Published at 24th of June 2024 06:34:54 AM

Chapter 47

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all is quiet at dead of night.

Wesselis was sleeping on his side on a soft big bed in his bedroom.

With long silver blond hair scattered on the pillow, the boy has enviable fine skin, beautiful cheeks white and red, and lips gently pursed.

And at this time.

There was a sudden strange noise in the castle. It seemed that there was a faint sound of shouting. Then it turned into a jingling sound of fighting, accompanied by a scream.

Now, the sky has faintly turned white.

It's dawn.

Wesselis lay in bed. He had just closed his eyes and had not slept for a few hours. Then he was awakened by the chaotic noise.

The boy's long eyelashes trembled slightly, and then slowly opened his lavender eyes like gemstones.

"Damn it."

Wesselis turned over and sat up from the bed, lifted the soft quilt, and his long silver blond hair fell on his shoulders.

At first, there was some confusion and impatience in the eyes, but finally shook his head to disperse the irrelevant elements in the brain.

He also heard the noise outside, the sound of weapons collision, and the sound of shouting and killing was approaching. He knew what had happened in an instant.

"Has it already begun?"

Wesselis's last hazy drowsiness was dispelled and he woke up in an instant.

In fact, wesselis had some news about Sir shad's rebellion.

The natural reason is that some clues were found long ago.

At the beginning, Daniel's death was full of doubts. It was kind of like being poisoned.

Before his death, the old bachelor also took wesselis's hand and whispered a few words in his ear, telling him that there were dissidents in the castle and asking wesselis to be more careful.

The old bachelor's life is very long. At least in this era, he can be regarded as a long life. He has gone through many roads and met many people in his life.

After teaching wesselis himself for several months, he came to a conclusion that he had never mentioned to anyone.

This conclusion was buried in the old bachelor's heart until he walked into the coffin.

Maybe it sounds incredible.

That's... He thinks Prince wesselis is better than Prince rega.

This may sound different from many people's ideas, but the old bachelor still adheres to his inner judgment.

He taught rega himself, and he later taught wesselis.

Even he spent much more time with rega than with his Highness the second prince.

Prince rega is indeed intelligent, which is no problem, but the prince's wisdom is still limited to a certain framework, perhaps in this era or in this world.

Once the old bachelor wouldn't think there was any problem, because rega's intelligence also amazed him.

However, since Daniel came into contact with wesselis and had an in-depth conversation with the child. The old scholar was amazed to find that wesselis was always able to inadvertently mention some ideas beyond this era and even the world in his words.

Some of these ideas are shocking, some are unrealistic, and some are very useful.

Mr. Daniel thinks he has read a lot of books, from the heroic era 8000 years ago to many miscellaneous books today.

However, wesselis's idea has never been limited to this framework, which may be why it is even greater.

That's why the old bachelor took wesselis's hand before he died, let him lie on his mouth and told him about it, not queen Leila.

Because the old bachelor thought wesselis would do better than his mother.

Wesselis also lived up to the expectations of the old bachelor before his death. He never told anyone after he knew it, even his mother.

Of course, he was not worried that his mother would leak the secret, but that his mother's mental state was very bad at that time.

Often inexplicably angry or crying.

Wesselis doesn't want these things to disturb queen Leila's rest, so he has been laying it out alone.

However, after the old master died, wesselis found that the Raven cage in charge of external communication on Longshi island had been moved.

Some people seem to borrow ravens to convey some news after getting rid of the old bachelor.

However, the other party's actions have always been very careful, and wesselis has not found any clues, so it is impossible to determine the other party's identity.

It's a person... Or a group of people.

However, before this expedition with the fleet, wesselis deliberately told Sir William about it.

As a swordsmanship teacher of wesselis, the coach once sacrificed his life to save queen Leila and wesselis's mother and son. Without him, wesselis would have died long ago, so Sir William naturally has no doubt and is trustworthy.

Wesselis hopes the coach can help pay attention to who can't wait to expose himself after he leaves.

This is also the reason why Sir William stopped talking several times in the face of wesselis.

However, wesselis did not let him speak out.

Because the boy got the news through other channels before returning to Longshi island and understood who the traitor hidden on the island was.

In the process of the fleet's return, a small boat was intercepted in the marginal sea near Longshi island. The other party saw the fleet coming fiercely and hurried to speed up its departure.

However, the experienced sailors in the fleet drove the boat to catch up and finally stopped it.

Several people on the boat even wanted to jump into the boat and kill themselves, but only one person was drowned and the others were fished up.

Finally, after a severe trial, these people finally confessed their identities.

These people are all from Junlin. Sir shad, the acting mayor of Longshi Island, has long secretly taken refuge in the baratheon family.

King Robert on the iron throne even promised him a castle and the title of earl.

However, because there is a fleet stationed on Longshi Island, they can't hand over queen Leila and her son directly, so they have been waiting for the opportunity.

Then we waited until the storm surge came.

They knew it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. They wanted to take advantage of the storm hit the fleet or the opportunity to leave the port to kill queen Leila and wesselis and escape here.

But it happened again at a turning point.

Wesselis left with the fleet of Longshi island. They didn't know where the fleet was going.

Sir Jeffrey was so hot tempered and stubborn that he didn't pay any attention to him as the acting mayor.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!