Published at 24th of June 2024 06:21:33 AM

Chapter 473

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The three eyed crow seemed to have something urgent to see him, but wesselis was not in a hurry.

Then banyan took out another branch and gave it to wesselis. He held the branch outside the Great Wall, and the three eyed crow would sense it.

In 293, the spring after the bitter winter, mankind has finally ushered in a new dawn after this difficult winter.

The coronation of the new king requires a very complex and cumbersome process. Although the seven countries are not completely stable, the Quartet rebels still claim to attack Junlin and kill wesselis and his dragon.

But the people of King's landing were not panic, because for many older kings, the tangaryan family, as the royal family of the seven countries, had long been rooted in people's hearts.

The rise and fall of the country and the vicissitudes of the dynasty are changeable, but the Baoguan stag family has only been on the throne for about ten years, which is not enough to change people's deep-rooted ideas.

Therefore, many people of King's landing believed that wesselis was the fate of heaven. Especially when they heard the story of the coronation of the seven gods and the son of the sun, they were more convinced that it was the usurper who betrayed his king, got a wrong position, suffered the punishment of the seven gods or the red gods, and sent strange ghosts to destroy the false king.

The emergence of strange ghosts broke through the barrier of the red gods to the infiltration of Westeros. The war was the biggest change. Melisandra's missionary spread rapidly across the north and south of Westeros through hundreds of thousands of refugees in the north.

With wesselis defeating the strange ghosts and saving the world, coupled with the previous propaganda of the red gods for wesselis, which claimed that the real king, the son of the sun, must dispel the darkness, hold the messenger of light, and only wesselis can defeat the strange ghosts. Now there are not a few people who believe in the red gods in Junlin city.

The coronation ceremony of wesselis was not in St. Baylor Cathedral, but in the throne hall of Red Castle.

On the same day, the square below the red fort was opened to the outside world. When the entrance was opened, a large number of people in Junlin immediately poured in, which once made the people without dirt nervous and strictly controlled the order on the square.

The throne hall in the Red Castle is beautifully decorated. The keel once placed in the cellar has been moved out again and placed around the Iron Throne.

Waghal's ferocious huge skull can easily pass through even on a horse. She overlooks hundreds of well-dressed local nobles below.

In addition to the nobles who submitted to the tangorian family near the king's collar, the nobles in Hejian also arrived at King's landing one after another in recent days.

Then there are two more important ceremonies, one is the coronation, and the other is his Majesty's wedding.

The Tully family of Benliu city successfully landed and escaped. Count Edmund Tully stood among the nobles in the river and lost all the stars and the moon in the past.

However, although the family was stripped of the title of governor of Sanhe and the title of Duke of Benliu City, they left their lives after all. It's good for people to live. Edmund's action to donate the city saved the lives of the whole family.

If, according to his father's stubborn temper, he really had a hard fight with the tangorian family, he had no doubt that his Majesty would burn the torrent city and cut off the blood of the Tully family.

"Thank the gods."

Edmund looked at the silver haired young man sitting on the iron throne with a slightly trance look.

He didn't know whether he should thank count bracken for killing his father and indirectly saving the Tully family.

Next to the iron throne, the fat Archbishop came with a crown inlaid with red gemstones, and melisandra, the priestess of the Red God, stood quietly in the corridor on the second floor of the throne hall.

The crown was recast from a valerian Steel Dagger by master tob Moso of pantos, and the red gem on the crown was presented by melisandro.

She claimed that this was a gift from the king of light to his majesty, but no one knew where she found this magic gem.

When this ruby is held in the palm of your hand, a natural warm current flows all over your body, just like magical protection to dispel cold and disease.

Wesselis nodded and accepted the gift from melisandra.

Originally, the coronation ceremony should have been scheduled in St. Baylor cathedral. However, his majesty changed his mind and changed the ceremony to the throne hall. He asked the Archbishop to go out of St. Baylor cathedral and crown him in front of the Iron Throne.

Some people suspect that it was melisandra who slandered his majesty. This woman confused his majesty through her witchcraft or body and made the wrong decision.

However, in fact, it really wronged the Red God priestess. This matter had nothing to do with her. It was wesselis's own idea.

Religion and kingship are conflicting powers, and they are difficult to complement each other, because the interpretation power of doctrine is in the Holy Church, which is essentially the supremacy of the king or the supremacy of the gods.

When wesselis was in ESSOS, he introduced a variety of religions, so that there was no unified religion with a wide range of influence in the territory to divide the influence of the God sticks.

Now that he wants to ascend the iron throne, some religious issues rooted in Westeros must be considered in advance.

The "big sparrow" that may appear or will certainly come out of the crowd in the future must be killed by a knife if he finds out.

Of course, not all problems need to be solved by sword. That is the last resort.

At this stage, he still hopes to gradually reduce the impact of religion on kingship through some gentle ways and the means of boiling frogs in warm water.

The atmosphere in the throne room was solemn, solemn and sacred. The Archbishop recited the oath in a low voice, while wesselis sat on the Iron Throne and didn't get up from beginning to end.

Then the long and tedious oath was finally recited, and the fat Archbishop put the valerian steel crown on the head of wesselis.

He claimed to be the king of andar, loina and ancestors, the ruler of the seven countries and the guardian of the whole territory, Prince andalos and pantos, the Lord of the dragon, wesselis tangaryan I.

With his dazzling resume, the titles on wesselis's head are getting longer and longer. Before the coronation ceremony, he cut off some titles he doesn't need temporarily, such as the religious "son of the sun" and the "Coronation of the seven gods".

Even the connection with the previous dynasties and the kings of tangaryan.

The tangorian family's rule over Westeros began with the conqueror AEGON I and ended with his father iris II. It lasted for 283 years after 17 kings.

Then the Kingdom under the rule of the tangorian family was overthrown by the usurper and stole ten years. The second prince who fled to the east continent made great efforts to make a comeback, recaptured the Iron Throne and established a new country including andalos and pantos.

From the inside out, a new look.

Once wesselis disliked it as a useless coronation ceremony, but at the beginning, he was too straight and well prepared.

The handsome young king sat on the Iron Throne. The window above the throne hall came in, and the sun shone on him. He was wearing fitting black trousers, exquisite black velvet robes, and a metal dragon head medal on his chest.

The long silver blond hair was soft and slightly reflected light. When the heavy crown fell, it pressed on his hair. A pair of clean and clear lavender eyes looked down at the ministers below.

Then he stood up, the whole King's landing bell rang out, and applause thundered in the throne hall.

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