Published at 24th of June 2024 06:34:51 AM

Chapter 49

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There were shouts of killing outside.

Step on

The steady footsteps in the corridor were clear.

Along the way, the flames on the dragon claw torch platform beat. Wesselis walked in the middle, listening to the approaching noise outside, and his heart was a little cold.

It turned out that he was still not as calm as he seemed.

He had thought that the rebellion was just a small farce of Sir shad and several soldiers, which could be easily suppressed without effort.

However, wesselis did not expect to spread to such a large area. It seems that there are many more soldiers who have rebelled in Longshi Castle than he thought.

It turned out that he and his mother had been living in danger before.

I don't know how many looked at them from behind. The eyes of the orphans and widows all contained deep malice.

These people hiding around them want to kill their mother and son to get the reward.

Even now, at the thought of these, wesselis even felt a little cold, and his heart beat faster again.


Tangaryan has gone, and now baratheon is the one sitting on the Iron Throne.

How can he guarantee that these guards are still loyal to tangaryan without any wavering.

Remember here.

Wesselis held the crossbow a little tight, but fortunately, this time it's over.

"All these hidden traitors will be caught and caught completely."

The silver haired boy breathed out a little turbid air, and then found that some cold sweat was seeping from the palm of his hand holding the cross bow.

Of course, he was not as calm as he pretended. He was also afraid of accidents and death. It was just much better than what he didn't even pretend at the beginning.

Two guards in front and behind protected wesselis through the corridor of the stone drum tower.

Along the stone steps, we ascended to the highest level of the main castle, with the table hall with the whole map of Westeros.

"Your Majesty."

"Your Majesty."

Two guards saw wesselis outside the gate of the table hall.

They were fully equipped, and then clenched their fists on their chest with one hand, saluted slightly, while wesselis did not say much, but nodded to the two guards who were still loyal to tangaryan.

Then two guards guarding the gate pushed open the heavy palm wood gate of the table hall for wesselis.


Two fleet soldiers entered the table hall with wesselis.


Then the door bolt was inserted into the door, the cabinet was overturned and supported with heavy objects to prevent accidental traitors from entering the table hall.

After entering the table hall, wesselis went directly to the middle main seat, which was once the seat of his mother queen Leila.

Even longer ago, the conqueror AEGON I and his two sisters visania and Renes sat here, with three fire dragons overlooking the whole Westeros.


The man in this position was replaced by wesselis.

He... The king of andar, loina and their ancestors, the ruler of the Seven Kingdoms... A long list of titles, and finally wesselis tangaryan III.

The silver haired boy sat on the heavy seat, but he didn't feel cold and hard.

Because queen Leila, the last owner of the throne, was pregnant, she naturally could not sit in a too cold position, so the heavy seat had been covered with luxurious and soft animal fur.

Viseris put his hands on the armrest of the main seat and looked down at the huge map table below, which was carved with a detailed map of Westeros. The whole map table was more than 50 feet long, the widest part was about half the length, and the narrowest part was less than four feet.

The main seat where wesselis is sitting now is the location of Longshi island on the map.

Through careful consideration and design, the designers nearly 300 years ago finally ensured that the position of the main seat could overlook the whole picture of Westeros.

King's landing, helenburg, Fengxi castle, eagle's nest City, Kaiyan city

Wesselis's eyes started from Longshi island and constantly jumped to these major cities in Westeros. He had previously read the history of the conquest war of AEGON I at the request of the old bachelor.

These are the routes that AEGON I took to conquer Westeros.

In the first World War of Heishui River, three dragons were involved in the war at the same time. The Dragon flame emitted by the dragons burned the grassland. The fire frightened the horses, and the smoke made the soldiers unable to see the enemy in front.

This battle directly led to the defeat of the nearly 55000 strong coalition forces of Loren Lannister, king of Kaiyan, and menn gardener IX, king of the river.

While wesselis was immersed in history, there was even a faint illusion in front of him, as if he had witnessed this unprecedented war.

The noise outside the table hall woke him up.

"Kill the evil seed of the dragon!"

"Kill the son of the mad king!"

The palm wood door of the table hall is being blocked by pushed down cabinets and heavy objects, but the shouting and killing sound outside the door seems to be close at hand.

Dang Dang——

There was the sound of weapons colliding, shouting and killing, the sound of swords cutting into the body, and the scream of soldiers injured.

It seems that the last two guards outside the table hall have begun to fight with the rebels.


Then came the sound of a heavy object hitting the gate, as if a soldier hit the gate in the fight. The heavy palm wood gate trembled slightly, but fortunately, it was not directly knocked open because of a heavy object behind the door.

Wesselis suddenly woke up.

The silver blond hair hung on the boy's white cheek, one of his elbows was still on the armrest of the main seat, his palm supported his cheek, and then raised his head slightly.

He was awakened by the sound of killing outside. His face was a little pale. There was finally panic in his lavender eyes, which had been calm before.

The boy closed his eyes slightly, took a deep breath, and then opened them again.

"The enemy... Has reached the door."

"Ladies and gentlemen."

Wesselis sat on the throne without getting up, but he straightened his thin body slightly.

He wanted to say something to boost his morale.

Now wesselis sitting here is actually a dead end. Behind the main seat of the table hall is a huge roof. You can see the whole sea, dozens of yards from the ground. If you jump, you will die.

There was still a little fear in the boy's calm voice.

But he still hugged the cross bow that had been fastened in his hand and aimed at the direction of the main door.

If the enemy really rushed in, he promised that the first person who came in would die.

"Defend your majesty to the death!"

However, the two loyal soldiers of the tangaryan fleet took out their long swords, slapped their shields and stood on both sides of the throne.

Swear that the Betrayer must step over his body to hurt the little king.

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