Published at 24th of June 2024 06:20:07 AM

Chapter 503

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The dragon's flame ended, and a large number of corpses and ghosts turned into fly ash. Bellerian's huge body still circled in the sky and roared.

The night King standing on the ground raised his head and looked up at the dragon in the sky. His eyes were burning ice blue flames, but Gu Jing had no waves. It seemed that he was not unwilling or discouraged.

Then the night King clenched his five fingers slightly, and a scream like the crack of the ice spread all over the battlefield in an instant.


Countless ghost armies stopped attacking and began to retreat slowly.

The night king can't help the dragon knight in front of him, even if he is on his territory now.

Wesselis also can't kill each other. Each side takes a step back, but it becomes the optimal solution. Otherwise, it's not beneficial to increase consumption.

The arrival of wesselis solved the siege for the ancient heart tree, and the army of corpses and ghosts slowly retreated. Wesselis sat on the dragon's back and watched the night King disappear in the wind and snow without saying a word. They greeted each other, just like old friends with full tacit understanding.

Then the handsome young man with silver hair looked down and rode a dragon from the sky.


The huge body of the Dragon fell heavily on the ground, stirring up charred ashes and thick snowflakes.

Frost and snow teeth accumulated too thick ice and snow, and the Dragon flame did not completely melt here for a moment.


Wesselis also jumped down from the dragon's back, and his leather boots stepped on the soft snow and ashes on the ground, slightly dusting the wind and snow on his clothes.

Although the strange ghosts have retreated, the wind and snow they carry have not completely dissipated. The biting cold wind is bleak, and the young man's long silver blond hair flutters with the wind.

"What a big tree."

"Has this become essence?"

Wesselis looked up at the huge golden heart tree.

As soon as he looked down in mid air, he felt the vastness of the tree, and when wesselis stepped on the ground and looked up at it, the pressure on his face became more intense.

The intertwined roots of the ancient heart tree deeply grasp this land and integrate with the whole snow mountain. The lush branches are constantly swaying with the wind, and the golden leaves sprinkle light spots on them, which seems to be welcoming the arrival of wesselis.

At this time, two "girls" standing under the tree looked similar to human beings but somewhat strange. One of them had snow-white hair and a nervous look on his face. Looking at wesselis, he looked at them and couldn't help but start first.


A strange spell came out of her mouth, and then a thunder ball came out of her palm. The thunder light raged in her palm, overflowed along the gap of her fingers, and then threw it at wesselis.


Wesselis's eyes were frozen at the sight.


Then he pulled out the dusk around his waist and broke the thunder ball with a sword. The thunder ball exploded in mid air and turned into free electric light, disappearing without a trace.

When bellerian, who was lying behind weseries, saw this scene, he immediately raised his huge head slightly and made a low hissing sound, which was full of danger.

"Ho -"

It opened its mouth and a dazzling light began to condense in its throat.

Since the other party launched an attack on wesselis, it was the enemy rather than the friend. Bellerian had just prepared to burn the two little guys and the big tree with a dragon flame, but wesselis raised his hand and stopped it.


Wesselis said. He stopped bellerian from burning the two little guys in front of him, and then turned to look at them.

"Son of the forest?"

The young man with silver hair was wearing a black cloak, and his long silver blond hair was freely scattered on his shoulders. At the moment, he held the handle of the dusk sword in one hand and slowly inserted it back into the scabbard, looking at the two people in front of him with great interest.

They have shorter stature than normal human beings, deep chestnut skin, big ears and golden eyes.

If wesselis guessed right, this should be the legendary son of the forest mentioned in the book.

They used to be the masters of Westeros. However, thousands of years have passed, and the former masters of Westeros have almost perished.

At the moment, there was an obvious dispute between the two children of the forest. The girl with three colors and small flowers in her hair was criticizing and educating another white haired girl who had just launched an attack on wesselis.

She spoke very fast, muttering in a language that wesselis did not understand.

This language is different from higher valerian, westrotong, doslac and the ancient language of giants. Although wesselis has mastered four languages, he can't understand what the two children of the forest are saying at all.

The white haired girl was criticized by her sister. Then she pursed her mouth wrongly and bowed her head without saying a word.

Then, when the three color haired son of the forest girl finished speaking at one breath, she turned her head and looked at wesselis.

This is a pair of golden and green eyes, as long and narrow as a kitten's eyes.

"We speak the source language."

"This is the unique language of the son of the forest. We use it to praise the earth and distinguished guests."

The son of the forest girl suddenly changed her tone and spoke in fluent common language.

"My name is leaf."

Then Ye Zi stretched out a hand, which had a layer of light fluff, but only three fingers, of which the thumb was a dark sharp claw.

When wesselis heard that the other party spoke fluent lingua franca, he held out a hand, and then held out his hand to shake hands with the other party.

"When I was very young, I visited your human world and learned your language and etiquette."

Leaf opened his mouth and explained.

"I've seen this big guy before, but he's not very friendly."

Then he nuzzled at Belle rien not far away. Belle rien was full of high temperature and lay there, where a piece of snow had melted.

"Very small?"

When wesselis heard the words of leaves, he immediately had a bad hunch.

"How old are you now?"

"Two hundred years old."

A son of the forest who has lived for 200 years, but has the sweet voice of a human girl, coupled with the Dragon behind him, wesseliston felt that human beings were really small creatures in this world.

"Come with me, guest."

"He has been waiting for you for a long time."

Then the leaf opened his mouth and led wesselis into the cave under the heart tree.

Another white haired son of the forest also followed them, but he didn't say a word and didn't seem to speak human language.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!