Published at 24th of June 2024 06:19:10 AM

Chapter 520

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Wesselis drove his horse away from the barracks and disappeared into the rain. Naturally, someone handled the next military affairs for him.

Mister toyne, the regiment leader of the golden regiment, became the acting commander, and bellerian did not go out with wesselis. He quietly chose a flat place to lie down, sleep in peace and wait for the battle tomorrow.


It was still pouring rain overhead. After leaving the barracks on his horse, wesselis did not go too far. He came to the upper reaches of the Wende River, deep in the dense forest.

Step on

When the horse's hooves stepped on the muddy land under his feet, wesselis's snow-white and beautiful war horse became dirty. The silver haired Knight didn't care, but continued to walk towards the depths of the imperial forest.

"Here we are."

Then he finally stopped at a place. Wesselis held the saddle ring in his hand, then turned down from the horse and stepped on the muddy land.

"It should be here."

Wesselis's lavender eyes looked around the environment, and then determined the direction.

According to the memory absorbed from the three eyed crow, his sword dark sister was finally lost here.

A few decades ago, brinden heven was imprisoned by AEGON V and finally exiled to the great wall of despair. At that time, he carried the valerian steel sword handed down by the tangaryan family to the north.

Then the trace of the sword disappeared with the disappearance of brinden heven, which became a mystery.

But according to the memory of the three eyed crow, after he became the green prophet, he once entrusted someone to send the dark sisters back to the south.

But I don't know why he didn't choose to send the sword to King's landing, but buried it in the inaccessible imperial forest.

Wesselis only absorbed part of the memory of the three eyed crow, which is incomplete. Some of them were destroyed and incomplete in the process of absorption.

Wesselis only knew what he had done, but he didn't know what he was thinking when he did these things.

The royal forest is full of trees. It has always been the exclusive garden of the king's family. Hunting ceremonies are held here every year, and the hiding place of the dark sisters is in a cave near the source of the Wende river.

Wesselis came here by riding a war horse and pursuing the memory of the three eyed crow. Then he got off his horse and went into the cave.

Although it was raining cats and dogs outside, there was not much rain in the cave.

Wesselis picked up some fairly dry wood branches from the ground, then used flint to crack sparks, lit the leaves and raised the torch.

The light of the torch dissipated the darkness and illuminated everything in the cave. It looks no different from an ordinary cave, with messy branches and wild grass growing wantonly.

"Hiss ~"

A patterned poisonous snake hidden in the grass suddenly stuck out its head and seemed to want to bite him by surprise.

But the silver haired youth easily pinched his head, so that its venom could not be ejected.


Without any scream, wesselis directly crushed the head of the poisonous snake and threw its body aside.

"Why did brinden heven choose to put the dark sisters here?"

"Does the imperial forest have anything to do with the old God?"

There are many kinds of trees in the imperial forest, and there are also a lot of fish beam trees. However, if he puts this sword here for this reason, it doesn't make sense.

"There should be other reasons."

The eyes of the silver haired youth reflected the light of the torch. He frowned slightly and thought about the reason why the three eyed crow did so.


Then with his footsteps, he continued to move forward, made a sound, and walked into the depths of the cave.

The cave was very deep. Wesselis walked in for about ten minutes. He held a torch high in his hand. During this period, he was also attacked by some upside down bats.

However, when he was about to reach the end of the cave, he finally found something different.

"This is..."


Wesselis crushed a weathered head under his feet, then stopped slightly and looked at the place illuminated by the fire not far away.

There seems to be a small earth bag, and above the small earth bag is a bright long sword.

It is inserted upside down on the small earth bag. Although it has been covered with a lot of dust for decades, it still reflects light slightly under the torch.

"This sword is the dark sister."

Wesselis knew clearly, and his eyes showed joy, but there was not much surprise. After all, he could send out a valerian steel sword, and the sword was only taken back to complete a mission.

With the help of the power of the old God, in fact, he has guessed a little about the whereabouts of the black fire, but now the sword is on the AESOP continent, and he doesn't have time to get it.

However, what really stopped him was not the dark sisters, but the "small earth bag" inserted upside down under the legendary valerian steel sword.

The light of the torch was not too bright, which barely dissipated the darkness in the depths of the cave, but if you look carefully, you can see that this "small earth bag" is actually composed of heads the size of eggs.

This pile of heads piled up into a mountain, and at the bottom of this mountain, this egg sized head has even turned into loess. It seems that I don't know how many years have passed, at least much longer than the time when the dark sisters inserted here.

"What's the head of this thing? How can it be so many?"

Wesselis looked at the head piled up in the mountains, and even felt a creepy feeling when he was alone in the gloomy cave.

Put yourself in a position. Anyone who comes to the cave in the middle of the night and sees such a pile of heads will be numb.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound behind wesselis.

Flapping edge——

The young man with silver hair turned around with a torch. Then he saw that it was actually a group of crows. They seemed to fly in to avoid the heavy rain outside the cave.

However, the crows uttered a shrill cry, ignored the nearby wesselis, and then jumped on the dark sisters like crazy, one by one hitting the sharp blade with their heads.

Poop poop poop——

This is a very bloody picture. The crows madly hit the varelian steel sword, and then the head cut off by the blade.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom——

The headless body flew out a few meters by instinct, hit the stone wall at the end of the cave not far away, and then fell to the pool below the stone wall.

The crow's head is gurgling and falling, and remains in the Beijing Temple with its head piled up forever.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!