Published at 24th of June 2024 06:21:35 AM

Chapter 472

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"Yes, your majesty."

Banyang knelt on one knee and stood up after getting wesselis's slight nod, with a little uneasy in his gray blue eyes.

He knew that his brother had been defeated and captured. Now he was imprisoned in the dungeon of Red Castle. As a member of the stark family, Ed's brother, he was lucky not to be arrested.

They came to Junlin with the army of the golden regiment from Longshi island. They have lived here for some time. Apart from waiting for wesselis and being unable to leave, they have no restrictions on personal freedom.

When Ed was just brought back, Banyang once wanted to apply to see his brother, but was rejected by the warden, saying that only katerinf was qualified to visit.

This is still the permission of her royal highness. She feels pity for her wife and thinks of her husband. Now she sees Vee Sai Chis, and Bunyan wants to ask for an application.

"Your Majesty..."

But he opened his mouth and finally stopped talking. Ban Yang was cautious. He was afraid that visiting his brother would not make him locked up again. In this way, his nephews and nieces lost their last dependence in the strange city of Junlin.

After hearing the word "three eyed crow" and being silent for a long time, wesselis kept thinking about something. Then he finally came back and looked at the chief ranger in front of him and asked.

"Did the three eyed crow say what he wanted to see me for?"

Wesselis knew that the three eyed crow was not easy to move. He seemed to be trapped in a huge fish beam, relying on the energy of the fish beam to maintain his life.

But what's the matter with him when he entrusts Banyang and other soldiers of the night watchman corps to find him?

Wesselis has always been vigilant about this' relative '. After all, the other party seems to have magic and master one of the most mysterious forces in the world.


He can roam in the ocean of time, look into the future and see many things in the past. Wesselis is afraid that his existence will be exposed and cause more trouble.

For a long time, crows were the most unpopular creatures in the castle where he lived.

When wesselis was a teenager, he would practice arrows with crows on the castle, and the black cat also went back to catch crows on the eaves. The guards and servants familiar with wesselis would think that his majesty hated crows very much, so they attacked crows together.

The crows were so badly killed and injured that the castle almost became a crow forbidden area.

"I don't know."

When Banyang heard wesselis's question, he quickly shook his head, dispelled the idea in his mind, and then recalled his appearance when he first saw the three eyed crow.

"He... May look urgent?"

Banyang and others lost their way in the ice and snow in the north. They were hungry and sleepy. Finally, guided by a female forest son named "leaf", they saw a three eyed crow in a mysterious underground cave.

He has long snow-white hair and scarlet eyes. He is as thin as a log and ragged.

When ban Yang first saw him, he even thought he was a "dead man", until the "dead man" suddenly opened his mouth and was even startled.

"He said he could not see the way ahead, and the world might be destroyed."

"He said that the strongest tree root will be deep in the dark underground. Someone is looking for him and will find him sooner or later. It's only a matter of time, because they are both in the dark."

"Darkness is their cloak, darkness is their shield, and darkness is nourishing him."

Banyan stark recalled the words of the old man with a bent figure, wrinkled cheeks and fish beam wood.

Every sentence he said is very mysterious and obscure, which needs to be understood with heart.

Banyan and the night watchman brothers saw the three eyed crow on the eve of the battle of Carlin Bay.

At that time wesselis and his army of dothraks had not yet reached Westeros.

Banyang speculates that the end of the world referred to by the three eyed crow is the war between human beings and strange ghosts without the intervention of magic dragons. The final result is that human beings lose to strange ghosts and the world is swallowed up by darkness.

However, the reality is that before banyan and others found wesselis, he had led the army to successfully land in Westeros and united the human coalition to repel the strange ghosts.

"Someone is looking for him and will find him sooner or later?"

"They are in the depths of darkness?"

Wesselis was stunned when he heard banyan's words. His understanding of the three eyed crow "blood crow" brinden Hewen also bred more doubts.

Brindon haven, that is, the three eyed crow, is not a simple man. He was once the illegitimate son legalized by AEGON IV and Mrs. Melissa blywood, and he is also one of the "noble illegitimate sons".

As the king's hand of iris I and Mecca I, he was later sent to the black prison by AEGON v. finally, he chose to join the night watchman before the death penalty, and became the commander-in-chief of the night watchman Corps. He disappeared in 252 years of AEGON calendar.

If the three eyed crow holds the power of the old God, or he himself is the old God, what is he implying?

Wesselis knows very well that the man who is looking for him in the mouth of the three eyed crow is the night king. What is the relationship between the strange ghost and the old God? Why are both in the dark? Why does the night King persist in finding the three eyed crow?

However, these questions had no answers until we met brinden heven.

The world is very big. At the end of the world, there are golden China, shadow land and so on. It is full of many secrets. After feeling the eyes of his fiancee and Banyang, wesselis can only temporarily restrain his inner doubts and nod his head.

"If I had time, I would see him."

"Where is he in the north?"

Although since the alien retreated and Kalin Bay was destroyed, humans rarely go to the north. The only way is the sea.

It seems that there is still ice and snow, and the ice and snow have not melted for the time being. Wesselis is ready to wait until he has cleared up the affairs of the South and think about the affairs of the north.

However, if he only sees a three eyed crow, he doesn't have to wait so far. He can ride a dragon to the north at any time.

As for whether it is the territory of the night king, it is not a big problem for wesselis.

The night king, the three eyed crow, and himself, they have transcended the special existence of human beings. It is very difficult for anyone who wants to do anything.

"I don't know where he's hiding."

"The son of the forest said that the place where they live is wandering and difficult for ordinary people to find. As long as your majesty comes nearby, they will find you."

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