Published at 24th of June 2024 06:21:19 AM

Chapter 480

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Many people attended the wedding, even more than the coronation ceremony of wesselis.

Because compared with the palaces of the Seven Kingdoms standing on the high hill of AEGON, the Basilica at the top of the hill of visania is better known by the common people.

Not long ago, wesselis angrily brushed a wave of popularity, which pushed this wedding to a climax.

Now the dark crowd piled on the marble pulpit under the steps outside Baylor's Basilica. They looked forward to the arrival of the newly crowned kings of the seven countries.

The gate of the remote Red Castle was wide open, and the guard composed of non dirty people escorted the nobles of the seven countries participating in the wedding.

Wesselis still rode on his snow-white war horse, dressed in a black and gold robe and cloak, with a long sword hanging around his waist, while the beautiful princess Donne did not show up in the royal carriage.

"Step back!"

"Step back!"

"Everyone! Don't rush the team!"

In the bright sunshine, the team crossed the road of King's landing, with gold robes on both sides to maintain order.

The clean Legion wearing black dragon scale armor is armed with a round shield and spear. The army is neat and ready. However, many spies hiding in the dark to observe weseries feel a lot of pressure and are a little confused about the future.

Tangaryan's army is a hundred battles army, which has experienced the wrestling of war. This spirit and invisible pressure can not be concealed.

"Your majesty!"

"Your majesty! Look at me!"

"King wesselis!"

"Long live the tangorians!"

The cheers around were also ringing constantly. The prostitutes stood on the second floor deliberately naked with a chest and flirted with wesselis. When the people saw the king's eyes sweeping, they raised their hands. For the people of King's landing, the tangaryan family, as the royal family of seven countries, was a deep-rooted concept.

The funny thing is that the crazy king was betrayed by half of the nobles in the seven countries, but he did not have a great impact on the people, and in the eyes of the people, he burned many goddamn nobles.

However, after King Robert, who upheld justice and overthrew the rule of the mad king, came to power, he easily spent all the remaining silver in the Treasury and owed millions of gold dragons to the Lannister family, the Tyrell family, the church, the iron Treasury and telosi's business firms, resulting in high national debt and numerous holes, and the livelihood of the people was greatly affected.

The subsequent war between savages and ghosts to the South detonated all these contradictions. Therefore, wesselis won such easy support after he came to King's landing.

With the cheers and shouts on both sides of the road and falling flowers, the long motorcade finally came to the marble pulpit in front of Baylor cathedral.

Wesselis turned over and dismounted, and the heavy wheels made a sound, and the gorgeous carriage carrying the bride stopped at the steps.

Mr. wesselis took the initiative to lift the curtain, and took Princess Dorn's soft hand down from the carriage.

The scene suddenly burst into thunderous applause, but wesselis did not stop too much. Under the tight escort of the clean man holding a shield, he led the bride's hand up the steps of Baylor cathedral and went in through the main door.

The main nobles of the seven countries who followed his majesty from the Red Castle also dismounted one after another, and then poured in through the side door.

The next step was the king's wedding, which could only be seen by the princes and nobles of the seven countries. However, the ordinary people outside still did not disperse and made a noisy noise outside Baylor's Basilica.

Among the crowd, there was an old man wearing a khaki robe, messy gray hair and wrinkles on his cheeks.

His eyes were cold, watching the back of wesselis leaving, especially on the round figure of Princess Dorn who flashed away surrounded by the dirt free, and then straightened her thin body slightly.

At the moment, wesselis is holding Aryan's hand and standing in the light Hall of Baylor cathedral. Here is a long corridor leading to the main hall. The head is full of colored lead glass balls, reflecting colorful lights in the penetrating sunlight.

"It's... Beautiful here."

"My love."

Aaron blinked a pair of beautiful eyes and couldn't help but say.

This is her first time to King's landing, but not the first time to Baylor cathedral. However, the last time Aaron came to this magnificent church with her confidant, the sand snake sisters and the guards without dirt, she didn't feel so amazing.

The reason is that now it completely belongs to herself. This is Aaron's wedding, and last night, I don't know how many servants polished these lead glass balls again all night.


When wesselis heard what his fiancee said, he just smiled, but didn't say anything more and squeezed her palm.

Adrian is from Dorn. Dorn's girl is very wild. Although she is pregnant, she still pulled her good sisters together to help wesselis release by other means on the eve of her wedding.

This character of Donne girls may have something to do with the unique eating habits there. People in the frontier say that Donne's diet makes Donne men hot tempered, Donne girls wild and licentious, and fire pepper and other strange spices warm their blood. They can't control themselves.

Adrian is also a wild horse. Wesselis once had some preconceived ideas about this girl. She is full of vitality and ambition.

Princess Donne regards the legendary female soldier of loina as her target. She believes that the glory of the legendary female soldier is so dazzling that she is no worse than any man, and she will follow the example of namelia and compete for Donne's inheritance with her brother Prince Quentin matel.

If she had followed the original track, she should now interpret her ambition in Dorn, but wesselis accepted the noble girl from Dorn.

Finally, Alline put all her heart into wesselis. She indulged in some mysterious characteristics unique to wesselis, which made her unpredictable and fascinated.

Then the Archbishop's loud voice came from the main hall of Baylor cathedral.

"Your Majesty."

The servants in the Red Castle hurried over and informed wesselis that they were ready to enter.

The little red haired beauty who followed wesselis and Aaron almost wrote the tension on her cheeks, and her cheeks became red.

Sansa stark clung tightly to Aaron's long skirt, and her mind was just full of her mother's instructions before she left.

"Since your majesty has chosen you as a flower girl, Sansa, you must do your best. Don't make any mistakes and try to get the favor of the king and queen."


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