Published at 24th of June 2024 06:21:17 AM

Chapter 481

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Before leaving, the wife of Winterfell, Caitlin Tully, repeatedly told her eldest daughter that women attached great importance to the wedding of wesselis.

Because she learned about the existence of public trial by walking around the relationship between her husband and her father.

Therefore, Caitlin spent all available means during this period, running around and making connections, hoping to deliver words to wesselis and let her husband get a way to live, as long as she can live, whether in black or in prison.

However, these activities did not have the means. Wesselis personally found the wolf girl Sansa stark through the court manager and asked her if she would like to be a wedding flower girl.

When Caitlin heard her daughter say this, it was like a desperate drowning man who grabbed a driftwood and was bound to try her best to seize the last hope.

Therefore, when Mrs. Winterfell received the news, she began to fight in person and ran around rehearsing the wedding process to ensure that her daughter Sansa would not make any mistakes at the wedding site, so as to win the favor of the king and queen.

Of course, Caitlin tulliv's "love" in the population is naturally not a relationship between men and women. Sansa's menarche has not yet come, even younger than little princess danilis.

However, the nobles of the seven countries have the habit of receiving adoptive children or attendants from each other. Caitlin's husband ed used to be the adoptive son of Jon Erin, the guardian of the valley.

If Sansa can get the Queen's favor and be accepted as a maid, or Robb can become his Majesty's servant, it is also worth the freedom of her husband.

The collection of adoptive children or attendants among the nobles of the seven countries looks like hostages, but in fact it is a win-win means of emotional communication.

Adoptive children and daughters on the other side will not be abused. If they can become the righteous children of the royal family or the servants of the king, the Queen's maid is a symbol of honor.

For example, tywin once wanted to send his son James to King's landing as a servant of Prince rega, and tywin's wife Joanna was the maid of Queen Leila, the mother of weseries.

"Sansa, whether your father can survive depends on your performance this time."

Mrs. Winterfell hugged her mother and daughter and begged her daughter to behave well anyway.

Caitlin is undoubtedly a good mother, but caring is chaotic. She can't accept that her husband is beheaded or hanged. Therefore, she doesn't know how much psychological pressure her words bring to her daughter Sansa.

So that when the little red haired beauty walked slowly behind the king and the bride, her brain was blank, her cheeks were red, and she didn't even know which leg to walk on, so she could only move forward like a wooden man.

"Your Majesty."

"Your Majesty."

There were many people at the wedding scene. The crowd in Baylor cathedral was like an ocean, whispering to each other. When wesselis came out, it was silent.

Noble guests are standing on both sides of the red carpet in front of them, wearing family badges on their chest.

For well-known reasons, the parents of the new couple, wesselis and Allian, were unable to come, so wesselis invited his great uncle, Mr. Yimeng, as his elder.

However, Aaron's uncle Prince Oberon would have attended as the elder of the bride's family, but Oberon had led the army to leave the capital for some special reasons.

His mistress, alaria shad, was not his lawful wife, and was of humble origin and was not qualified to stand in the forefront of the king. Therefore, under the consultation of the court manager and Adrian, he simply cancelled the elder position on the bride's side.

But fortunately, there are still people from the bride's family at the wedding.

"Hey, sister."

The young man with clean and tidy face and black hair stood at the edge of the red carpet, whispered, squeezed his eyes and made faces, and was severely glanced at by Yalian en.

Elaine has left Dorn for a year or two. She has changed from aspiring to be a great queen of Dorn to a virtuous queen of seven countries.

Prince Quentin did not know that his sister had wanted to compete with him for Donne's successor.

There is no conflict of interest, and naturally there will be no contradiction, so now they are still sister and brother.

Now the two teenagers, AEGON and Quentin, are separated on the left and right of the red carpet, holding petals in their hands. They look at each other.

The performing band was playing a soothing and melodious music, following the steps of wesselis and Adrian. Finally, when passing in front of two teenagers, they threw the petals in the air at the same time, and then fell down.

Wesselis took Alline's hand up the steps and came to the statue of the father and the virgin. The fat Archbishop had a huge crystal crown on his head, a serious and sacred look on his face, and recited the oath.

Westero's wedding ceremony is very cumbersome and lengthy. The band withdrew and changed into a choir composed of 77 monks. The newlyweds standing in front of the statue of the heavenly Father and the virgin will take a sevenfold marriage oath, accept seven blessings and exchange seven promises.

Because the seven gods worshipped by the church are actually seven different forms of a God, representing seven different virtues, the number of seven has been integrated into daily life in Westeros.

For example, there are seven people in the imperial forest iron guard, seven stars, seven faces of God, seven layers of hell and so on

Finally, the Archbishop asked if anyone questioned this sacred marriage, but there was silence under the stage, which is one of the Customs at the wedding of seven countries.

Then the fat Archbishop announced that under the eyes of the gods and the witness of the adults, the king wesselis of the tangorian family and the princess Yalian Martel from Dorn were officially married.

Thunderous applause broke out at the bottom. The bell of the cathedral rang again and echoed in King's landing city. This was the second bell of the cathedral in a month. The people who were watching outside Baylor Cathedral heard the bell and cheered warmly.

"Your Majesty..."

"Your Majesty..."

At the end of the wedding ceremony, wesselis took his queen and stood under the statues of the heavenly Father and the virgin, receiving the blessings and gifts of many nobles.

There is still a dinner party waiting for him tonight, but the link of making a bridal chamber is cancelled, because wesselis ordered that whoever dares to make a bridal chamber let MIA chop each other with a sword.

The whole wedding ended in this way, but the gray haired old man who had just watched wesselis and Adrian outside the church.

At the moment, in an unobtrusive corner not far from the temple, a group of ragged men and women gathered around them, their faces filled with righteous indignation.

"Unmarried pregnancy!"

"The queen lost her virginity before the wedding! She can't get the blessing of the virgin!"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!