Published at 24th of June 2024 06:20:44 AM

Chapter 499

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And in the Red Castle.

"Diana, my daughter."

A few days after Adrian gave birth to Diana, wesselis came to the world for so many years and finally became a father, leaving his own blood. Naturally, it's hard to hide his joy.

He reached out and scraped his daughter's little nose, then joked.

"In order to welcome your arrival, your uncle put a fire in the West that can be seen in the whole west."

Because of Aaron's production, wesselis became the last person to see the information.

He just learned that Oberon had made such a big noise.

Oberon burned tens of thousands of people, and Lannister's army was wiped out. Diana was born a few days after the fire put down by her uncle.

Oberon really gave Diana a special gift.

And this little guy has such a big movement since he was born. Won't he be able to stir up more clouds and clouds in the future

If you look better, you may be called a beauty disaster

But wesselis just thought about it in his mind, then he lost his smile and pinched the little guy's nose.

Beauty disaster is not a commendatory word. How can he expect his daughter to become such a person in the future?

The queen alienne on the bed rested for a few days, and her face was still a little pale, but she couldn't help smiling when she saw her daughter's lovely appearance sleeping quietly.

Especially Diana's soft silver hair. The baby actually had hair at birth, but it was not very long. She had clear and bright purple eyes.

She looked at the world curiously, just because of the limitations of vision and some ambiguity.

But as a biological instinct, she can understand that the two people in front of her are her parents, who will never hurt her.

"Diana looks like you, wesselis."

Looking at her daughter and looking at her face, Alline couldn't help but say, and there was a little sour in her tone.

Diana is the daughter of Allan, but she doesn't have many mother characteristics. Perhaps the blood power of wesselis is too strong, which leads to the more tenacious caste.

In addition to the lines of her face, Diana looks like her mother. She is more like Dorn's exotic cheeks, deep eyes and big eyes. Her hair, eye color and other obvious features are derived from her father.

"She learned more from me than you saw."

Wesselis looked at his daughter, didn't cry or make trouble, lay obediently in bed, then gently pinched her tender cheeks that seemed to squeeze out water, and calmly said.

Wesselis's lavender eyes gleamed slightly.

He saw the seeds of the 'black fog' from Diana's body. It seemed that she had taken them from her body.

However, wesselis hesitated about whether to take a 'seed' from his daughter's body. The benefits of black fog are very obvious, but the disadvantages are not very clear at present.

"Sorry, my love."

"I didn't give you a son."

Seeing that wesselis was deep in thought, Yalian couldn't help feeling uneasy, and then whispered.

She really wants to give birth to a little prince for wesselis. Although the princess and the prince have the right of inheritance on Dorn's side, as the eldest daughter of Prince Daolang, Alline knows that even in a place where Dorn claims to have the right of fair inheritance, it is difficult for a girl to inherit her father's family.

She knew very well that her father was more interested in her brother Quentin Martel. If according to the temper of Aaron, she would have to fight Quentin.

But now she doesn't like Dorn's place.

She wanted to give birth to a son for wesselis, and then let her son sit on the Iron Throne and become the king of the seven countries in the future.

"No, it's not your fault, Aaron."

When wesselis heard his wife's words, he looked up at her slightly, then stretched out his hand through her hair and took her into his arms.

"I actually prefer girls to those annoying boys."

"Because I am a boy myself, I know how annoying a naughty boy was when he was a child. He often made some unexpected disasters."

And wesselis's comforting words amused Aaron, and he couldn't help laughing.

In fact, she was really worried that wesselis would dislike her. After all, it was very important for the king to have a son.

"But... As far as I know, you were not a naughty boy when you were young."

"I knew I had an engagement with you when I was very young. My family often mentioned your recent situation to me. Everyone said you were a rare genius."

Yalian spoke about the past, but wesselis just smiled and shook his head without explaining it in detail, and then said sincerely.

"I also want to thank you for giving me a little princess."

Wesselis's voice fell, and there was silence in the room. Aaron's eyes were a little red. Then the silver haired young man held his wife's arm tightly.

"When Diana grows up, give her a dragon."

"Waghal, mirassis, or Syracuse, but I guess Diana will choose the 'little lady'."


Adrian gave birth to a princess, and wesselis had no last concern about staying in King's landing. He decided to solve the three eyed crow before launching the second conquest war.

While reneth and regor stayed at King's landing, he was also assured that his royal guard MIA accompanied the queen and the little princess, eating and sleeping together to prevent any mistakes.

In a few days.

Wesselis took bellerian and flew north. He crossed the river, the neck and the Gulf of Carlin all the way.

After several months of recuperation, the land is green again. The people in villages and towns live and work in peace and contentment and restart their production and life. The traces of war have disappeared. Wesselis has to lament that human recovery ability is really tenacious.

As an inaccessible restricted area in Jingze, the zedi people living in Jingze have died in the war of alien invasion and almost disappeared.

Holland Reid, the leader of zedi people's Congress, did not know why he did not escape in the war, but chose to hang in the gray water castle, while his children disappeared without a trace.

Then came Kalin Bay. Because there was no trace of human beings, the nobles of the seven countries south of Jingze soon fell into civil war after winning the war against strange ghosts.

Everyone is fighting. No one wants to repair this ancient Causeway so that human beings can cross the neck again from the land. Therefore, it is still deserted after the big bang.


The huge figure of the black dragon walked through the clouds. The wind roared in wesselis's ear, and snowflakes began to float around.


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