Published at 24th of June 2024 06:34:48 AM

Chapter 52

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At noon the next day.

A ray of bright sunshine shines into the house from the window, leaving a square spot on the floor, and a layer of fine dust floats above.

The sound of the waves outside is surging and beating on the rocks. It seems that it will never stop. The fishermen's songs are far away, but they have become subtle and inaudible when they spread into the castle. White seagulls flock to the top of the castle and look into the distance.

Everything is over.

War, storm, rebellion.

Only in the crack of the stone slab of the castle can we detect the trace left by the fight before dawn today.

The surviving soldiers and servants in the castle are busy cleaning the residual blood and human tissue in these gaps.


The soldiers washed down with buckets of cold water, and the water continued to flow downstairs along the stairs.

Then the servants rushed up and rubbed hard with rags.

"This way!"

"Clean them all."

Sophia, the old maid who followed from the Red Castle and fled all the way to Longshi Island, became the leader of the servants and commanded them to clean the castle.

In this hot cleaning, wesselis finally woke up from his bed, raised one hand and rubbed his sleepy eyes. His long silver blond hair was in a mess and rolled to cover the boy's beautiful eyes.


The boy sat on the bed, then stretched his arms slightly, and then yawned again.

"So sleepy."

Wesselis wanted to go back to sleep again, but it was a pity that reneth didn't allow him to be so lazy.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom——

Wesselis was just about to lie down when he was awakened by the violent knocking on the door outside. The sleepers in his mind immediately fled without a trace and became very sober.


"Wesselis, it's time to get up. The sun is going to hit your ass."

Outside the door came the girl's crisp and sweet voice. Last night, she was arranged by wesselis to move to another place in advance. She didn't experience this fight.

In fact, the traitors' attention was on wesselis, the successor of the tangaryan family.

He is a boy, naturally a thorn in the eye and a thorn in the flesh of baratheon.

"Damn it..."

When wesselis heard the lively voice outside the door, he felt a slight headache.

Reneth is lively and lovely, with a jumping personality. Although she is young, she has a little omen of the devil. Without her mother's discipline, reneth is more and more lawless.

Wesselis won't take care of her, and no one in the whole dragon stone castle can take care of the little princess.

Then wesselis responded, and then sat on the bed and put on his cumbersome and gorgeous clothes step by step.

In fact, Queen Leila wanted to arrange a maid for wesselis to help him dress and bathe, but wesselis refused.

He only wants to live in his own house by himself, and then plug the door from the inside, so that wesselis can have a sense of security and sleep more safely and sweetly.

And wesselis is not used to others helping him dress. Even if he is only an eight year old boy, that part is just a very mini and lovely 'little thing'.

But he still has a strong sense of privacy and refuses to be seen by these old women.

So wesselis's daily life is done by him alone.

The boy stood in front of the silver-plated round mirror, and a black fog gradually spread. However, wesselis calmly ignored each other, still looked at the mirror, and then sorted out his collar.

This mysterious black fog has been accompanied by wesselis for more than half a year. Wesselis has become accustomed to fear, curiosity and exploration from the beginning, ignoring each other and calmly sorting out his collar.

However, the black fog was still rolling slowly, and the escaping black smoke dissipated in the air, revealing a mysterious and strange atmosphere. Others could not see the black fog in the vision of wesselis.

Then the boy's eyes left the silver mirror, turned and left the bedroom, and the black fog behind him kept rolling and slowly dissipated in place.

"Hey, why are you up so late today?"

As soon as wesselis came out, the little girl with brown hair pursed her lips and hugged his arm, complaining.

Because she was not in Longshi Castle last night, reneth didn't know what happened last night. Naturally, she couldn't know why wesselis got up so late.

Because at dawn, wesselis had just finished everything. He had time to go back to the bedroom, untie his leather armor, and then go to bed.

"Your Majesty."

"Lord Jeffrey is waiting for you in the hall."

A guard outside saw wesselis, bowed his head slightly, saluted and said.

Then he saw that wesselis's eyes shifted. The guard looked at reneth, and then added in a low voice.

"Yes... Last night's events have had some eyebrows."

Wesselis was a little stunned, and then he looked a little clear. He understood what the guard meant.

It should be the illegitimate son arrested last night. His mouth had been pried open. Sir Jeffrey thought he had got relatively important news from him, and then hurried to tell him.

"Go to the table hall."

Then wesselis woke up and handed reneth over to the guard.

He didn't want the girl to be exposed to these things too early. After all, the thing more than half a year ago was still the psychological shadow of reneth.

As an uncle, wesselis will naturally try to spread his wings and protect reneth's safety.

Then the king of the small kingdom hurried to the table hall.


Soon after.

Wesselis came here, met the old jazz who had been waiting for a long time, and then got a shocking news from each other's mouth.


Hearing the news, wesselis was slightly stunned, a little unbelievable.

"Sir, do you mean that this despicable bastard has given me and my mother a lot of hallucinogens?"

Last night.

Sir Jeffrey took David shad back to the camp like a dead dog, hung his life and interrogated him all night.

The other party seems to have given up the hope of survival and said what he knows.

The acting mayor of Longshi island once bought the cook and put a lot of hallucinogens in the meals of Queen Leila and wesselis.

The illegitimate son wanted to kill their mother and son quietly and without anyone's attention in this way.

After all, with the "crazy king" as a warning, it is natural to say that there are crazy genes in the blood of the tangaryan family.

Queen Leila's later state was clearly that hallucinogens had worked.

As for wesselis, even the traitor didn't understand why.

He even increased the dose of hallucinogens to a large amount, but wesselis still did not produce any abnormality.

"How could this happen..."

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