Published at 24th of June 2024 06:19:05 AM

Chapter 523

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In the early morning, the sky was still gray, and the light rain was still falling on the battlefield where the two armies fought against each other.


Suddenly, the horn sounded melodious in the tangorian army, and soon rang through the whole world.

As the commander of the whole army, MIS toin was very confident in his soldiers, so he directly ordered the whole army to attack.

Under his command, the endless tangaryan army finally began to move. The just arranged formation was like a motionless stone, resolute and solemn. Now, with the command of the commander, the whole army suddenly turned into flowing water, like the tide of the rising tide of the sea, and rushed to the storm army located at the south slope of Tongmen city.

"The Lancer is on the outside!"

"Shield wall ready!"

In the stormy army, Stannis also rode high, surrounded by guards, overlooking the whole battlefield.

He saw that the tangorian army took the initiative to launch an attack. His blue eyes were calm, his face remained unchanged, his back was very straight, and calmly conveyed the order.

"Go and get the catapult ready."

"Tell the giant crossbow position to cheer up and pay attention to the dragon of weseries."

"Yes, my Lord!"

When the herald heard Stannis's order, he immediately pulled the reins, turned the horse's head, clamped the horse's stomach with his legs, and ran to the position of the catapult in the distance.

The stormland army gathered all the resources to create many war weapons, most of which are giant crossbows that can pose a threat to the dragon.

The other part is the catapult, which can not only pose a great threat to the city wall, but also a great deterrent to soldiers.

The lethality is second, mainly due to the overwhelming boulders falling down, and this deterrent is even more unparalleled.

"Catapult, ready!"

"Catapult, ready!"

And the officers of the storm army shouted at Lord Stannis's order.

Bang Bang

Boulders were pushed onto the launching pad of the catapult by soldiers, tied with ropes, and then poured with fire oil. Then a soldier lit the boulder drenched with fire oil with a torch.


The soldiers at the bottom stirred the rope of the catapult, the winch made a sound, the huge catapult worked, and the burning boulder was suddenly projected out.


The overwhelming boulders drew pictures like meteorites falling in the sky, dragging billowing black smoke behind them, and then crashed down.

The tangorian army sent out a shrill scream, and several flesh and blood channels were plowed out by the catapult. The formation was a little scattered in an instant.


However, more soldiers wearing gold armor did not retreat and rushed up in this gap.

"Archer, get ready!"


"Archer! Attention!"

The storm army is noisy and chaotic, and their command system is still in the primitive stage of inefficiency.

The Knights ran and roared loudly, looking for the soldiers of their family. Then the rows of soldiers with bows and arrows on their backs in the rear stood up and took off the bows and arrows behind them.

"Take an arrow!"

All the archers drew their arrows from the quiver and put them on the bow string.


Then he pulled the bow string carrying the arrow, half raised his arm and pointed obliquely to the sky ahead.

"Let go!"

Then, with an order, the dark arrow rain flew out, flew into mid air, and then fell down with the pattering raindrops.

Poop poop poop——

The arrows rained down on the attacking tangaryan army. I don't know how many soldiers fell, and others were inserted into the soil.

"Raise your shield!"

"Raise your shield!"

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom——

Tangaryan soldiers in gold armor held their shields high above their heads, and the subsequent arrow rain fell, making a sound of banging, shaking their arms slightly numb.

However, the soldiers wiped the rain off their faces, held up their shields and continued to march towards the army in the storm.

Relying solely on catapults and bows and arrows cannot stop the tangaryan army from advancing.


"It's your turn, bellerian."

Wesselis rode his horse on the hill, held the reins with one hand, calmly looked at the whole battlefield, then turned his head slightly and opened his voice calmly.

"Ho -"

A huge and ferocious dragon head appeared beside him at some time. A pair of scarlet eyes and a deep hissing sound appeared in his mouth. It seemed that he was responding to his partner.


Then bellerian took two more steps forward, the earth trembled slightly, and the horse under wesselis's crotch nervously measured its hooves.

If it had not been for the war horse used by wesselis, it had seen the Dragon many times. At such a close distance, it would have been scared to lie down.

"They have a lot of giant crossbows. Be more careful."

Wesselis then reminded that the breeze on the top of the mountain stirred his hair.

"Roar -"

Bellerian roared again in response to wesselis's request, which seemed to vent his frustration during this period. Then the Dragon ran forward a few steps, suddenly flapped its wings and flew directly to the sky.

In the distance, the tangaryan army and the stormland army have begun to fight each other.


The two sides broke out deafening cries of killing, people next to people, people crowded people, raised their swords and cut into each other's head, followed by the sound of dense swords stabbing into flesh and blood, and the sound of armor friction.

Poop poop poop——

Screams came and went.

"Kill them all! Take back our home!"

The commander of the golden regiment, MIS toyne, riding a tall horse, wearing glittering armor and a white beard, looked at the war situation in front of him and shouted angrily to inspire the soldiers' fighting spirit.

"Go home!"

"Go home!"

"Go home!"

The roar of mountain and tsunami suddenly broke out in the golden regiment. With each roar, the morale of the whole army suddenly rose by one point.


Then these morale turned into the pressure of the military front in the storm, and even began to show some signs of retreat.

Most of the soldiers and officers in the golden regiment are Westeros who were forced to exile in ESSOS because of their participation in the black fire rebellion. They were displaced from their homes because of the original rebellion and could not return to their homes for generations.

However, they were lucky to meet the Ming Lord. Wesselis issued an edict to forgive the golden regiment's guilt, allowed them to go home, and won the loyalty of all the golden regiment soldiers.

"Hold on!"

"Everybody hold on!"

"Don't go back!"

"Think of your family!"

"What will happen to them if they are defeated!"

Seeing that the front was gradually retreating, the stormy army was beaten and retreated, and the nobles in the rear finally couldn't sit still.

Stannis personally stepped forward to supervise the war and led the supervision team to kill many deserters in a row. Only then did he stabilize the situation and regain his foothold. After all, the number of troops in the storm still occupied an advantage.

However, when Stannis was just taking a breath, he suddenly felt the ground trembling under his feet, and a rumbling sound came from the distance.

Stannis looked up, and then he saw a huge thing in gold armor. On it were soldiers, surrounded by countless cavalry, who were taking heavy steps towards the two flanks of the army.

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