field, but it is not as stable and powerful as it used to be.

At any time, the king has the power to replace the governor, appoint another local nobleman to hold the post, and even airborne a foreign nobleman to serve as governor.

At the same time, wesselis's plan is more than that.

His bold action was even more radical than when he was in andalos, otherwise it would not change Jon Clinton's look.

In his notes, wesselis plans to transform the regime of the seven kingdoms and nine regions subject to the Iron Throne into a "province" and ban the title of the seven countries.

And the provincial power was highly closed in the hands of the central government. Since then, Westeros has only one kingdom and is only allowed to have one kingdom.

Because of his outstanding service, Donne is not in this sequence for the time being. He can still maintain a certain degree of independence. Having the title of "Prince" can be regarded as the existence of a special zone.

A series of dazzling words such as "deprivation of titles", "establishment of provinces" and "appointment of Governors" made Jon Clinton's heart beat faster and his breath became faster.

He never thought that wesselis was more radical than he thought.

Especially when he saw the sentence "Jon Clinton is to be tentatively appointed governor of the stormy province of the Earl of crownest Castle", his throat even rolled and felt a burst of dryness.

"Your Majesty, is this... Too fast?"

Even though Jon Clinton has experienced great storms and waves, he can't help but his heart beats a little faster at this time.

Although the reformed governor's power was greatly reduced compared with the former Duke of windbreak, he also ascended to the sky step by step and became the monarch of windbreak province.

Although the crownest castle is small, it is also Jon Clinton's home. Although it is destined to win, the war is not over yet. The future ownership of windbreak castle is still pending. It may be left to the baratheon family or completely driven out.

There are others on this list.

'Bessie Joyce is tentatively proposed as governor of pantos'.

"Jeffrey bracken is tentatively proposed as the governor of the count of Shili city and the governor of the riverside province.".

'reneth targaryan, Duke of midsummer hall. '

"Dany, Duke of Longshi island..."

Jon Clinton was slightly surprised to see this.

Hastily retracted his eyes and dared not continue to look.

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